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8:15 AM
@Stargateur You could play Mindustry instead. Then you just keep playing in your head the idea that you need more silicon.
I tried Mindustry, amazing too
but very different and way less user friendly
I need to try harder
Are you ready for Factory 2.0 (October)?
I not ready, I can't wait
not even for new content but for quality of life feature xd
the extension could cost 300€ I would buy it instantly haha
BTW I get a cat
user image
@Stargateur This is the quality content I expect.
6 hours later…
2:41 PM
I too can't wait for Factorio 2.0. Its been a while since I played and am suppressing the urge until that is released
2 hours later…
4:54 PM
I try a megabase haha

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