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1:31 AM
meanwhile at work I'm stuck with an IDE (RAD Studio) that can't even have a working Go To Definition for more than 5 minutes
5 hours later…
6:08 AM
@FrancisGagné what you can't choice your IDE at work ?
3 hours later…
8:57 AM
Hello, I've added an answer I'm not 100% sure about (just like 90% sure :D): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32381414/converting-a-hexadecimal-string-to-a-decimal-integer/78585370#78585370. I've added a sort of disclaimer at the end, but not sure what the policy is in this situation.

Also my answer is based on the accepted one, so if it's considered an improvement (which it might not be), maybe it'd be better to delete it and just edit the accepted answer.
Your answer is... wrong. It's not so much that `str_from_radix` fails on negative integers: it's just that the particular hexadecimal value you're attempting to parse is too large for the integer you're trying to fit it in.

It seems that you have a slightly different situation: ie, you have hex string representation of an integer _bytes_ that you are trying to reconstitute an integer from. That's a fine problem, but it's quite different from the original question so I find your answer confusing, more than enlightening. I think it's better to delete it and NOT edit the existing answer, the
Ah ok, thank you, I'll delete!
Oh, and thanks for asking for a review :)
np, as you said, better not to add confusion :) Plus asking helps me in the process.
9:37 AM
On a separate subject, random thought of the day, folks: the code of conduct does not shield you from receiving criticism. There. That's the thought. :) Carry on.
6 hours later…
3:48 PM
@E_net4 that thought didn't sound very random but I've been around enough that I don't need clarification
Yeah, there's a risk of preaching to the choir here.
8 hours later…
11:34 PM
@Stargateur Well for coding a desktop application in Delphi, the only option is RAD Studio. Delphi is a proprietary language so there's only one compiler (that can't even handle incremental builds properly, hence the broken IDE experience) and you want RAD Studio's Form Designer to edit forms (windows).
The version of RAD Studio we use now comes with a language server (using LSP) so I could also code in VSCode, but it's the same language server that the IDE uses, so it eventually breaks there as well.

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