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10:08 AM
@E_net4theidiotdownvoter this happen to a crate I maintain, the main maintener decided to silence the warning cause anyway our MSVR doesn't allow it
@Stargateur That's another thing: does Clippy even check the minimum Rust compiler version in Cargo.toml?
10:25 AM
@E_net4theidiotdownvoter Seems like an easy improvement if it doesn't.
11:06 AM
I'm running into an issue with rustls, I specifically picked the `rustls-webpki-roots` for `reqwest`, `tokio` and `tokio-tungstenite` to have a portable set of certificates embedded in the binary.

Yet I have inconsistent results -- I can connect from my machine, but fails to from another server (with `IO error: invalid peer certificate contents: invalid peer certificate: CertNotValidForName`).

Did anyone encountered that? I'm suspecting another set of certificate is used, then...
11:21 AM
oh yes I encounter that so many time I almost hate tls rust impl
thus I think webpki was working the best
12:23 PM
Broot users, you should upgrade to the 1.20 version I just released
1 hour later…
1:50 PM
I am broot
1 hour later…
2:59 PM
I'm really sorry, more than 2 years that I want to make this, I finally take the time
3:35 PM
I am ecstatic
(btw it's GATs, not GaTs)
when I first see this sketch it was so funny to see how you look like the actor :p
I dunno man, that gentleman has a better beard.

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