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2:18 PM
posted on June 13, 2024 by The Rust Release Team

The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.79.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.79.0 with: $ rustup update stable If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release

1 hour later…
3:26 PM
3:46 PM
"Bounds in associated type position" - I had no idea this was coming, but I'm so glad its here
inline const is pretty sweet too
5 hours later…
8:50 PM
@kmdreko any more takers on the close votes? 👉👈

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