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A: Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view

RaghunandanSince op asked for the solution using custom adapter i have posted the below.(from the comments) public class Display extends Activity implements OnItemClickListener{ List<String> name1 = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> phno1 = new ArrayList<String>(); MyAdapter ...

sure give me a moment.
@user2511882 i updated my post let me know if you need further assistance
change it to Display.this. a copy paste error. that's Activity context. Your ActivityName.this is the Acctivity context.
@Darkie ask a different question. Why do you ask a question in comment section.
This code shows some of my contacts with repetitive values :(
@kgandroid no it does not. Secondly you should be using a CursorAdapter. This method is not efficient
Cant understand what mistake I ma doing :( :(
The name and numbers are printed in my log but not in the sorted order.But when I bind them in list all goes wrong.It shows only 3-4 repetative contacts
@kgandroid how can i without seeing the code.
07:42 here it is.Please have a look
@kgandroid your adapter code is where the problem is. Fix it.
Can you please tell me the mistake i am doing??
Your getView is not right
You shoudl read about listview recycling mechanism
yes there was a mistake in getview and i solved it.Thanks for your time.
But the contacts are not coming in sorted alphabetical order
any thought on that??
You can use a Comparotor for your adapter
getview must be
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
ViewHolder holder;

convertView= mInflater.inflate(R.layout.addtocirclelistrow,null);
holder = new ViewHolder();

holder = (ViewHolder)convertView.getTag();

To sort
to sort i found this:
Comparator<String> ALPHABETICAL_ORDER1 = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String object1, String object2) {
int res =, object2.toString());
return res;

Collections.sort(your array name, ALPHABETICAL_ORDER1);
But how can i use it?
I have done this:
Comparator<String> ALPHABETICAL_ORDER1 = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String object1, String object2) {
int res =, object2.toString());
return res;
and then: Collections.sort(name1, ALPHABETICAL_ORDER1);
But this causing the name to be sorted perfectly but not the numbers

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