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12:09 AM
@E_net4 I have tried to modify your code for working with user input. Modifed variant
I don't know how to return to "for" chunk. After invalid input.
12:31 AM
Code of Stargateur works nice with user input and loop. This - no. Don't know, how to fix.
2 hours later…
2:10 AM
@manro In my case, I was already familiar with C and C++ (where I learned about memory management and lifetimes) as well as Haskell (where I learned functional programming idioms), so when I found out about Rust, learning it wasn't too difficult. Just learning of Rust's existence (way back when 0.6 came out, IIRC) was a turning point in itself! :P
13 hours later…
2:43 PM
@FrancisGagné You are an oldtimer. From Dark Ages to modern age :-)
@E_net4 I still couldn't modify your code for working with user input. When you will be at leisure, take a look, please ;-)
Guys, a catch question: Can we restart the execution of program "in secrecy" from user? (f.e.: after any event)
3:06 PM
@manro This is less catch and more unspecified. You'll have to specify what "restart" and "in secrecy" mean, notably. Restarting a process is always possibly noticeable by a user -- if only because the PID changes, and it's possible to query how long a process has been running -- though few users may notice in practice. And "restarting" can always be done with a "soft" restart -- just wipe out the state and start again -- but does that count as "restart" in your mind?
3:54 PM
I'm not a native engish speaker. I can say quietly instead of secretly :-) Without notice, I have meant, yes.

F.e.: An user made an initial customization of any app, some parameters don't correspond to one another. I want to quetly restart an app with recommended params.
I know that situation isn't right, only example
Yep, "soft" restart. Maybe what I need.
1 hour later…
5:19 PM
@manro You will need an outer loop around that other loop.
4 hours later…
9:11 PM
@E_net4 Still don't work, I have tried :-) I think, that I have a mess with break and continue

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