I've been messing around with my project dependencies, and now I'm worried I might've messed something up. Is there an easy way to test if my project is runnable if no optional or dev dependencies are installed?
rye test installs dev dependencies as far as I know, but I could be wrong
I've never come across rye before, I normally use nox/tox. However with rye you may be able to make an empty//dev/null file and point to the empty pyproject.toml with --pyproject.
stackoverflow.com/staging-ground/79000008 Anyone here have a good sense of what's required for making a proper MRE with Jupyter notebooks? ideally someone who can help this OP through it
@KarlKnechtel Per my comment, the OP needs to post the minimum code from 'common.py' file that defines xyzClassifier.* such that it reproduces the import error on from xyzClassifier.utils.common import read_yaml, create_directories.
I suspect it's yet another error with the import directory to whatever file defines assertRaisesRegexp not being on the path.