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10:07 AM
> Note: The old invocation prefix cargo: (one colon only) is deprecated and won’t get any new features. To migrate, use two-colons prefix cargo::, which was added in Rust 1.77. If you were using cargo:KEY=VALUE for arbitrary links manifest key-value pairs, it is encouraged to switch to cargo::metadata=KEY=VALUE. Stick to cargo: only if the support of Rust version older than 1.77 is required.
the :: apocalypse is comming
6 hours later…
3:48 PM
@Stargateur apocalypse due to using cargo:: in new crates? or due to lingering cargo: in old crates? I don't see much cause for concern
@kmdreko the lint with broke all ci
and the lint exist for <1.77
so any crate that will use this will trigger the lint in projet where msrv < 1.77
oh hah, nice
but 1.77 was months ago and my hair isn't on fire yet 🤔
4:05 PM
well today for me was first one
many project lock to 1.75
and many people do the 6 months old thing

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