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if you ever wondered how internet works 9gag.com/gag/aj51Wo1
4 hours later…
@Stargateur May your packets be ever blessed, and approved by Bill Gates.
1 hour later…
@Shepmaster Looks like the certificate of the playground is expired
Or maybe it's in my side. Can someone confirm?
It looks OK to me
@DenysSéguret Nope, this one play.integer32.com
ok, so I confirm this one is expired
Why using this one btw ?
I dunno, why not?
What's the difference with the other one ?
No difference, that's just a different hosting
@FrenchBoiethios ahhhhhhhhhhh
@DenysSéguret it's the server of shep
but isn't he also the author of the other one ?
he is the maintainers of the code yes but not the admin sys of official playground
IIUC, he've written the playground, which is served both by himself and the project's servers
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
I was waiting for that. With this weird syntax, people assume that it's some kind of member stackoverflow.com/questions/59322228/…
I have still no strong opinion about that
but agree this look strange
I neither, that's actually easier to use than await expr, but it's till confusing for the newcomers
in fact I would prefer something like .await()
like a method from a trait
and that is in fact
That would be even more confusing I think
I don't see why a lot of feature are implement as trait
like try
To allow the user to customize the behavior? With a trait, anyone can create a type that can be ?ed
@FrenchBoiethios yes that the purpose
every can create a struct that impl future...
I don't understand your poitn
@FrenchBoiethios @Stargateur thanks.
I actually manage both servers
And they both are supposed to have let's encrypt automated
@Shepmaster so blame let's encrypt :p
Not this case, it appears...
"/home/ubuntu/.acme.sh"/acme.sh --cron --home "/home/ubuntu/.acme.sh" > /dev/null
That's whats in the crontab
I dunno how I did that
well, actually that should be fine
I think there is an error here "/home/ubuntu/.acme.sh"/acme.sh :p
I'm not at all a admin sys
so you tell me
but ubuntu is evil
That's what threw me at first, but that's actually fine
The quoting is strange but allowed
@Stargateur Really? That's not my favorite OS, but evil?
Alright, I updated the tool that updates the letsencrypt certs and it works now
@FrenchBoiethios @Stargateur you might have to force-reload / clear your cache, but it should be encrypted again. Thanks for the notice!
work without clear cache
my code is back to safe place :p
guess this answer cover almost everything in async xd
Hmm, looks like How to perform efficient vector initialization in Rust? should be a duplicate, but I'm not sure the answer is sufficient. That aside, I think your metrics are suspect. vec![0, 1024*1024] is a 2-element vector; vec![[0, 0, 0, 0], 1024*1024] is a type error. (You presumably meant ; instead of ,) When fixed, both should allocate the whole chunk at once. How did you conclude that the first one is growing linearly? — trentcl 13 hours ago
@trentcl do you think that that similar Q should have another answer? Or should be change one/both of the questions titles to make them more specific?
I earned 27 new badges yesterday. wew.
@Shepmaster my answer doesn't satisfy the constraints in the older Q, so editing the titles is probably better. I made an edit to the new one
(There should perhaps be an answer on the old one that explains when and how to use with_capacity + extend, but I'm at work now)
@trentcl I love that you also put the useful unsafe comments :-)
@Shepmaster I think it's a great idea. Did you read the article recently about vulnerabilities that were copied verbatim from SO?
@trentcl I saw the headline but never clicked through
I mean, it's not really surprising, I guess. But it was interesting
> A first automated pass found 120,000 pieces of text tagged as code snippets. Through dedupe processes and manual examination, they boiled the set down to 2,560 unique snippets of code
By itself, that's sad
@trentcl do you know about gkoberger.github.io/stacksort ?
but in the end nothing can prevent keyboard-chair interface vulnerability
@Stargateur Hah! That's great.
@Shepmaster wow, hardly surprising tho
@edwardw That C or C++ code on SO has such a high duplication factor? Only 1 out of every ~50 snippets is unique?
That blows my mind.
I guess it all depends on what normalization process they used
Or perhaps there can only be so many truly unique questions?
then they lead to similar answers, but still ... that ratio is mind-boggling
they don't explain how they end up with this result so the result is pointless
1 hour later…
Here's a comparison I did showing the tail call in read_all is not eliminated by the current stable compiler. (Note that if done at all, it's done by LLVM, not rustc itself.) — trentcl Dec 9 at 23:54
@trentcl likewise, I think the information in these comments is useful. Feel free to add them to my answer or a companion answer, as you see fit.
rust don't like input output function for tail opti
I already run into this problem
and This make me sad
1 hour later…
Mornings! o/
So I just started reading the Rust Book, and I must say that of all the language introductions I've read, the "hey I've never seen this in any othe language" ratio is pretty high with Rust.
hey @AaronHall :)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what's up?
trying out Rust, see what happens :)
what's up you?
They should put the "Rust Book" link in the description.
It's official, right?
looks official-ish to me
wow. So, reading the section about ownership, I think I've just now, for the first time, made the connection between stack trace and the actual stack memory...
2 hours later…
I already voted on it so I can't vote again
hmmm... yeah that's not so Stack-Overflow-vision-enligned of them to ask that same thing right after..
... and I could very well do without the automatic comment when voting duplicates...

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