The highlight of this release is the implementation of the FnOnce, FnMut, and Fn closure traits for Box, Box, and Box respectively. Additionally, closures may now be coerced to unsafe function pointers. The dbg! macro introduced in Rust 1.32.0 can now also be called without arguments. Moreover, there were a number of standard library stabilizations. Read on for a few highlights, or see the deta…
posted on May 24, 2019 by Jeremy, Ruben, Jan, Mathias
We’re proud to announce mockiato! For the last few months, we tackled the issue of creating a usable mocking library. Our primary goals were: Ease of use: The mocks are written in idiomatic Rust and don’t rely on custom macro syntax. Maintainability: The entire code base strives to follow the rules of Clean Code and Clean Architecture as specified by Robert C. Martin. Strict expectation enforc…
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Transcript for
May '1925
borrow-checker const-generics cursed-unsafe-blocks fearless-concurrency generic-associated-types inherited-mutability rust