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3:16 PM
Evaluating script: "I'm here!".replaceAll("\S([a-z])", "$1$1$1")
I'll add some kind of error message for exceptions later
They explain it here but it's a bit confusing: javacodegeeks.com/2012/06/…
I am thinking if it would be alright if I just did a null check first
!!eval:return x
!!eval:function give(par){return par;} give(1)
I'm going to set up a hastebin so that when we deploy the bot, whenever he crashes I'd get an email to visit his crashlog.
Sounds like a plan?
Him still alive?
@KalaJ It's hard to find out what you're doing wrong with the vague problem description.
3:24 PM
@Unihedron it's groovy.
@Justin Yeah.
!!:eval give(par){return par} give(1)
!!eval:give(par){return par} give(1)
you broke him :(
Hello @JavaBot
Reboot pls :)
3:25 PM
!!eval:"I'm here!"
I'm here!
!!eval:give(par){return par} give(1)
If you check out that link, I'm pretty much doing exactly that lol
3:26 PM
I think you need a return type
!!eval:<T>T give(T par){return par} give(1)
I fixed it based on that link but I'm still confused how it prevents a null pointer. So I want to understand this link: javacodegeeks.com/2012/06/…
!!eval: int give(par){return par} give(1)
First example on that link
!!eval:give(par){return par} give(Integer.valueOf(1))
3:27 PM
!!eval:<T>T give(T par){return par} give(Integer.valueOf(1))
!!eval:<T>T give(T par){return par;} give(Integer.valueOf(1))
3:27 PM
I think it has something to do with the way I'm evaluating scripts
I'm using the groovy console
It's also inside a base class
!!eval: run(){"Test"}; run()
Maybe we could check if the script requires a method scope, type scope or file scope before running the script.
!!eval: String run(){"Test"}; run()
!!eval def run(){"Test"};run();
3:31 PM
!!eval:"a".replaceFirst("a", "bc")
!!eval: def run(){"Test"};run()
!!eval: x = "Test"
!!eval: println x
3:32 PM
pulling 27 commits..
There we go
!!eval: System.out.println(x);
!!eval:def doSomething() { return "Test" };
3:34 PM
If we want to run Java we have to use JavaCompiler?
No 0_o
How does this work?
You can write groovy scripts in java.
!!eval:def doSomething() { return "Test" }; doSomething();
Works like that ^
Apparently groovy methods still need a return statement.
3:35 PM
That's... Like a mix of JavaScript and Python :P
!!eval:doSomething() { return "Stuff" }; doSomething();
must def!
!!eval:def doSomething() { return "Stuff" }; doSomething();
!!eval: cookies = true;
!!eval:if(cookies) return "Yum"
3:37 PM
So, you have that. You can define global variables.
!!eval: def notLikeThis = true;
!!eval:def check() { return "Justin is a " + ((int)(Math.random() * 6) == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person" };
!!eval if(!notLikeThis) return "Absolutely not";
Need to add error messages
!!eval:def check() { return "Justin is a " + ((int)(Math.random() * 6) == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person" }
3:39 PM
As it is, you can't define global functions like that
unless you umm.. use a lambda
!!eval:def check() { return "Justin is a " + ((int)(Math.random() * 6) == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person" }; check()
!!eval:def check() { return "Justin is a " + ((int)(Math.random() * 6) == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person" }; check();
!eval: x = { return "Bro I'm a lambda" };
Pfft. Lol
!!eval "Justin is a " + ((int)(Math.random() * 6) == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person"
!!eval:"Justin is a " + ((int)(Math.random() * 6) == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person"
!!eval:return { "Justin is a " + Math.random() * 6 == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person" }
Strange stuff.
Don't tell me java.lang doesn't work in groovy.
3:44 PM
!!eval: import java.lang.*
!!eval: "Hello" + ' ' + "World!"
!!eval: return { "Hello" + ' ' + "World!" }
!!eval: x { "Test" }
!!eval:def check() { return "Justin is a " + ((int)(Math.random() * 6) == 0 ? "terrible" : "nice") + "person" } return check();
He's still just a baby. He'll learn.
3:51 PM
aww, he's dead
You can't shut me down!
4:03 PM
He missed a message there
!!eval:new Thread()
4:09 PM
Yea, don't do that.
... Maybe we should prevent threads from being created.
4:37 PM
!!eval:"hello world"
4:44 PM
hello world
!!eval:"Hello" + " " + "World"
Hello World
!!eval: def x = "Hello World!".split(" "); return(x[1] + x[0])
4:51 PM
Cool, we have a bot that runs a groovy script. Well done guys :)
!!eval:Collections.shuffle("Hello World!".split(""))
No signature of method: static java.util.Collections.shuffle() is applicable for argument types: ([Ljava.lang.String;) values: [[H, e, l, l, o, , W, o, r, l, d, !]]
Possible solutions: shuffle(java.util.List), shuffle(java.util.List, java.util.Random)
Well then.
Thank you very much.
4:53 PM
Implement more features! :D
!!eval:Collections.shuffle(("Hello World!".split("")))
No signature of method: static java.util.Collections.shuffle() is applicable for argument types: ([Ljava.lang.String;) values: [[H, e, l, l, o, , W, o, r, l, d, !]]
Possible solutions: shuffle(java.util.List), shuffle(java.util.List, java.util.Random)
Oh, I thought that might work.
Use Arrays.asList()
!!eval:Collections.shuffle(Arrays.asList("Hello World!".split("")))
Should sooo not be needed on groovy.
4:54 PM
@Justin Meh, we should switch to JavaCompiler.
Why 0_o
!!eval:return Collections.shuffle("Hello World!".split("").toList())
Why would you want to switch?
Groovy is too mainstream.
Nah, just joking. :P
There are some things that need sorted out but I don't see anything actually wrong with Groovy. Plus it makes most things a lot easier.
!!eval:Collections.shuffle("Hello World!".split("").toList())
5:01 PM
Nope. GG
Just need more feedback for what's wrong. It's probably some silly compiling error.
!!eval:"Hello World!".toList())
startup failed:
EvalCommand: 1: expecting EOF, found ')' @ line 1, column 24.
"Hello World!".toList())

1 error
That's better.
startup failed:
EvalCommand: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 2.

1 error
5:04 PM
!!eval:"Hello World!".toList()
[H, e, l, l, o, , W, o, r, l, d, !]
!!eval:Collections.shuffle("Hello World!".toList())
!!eval:Collections.shuffle("Hello World!".toList)
5:04 PM
No such property: toList for class: java.lang.String
!!eval:Collections.shuffle("Hello World!")
No signature of method: static java.util.Collections.shuffle() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [Hello World!]
Possible solutions: shuffle(java.util.List), shuffle(java.util.List, java.util.Random)
maybe we should go back to the sandbox lol
Trash some stuff ^^
Let's rollback two hours then?
Lol that's probably about right.
5:07 PM
192 messages moved from Java
2 messages moved from Java
5 messages moved from Java

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