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12:31 AM
@MateenUlhaq yep, well established: stackoverflow.com/questions/9979970
6 hours later…
6:07 AM
@smci Ah, I don't have a paid subscription so I assumed I could just share it. My prompt was literally just "Write me a grant application where I want to use cloud manufacturing to enhance our production chain"
This was the result
@roganjosh people can't see your conversation through that link (this is on your end only). You need to use the "share" feature
> We will employ a robust evaluation and monitoring framework to ensure the project's success.
I was briefly excited when I read "robust" as "robot"
You can see I don't often use it. I'll try again here
The only problem with its output is that it commits to specific percentages in improvement. That's a no no. But, it makes me cry inside that it does have an appropriate amount of nebulous waffle and buzzwords to be credible.
7:10 AM
Huh. I just found out Lennart Regebro (one of the "old guard" of Python devs, author of "Supporting Python 3") has a Youtube channel about repairing old MIDI etc. audio equipment.
7:22 AM
7:33 AM
8:01 AM
every I think that python would be better with such functionnality, golang hhas it. (but I hate the goroutines and I prefer by a lot exeption than return error)
8:11 AM
and what is nice in python is generics (because there is no static types)
I eventually discover a nice property of a language for learning: execute as much as possible code, before crashing (for a syntax error for example)
2 hours later…
10:03 AM
I don't understand these last edits to the question title. I have always searched for it by "python least astonishment" and now that gives me GeeksForGeeks as the top result on Google.
In fact, Andras rolled back the name change in 2022 and it's happened again. Why are people messing with the name?
@roganjosh In fairness, as a newcomer, it's not explicitly descriptive. I happen to know what it's about, so the "least astonishment" does make sense from that perspective. But I doubt it's something that somebody non-familiar with the topic would search for or understand at a glance.
I've rolled it back but I can't figure out now how to add commentary on why. Can I do that after the fact? The edit feature of my rollback just has a pre-defined list of edits and no free-text inputs that I can see
But I do understand the frustration of having a convenient shortcut to search for suddenly disappearing.
I wouldn't mind if the title was a) clearer or b) helped people find it more easily. But anyone suffering this problem and being confused is not going to be searching for "mutable default argument" so the title should really remain so that people that recognise the problem can easily dupe to it (IMHO)
I do like "Why do mutable default arguments remember mutations between function calls?" (revision #19). I also do agree "The Mutable Default Argument in Python" is just not very useful. What about the mutable default argument? Is there a single one of these (due to singular + definite article)? One where - in the language? In a function? One per day?
10:17 AM
What is the python equivalent of doing curl -k or in Postman doing a post for a rest endpoint?
json=json.dumps({"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}),
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, verify=False)
Is the following the equivalent?
I try the above but I get 400 error
remove the json.dumps() call
Postman and curl from the same linux host works fine :/
you pass a json-serializable object directly to the json= kwarg
@ThiefMaster :| it worked
i think the content-type header is also not necessary
10:20 AM
Master please teach me the ways
no seriously I dont think I am good at understanding the docs any tips?
Then go to the source code. The json parameter is basically just a convenience for you in preparing the request body. You can see it here
There really isn't a secret formula for understanding documentation better. Personally, I'd just go poking around in the source code. Painful at first, for sure, but it's the only way to really get a deeper understanding
Very specifically, this sets the header if you supply the json argument, and this dumps for you
@roganjosh In the edit history, click edit of the revision you want to roll back to. Then enter the comment as the rollback reason and submit.
The "edit summary" text isn't displayed :/
If you already rolled back, you cannot change the edit message anymore. :/
as always thanks @roganjosh and thanks @ThiefMaster
10:34 AM
There's a meta Q&A on that: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/327502/5349916
I don't recall getting a free text option when I did the rollback this time (which I thought I would) but maybe I was just being silly
@MisterMiyagi yeah, that, I guess :( Oh well, it's not like it'll spark a rollback war or anything....
Tbh I have to admit that the "Least astonishment" always felt out of place for me in that title (I did use it to search that question, but only because I knew it was there)
@roganjosh You must use edit instead of rollback to add a message. It's for very good reasons, I'm sure.
I also don't disagree with that but it's stood since 2009 and many people have mental maps on how to find things. I wouldn't stand in the way of a better title but I definitely don't see how the last 2 edits helped anyone (people struggling and those looking for the canonical)
I think Karl's title that was rolled back was the best one in terms of descriptiveness
3 hours later…
1:28 PM
morning cabbages, folks!
3 hours later…
4:09 PM
A terrible question about pip install math just got posted, but it kind of seems useful as a signpost or even a canonical. Is it worth editing and keeping around? The current top result references Docker and just generally seems not great for absolute beginners, who are probably the most likely to run into this issue.
(eg, I don't think most beginners know what requirements.txt means)
There is zero utility in that question hanging around or the answer
We should have, somewhere, a canonical about trying to install modules that are in the base python distribution but my google foo is not great right now. Having one for every module, though, is excessive IMO and the question is very poor to try salvage
math is going to be a lot of people's first experience with this, though, and most new programmers won't know the term "builtin." This seems like it could be useful as a duplicate at the very least.
4:25 PM
The question is really bad, though. There will be better dupe targets out there (the Docker one is already better even if the context fit isn't quite right - same problem, difference space)
Honestly, the question should really be closed IMO
When downloading a file from postman i get correct encoding (windows-1252). While OpenAPI returns UTF-8 (and it's corrupted).

