@matszwecja Oh ok, "top level" meant not under if __name__ == '__main_':
Hey is anyone here good with networkx? I'm trying to draw a graph (of cities of the world, the map from the boardgame Pandemic) with 48 nodes, most nodes' coords are unconstrained but I constrain a few to an (x,y) position. Then I use g.pos = nx.spring_layout(g, pos=fixed_pos, fixed=fixed_pos.keys()) to default the position for all other nodes to a force-directed/spring layout. But it looks like I must also relax the edge-weight for the wraparound edges (e.g. SFO-Tokyo) to 0...
...I want to get a result vaguely like this, i.e. a balance between showing abstract graph connectivity and nodes equispaced on either a hex or Cartesian grid, but with vaguely geosimilar (x,y) positions. Anybody got a suggestion?
...for totally abstract graph connectivity without any geosimilarity, see this
The special handling of wraparound edges will be a pain, not sure how to get nx.draw() to render them (as London-Tube style, constrained to horiz/vert/45° diagonals)
@RoddyMacPhee I see you also posted that on Quora. The historical hardware implementation of PARI/GP in pass-transistor logic has nothing whatsoever do with Python (and very little to do with software), can you please stop posting that here? You might find some discussion of language-design e.g. on langdev.stackexchange.com
I think you're talking about language/library design for (time-)efficient prime sieving of big ranges of numbers. Anyway nobody really does that in production. And if they did do that, which they don't, they wouldn't do it in Python; so it's not a Python question, so it's offtopic here.
(Maybe you can find some benchmark site on time-efficient sieving of 32b or 64b primes, benchmarked across multiple languages. But it's offtopic here.)
(Drawing edges London-Tube style ("metro-map style"), constrained to horiz/vert/diag is done by e.g. this guy, but can't be done with networkx connectionstyle. )
@smci Throwing an idea, although I'm not sure if that is possible in networkx - add fake nodes that are fixed and move only by one coordinate towards the border of the map, then set them to transparent
@matszwecja Uhuh, but I don't want to have fake nodes: all the graph's nodes and edges still have meaning, for path-finding. I'm pretty sure networkx can be constrained to do what I want, it's just trial-and-error finding out how.
Me when I learn that modern backup software relies on hashing to deduplicate data: *panic* Me when I learn about the birthday paradox: *panic significantly more* Me when I look up the actual odds of a hash collision occurring: *calm*
My intuition has let me down twice in a row, basically
I knew that there are a lot of unfathomably large things in the universe, but it turns out they were much closer than expected. Turns out that 128 bits can store a lot of different hashes
Git commit hashes rarely, if ever, have caused problems. Even Linux's repo (quite literally the oldest Git repo, given that Git was created to house Linux's code) which is quite active doesn't have hash collision issues.
Although, Git also uses SHA256, so there is even less of a collision chance