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3:34 AM
@paul23 You mean concatenating Python lists of strings? (not other types, which can't be concatenated with + operator. Not if the type of the list-element is unknown or generic. Not numpy or pandas. Not nested lists.) Well what do you mean by "preferred": cleanest idiom? shortest code? best big-O time-complexity?) Show us a snippet of your code.
4:08 AM
@Aran-Fey ... I don't understand the point of choosing a defaultdict over an ordinary dict, if you aren't going to mutate it
6 hours later…
9:44 AM
@KarlKnechtel So that it returns a value instead of throwing a KeyError
10:16 AM
Why do type checkers (I tested Pyright and MyPy) think a dict with a key type of A | B does not match a dict of key type A? For example, if I define a type typing.Dict[typing.Union[str, int], float], then it raises an error if I pass in a dict of type typing.Dict[str, float].
Like here's an example.
Because the function could mutate the typing.Dict[str, float] by adding an int key, preserving the function's invariant but not the data's.
@KarlKnechtel I've added an answer to clarify the misconception(s). I'm afraid that people will ask such questions even if makes no sense, and otherwise will follow the cargo cult.
10:34 AM
@MisterMiyagi Oh, that makes sense I guess. But then how should I annotate it if I actually want it to allow that union as the key type?
If you don't care what types the keys will have, annotate them as Any.
If you aren't mutating the dict, just annotate it as a Mapping instead of Dict
For context, I'm trying to annotate a dict which has any basic datatype as the key (like typing.Union[str, int, float, bool]), and now it's complaining in one of my functions that only uses strings as dictionary keys and returns it (message is something like "str" is not the same as "typing.Union[str, int, float, bool]").
...So I guess I have to do DictValue = ...; DictType = typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, DictValue], typing.Dict[int, DictValue], typing.Dict[float, DictValue], typing.Dict[bool, DictValue]]?
10:54 AM
How does the function know that the dict only contains strings?
I'm looking for some advice on (sphinx) docs. I do have a function with a rather complex feature but with a very simple standard usecase. How can I document this so the complex case is covered but does not drown out the simple standard usecase?
@Aran-Fey Oh, right. That would only work if the dicts will only have one type at a time as the key. I guess I'll just annotate as Any...
@MisterMiyagi How exactly would it drown out the simple case? Is there a load of optional parameters or something?
11:23 AM
@MisterMiyagi separate "examples" section of the docs to link out to?
11:34 AM
@Aran-Fey The simple case is "pass in asyncio.Lock if you want no duplicate computation". The complex part is describing how an asynchronous contextmanager is digested by an asynchronous data descriptor that emulates but dies not implement del.
@MisterMiyagi I think it depends on how discombobulating the behaviour might be. If you look through SQLAlchemy docs (you'll need to scroll a little as I can't link it specifically) there are dragon icons peppered in throughout in boxes alerting to specifics of behaviour. I personally like these as they give exposition on more complex details without derailing the docs themselves
11:46 AM
@MisterMiyagi I'd start with a 1-2 sentence summary ("This function does X"), then follow up with the simple case ("Most of the time, you'll probably use this to do Y") and finally go into more detail
Alternatively, keep the simple case out of the function docs entirely and put it in the tutorial or something
Any opinions on using tooltips or collapsing notice boxes for something like this?
A notice box for the simple case sounds fine IMO. Like "Did you know? This gives you an easy way to do Y"
I would really like the simple case to be the only/primary thing people see. If I can’t find a way to describe the complex case without muting it somehow I would rather not document it at all.
Hm, perhaps the better question is how to handle both expert and practical information.
I’m kind of stumped there isn’t some tooling or best practices for this. I imagine a lot of docs need to get the practical details across efficiently without compromising on correctness.
12:05 PM
Pfft, there isn't even a standard practice for referencing/highlighting function parameters in the documentation. Just make 'em italic, I guess? Good enuff
I'm a bit confused given that the SQLA documentation I linked to seems to cover pretty much every aspect I'd want to segment/highlight/etc. and that was generated by Sphinx. If I was going to try make formal documentation, that's the template I'd use because I find it pretty easy to follow
What exactly do you feel is still missing from that approach?
12:20 PM
It’s way too much volume.
Most of my docs are just a few sentences how the parameters interact. Do it’s pretty common to see 3-6 function docs at once.
Having multiple paragraphs on one edge case of a parameter is kind of out of proportion, but would be needed if I wanted to document it in full.
@MisterMiyagi I have the docstring be the 'complex' documentation and then write a bespoke .md/.rst for the simple documentation. Probably not the answer you'd want to hear... You could do some metaprogramming with __init_subclass__ to split __doc__ into __doc_simple__ and __doc__ if you want to use docstrings, but getting the autodoc to work may be a little more involved.
Do the proportions really matter? If a function needs a lot of text, then so be it. I don't really see how hiding the text would make the documentation better
12:37 PM
Nor do I. And I would probably prefer to see it in one place rather than being redirected somewhere else tbh as it might slip under my radar. I think the two things at play here are a) trying to determine what is "advanced" on behalf of the user (which you'll never get right) and b) underestimating the ability of most people to quickly skip irrelevant documentation once the opening sentences establish what a method/argument does
If you feel like it's hard to find something on that page, you could add a table of contents or make each function collapsible
1:31 PM
morning cabbages, folks
5 hours later…
6:18 PM
Statically typed units are turning out to be more of a hassle than expected. A lot of code where I previously could use 0 and math.inf is now suddenly "wrong"
Simplified example:
def clamp(value: u.Quantity[Q], min = 0, max = math.inf) -> u.Quantity[Q]:
7:06 PM
@Aran-Fey pedantically, this mutates the object. But also if this is the motivation, why not just use .get?
It's part of the API, so more convenient = better
Thinking about it now, the mutation might actually be a problem... guess I'll have to write a custom mapping
that's also an option, and not difficult (just implement __missing__)
7:53 PM
gist.github.com/zahlman/9d14dc5533a6e12b4708f59b284becd2 Can the rest of you reproduce this apparent performance regression in 3.12? These versions of Python were compiled locally by a script that should have applied the default configuration options for both, but I could have messed that up somehow.
I also noticed that the 3.11 results are fairly close to distro-provided 3.10, but distro-provided 2.7 (which I basically only have in order to test how things used to work, to answer historical questions) is faster
8:27 PM
@KarlKnechtel AUR Python 3.11.9: x -> 1.65, y -> 1.92 with core Python 3.12.4: x -> 1.73, y -> 2.39 with AUR Python 2.7.18: x -> 1.25, y -> 6.47
AUR is compiled on my machine. core is compiled by the distro.
oh, make sure to use itertools.izip rather than the built-in zip for Python 2.7.
It does look like the effect is real, then, though it may vary in size
8:44 PM
Ah forgot about i* in Python2... y -> 1.44 with izip
1 hour later…
9:52 PM
hmm. results aren't clearly enough reproducible for me to proceed with that... I should do PGO builds and make sure they're all built the same way, probably
(e.g.: my locally built 3.10 is quite a bit slower than the distro's)
possibly related to github.com/python/cpython/issues/113041 ? but it seems worse when enumerate etc. are involved
2 hours later…
11:57 PM
RFC on my edits here, please

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