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10:42 AM
@Denys Séguret Do you use rustfmt or format your code manually
11:25 AM
My hate of rustfmt is getting stronger
using a formater that still think rust is in 2015 SUX
11:43 AM
My biggest gripe with rustfmt is that it only parses code that is complete and syntactically well-formed.

So I copy/paste a giant amorph blob as I'm refactoring, I want it reformatted so I can work on it, and rustfmt refuses because there's a missing comma 300 lines down from there.
And it's worse with cargo fmt: I want my code formatted, and it tells me there's a version conflict between two dependencies :'(
the SAME the number of time I want to run it to help me to actually spot WHERE THE FUCK THERE IS A MISSING ) OR } and rustfmt just tell me "HEY YOU ARE A WEAK HUMAN"
Oh yes, definitely a weakness of Rust: I'm at the bottom of your 1000 lines impl block, and somewhere in there a closing } is missing. Gee, thanks...
3 hours later…
3:12 PM
I don't like the "one true format" aspect, I wish it only formatted stuff that was "wrong"
3:25 PM
I actually quite like the "one true format" aspect. I've worked in companies where the format is different from one codebase to the next, and it's always a bit jarring when you switch. There are some choices I disagree with, but I can live with them for the sake of uniformity.
The only 2 things I change are (1) maximum line width to 120 characters and (2) tell it to actually use the max width. Both for the same reason, my screen is larger than it's tall (which is more ergonomic), and I want to maximize the amount of code on it, rather than endlessly scroll.
3:39 PM
I only hate it when I think some code reads much better one way, but then rustfmt says "no no no, all those parameters need to be on separate lines, and thus add another level of indentation and make it span 5 more lines than it did originally, that's what you need"
@MatthieuM. rust-lang.github.io/rustfmt/… one of the rare thing that is stable
I like "one true format"
but give me options
then I can use these options in all repo I work with and I'm happy
@kmdreko denys HATE this
1 hour later…
5:07 PM
@Stargateur Yes, max_width = 120 for me ;)
2 hours later…
7:10 PM
posted on August 09, 2024 by Michael Goulet

The async working group is excited to announce that RFC 3668 "Async Closures" was recently approved by the Lang team. In this post, we want to briefly motivate why async closures exist, explain their current shortcomings, and most importantly, announce a call for testing them on nightly Rust. The backstory Async closures were originally proposed in RFC 2394 which introduced async/aw

instead of where F: FnOnce() -> Fut, Fut: Future<Output = String>, write where F: async FnOnce() -> String 👀
still kinda feels like we need impl Trait in more places, this is special just for async stuff, then where F: FnOnce() -> impl Future solves even more problems, but oh well
4 hours later…
11:16 PM
don't like async
is your function green or red
github sys admin having a great time githubstatus.com
11:34 PM
it's always the database
clearly a problem with a core common thing haha
"We are experiencing interruptions in multiple public GitHub services. We suspect the impact is due to a database infrastructure related change that we are working on rolling back."

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