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> Essential skills
> ...
> Rust development (2yrs+)
2 hours later…
Rust is launching satellites. :)
And it appears that ain't the only company doing it. There's this peculiar occasion involving Taylor Swift.
(although this one wasn't necessary written in Rust, now that I had a second look)
(still funny, I guess)
SwaggerUIConfig {
    url: "/openapi.json",
How does this work?
Can't find anything on this in The Book nor the reference
It seems that Default::default is actually eqivalent to SwaggerUIConfig::default in this context
That's cool! From following him for a short while I did get the impression that he liked Taylor Swift. :-)

Regarding the Rocketlab position, I'm somewhat surprised to see Rust being used, in a positive way that is. I thought there were very strict requirements and standardization processes for programming languages in such domains?
@EnnMichael Type inference
That's awesome
default() -> T and T is inferred to be SwaggerUIConfig
So that means this works too right? let x: SwaggerUIConfig = Default::default();
I mean... it's shorter to just write let x = SwaggerUIConfig::default();, but yes
@PeterHall Definitely
Thank you
Didn't know that inference worked this way in these contexts
1 hour later…
@EnnMichael Default::default is the "original" syntax; the option to write SwaggerUIConfig::default was introduced in 1.0.0-alpha.2
> The fully qualified ::X syntax lets you set the Self type for a trait method or associated type. RFC.
5 hours later…
@DenysSéguret You asked me some time ago to ping you with my Rust project, so here you go: github.com/copy/v86/tree/master/src/rust. It's partially converted from c2rust and my first Rust project, so not exactly idiomatic, beautiful Rust

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