> A first automated pass found 120,000 pieces of text tagged as code snippets. Through dedupe processes and manual examination, they boiled the set down to 2,560 unique snippets of code
Here's a comparison I did showing the tail call in read_all is not eliminated by the current stable compiler. (Note that if done at all, it's done by LLVM, not rustc itself.) — trentclDec 9 at 23:54
@trentcl likewise, I think the information in these comments is useful. Feel free to add them to my answer or a companion answer, as you see fit.
So I just started reading the Rust Book, and I must say that of all the language introductions I've read, the "hey I've never seen this in any othe language" ratio is pretty high with Rust.
wow. So, reading the section about ownership, I think I've just now, for the first time, made the connection between stack trace and the actual stack memory...