Why do they handle the same endpoint differently?
I even get the exact same response headers.
What is OpenAPI? I can find this and this but it's not really clear to me what your setup would be with either of them
FastAPI uses OpenAPI to automatically generate my API in a browser-usable form. (can be achieved with DRF as well, with 3rd party libraries)
Here's how it looks. image
4:40 PM
Ok... so you're using FastAPI, not OpenAPI
I use both :P
FastAPI creates the API schema when I run my containers. Then I play with the OpenAPI schema (formerly known as Swagger)
Yeah, Swagger is what I was thinking of here and I came to hate it when someone inflicted it on my own API :P
Interesting. Why is that?
I thought everyone loves it. (as in, being automatic "documentation" of an API)
There was so much boilerplate to try and dig through. It was indeed sold to me as "documentation" of the API but it became a lot more complex than that. For other reasons the guy who implemented it left the company a week after it was released, so we just reversed it rather than having to understand all the boilerplate it generated
There is some stuff here. Is it a case of just needing to specify media_type?
Specifically, headers and media_type are distinct arguments, so it would potentially explain why the former is still the same but the content is malformed
Actually, I've just realised I'm researching a system I hate on a topic that I'm well-known for being terrible at (encoding). I'll leave it there :P Hopefully someone else can jump in now we have the groundwork done
4:59 PM
I'm using media_type = f"text/plain; charset={encoding}" and "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="my_file.txt"
I'm not that familiar with encoding either :P but will eventually figure it out. Thanks anyway :)
Try setting the Content-Encoding header
5:19 PM
I don't know if Content-Encoding is applicable in my case. I m not using any compression.
Oh right, I misremembered what that's for, my bad
no worries.
It's so strange though, cause I can see the `content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1` in both Postman and Firefox and Chrome.
I wonder if browsers do some magic and decide on their own (ignoring media_type; nah that sounds unlikely).
Hello Friends,
In VS CODE, is it possible to see a more detailed documentation when hovering over something? i am new to coding :). As i am pointing out in the Picture, i only have an overview.
5:35 PM
@Mad Does Course.extend have more documentation? Seems to be displaying everything.
No, that one is also just a snippet.
What do you want the hover to display then?
@Mad What additional information would you like it to display? Where can I find this additional information?
I am not sure, is there not a more detailed information list? as i said, i am new to the coding scene.
For Example, it only mentions "Obj:String", but i tried to append a list, and it does seem to work.
@Mad Try with the following code and you'll see you get a scroll bar with all the information.
5:47 PM
@Peilonrayz i am not sure i follow,
do you mean:
if __name__=="__main__":
import doctest
i have excuted this Code, while hovering, i still see no new information.
No just hover over the doctest and you'll see all the information about the module
Oh, well yes then, the answer is yes. I do see more information (Scrollable) on that particular Code.
But how does this assist in me viewing more detailed information about the other codes?
@Mad The other code has no more information.
@Peilonrayz Oh Okay, i was just confused as i said, because it only mentioned Obj:"String", however, if i add any object, the append() still works fine. Would this be some flaw in the documentation? or maybe i am not interpreting the documentation correctly
Please can you show the code you are saying works and doesn't?
5:53 PM
If i hover over the .append() method, i have this documentation presented:
(method) def append(
object: str,
) -> None

My understanding is that "obj:str" means that the append() takes a string as an argument.

However, if i am to write something like

List.append([SomeList]), it still works fine.
When you don't explicitly specify the type of a variable, vscode tries to infer it. Since the first thing you appended to a list was a string, it assumes that this variable is supposed to be a list of strings
@Mad Are you talking about code which looks like the following?
List = ["foo"]
# ['foo', ['bar']]
@Peilonrayz yes very much!
I am just trying to understand , why the documentation i am recieving , when hovering over the method, is not letting me know, that Lists can be passed in the appened bracket, it is only showing "Obj:String" as i have uploaded.
@Aran-Fey I am sorry, i do not follow what you say.
vscode incorrectly guessed that this list is supposed to contain only strings
@Mad do you have prior experience with a language like Java or C++?
5:59 PM
@Aran-Fey in that case, is there something i can change in the settings, such that it displays the correct documentation
@inspectorG4dget no, it is literally my first day coding
@Mad Python is guessing the type of List incorrectly. The type hints are there to help you understand what the methods take, however Python doesn't force the input to the methods to be the type(s) specified.
You should see the following List.append shows the list can take strings or lists of strings:
List: list[str | list[str]] = ["foo"]
# ['foo', ['bar']]
@Mad No, but you can tell it what kind of list it is with a type annotation. Like Courses: list[object]
yeah, this is definitely a case of VSCode trying to be helpful (by guessing str based off what's already Courses), but -- with all good intentions -- being unhelpfully confusing
What would you guys then recommend to me? Because i thought this mini documentation menu is great for me to help learn how the methods and functions work properly. Should i just ignore them and look them up in the original Python documentation?
Read the tutorial if you haven't yet
6:05 PM
the mini documentation is a great "quick reference" resource to remind yourself of what you've read in the original python documentation. Personally, I just read the documentation when I'm trying to get the hang of things
@Mad Python uses duck typing so you can, to an extent, ignore the type hints (the object: str stuff). Python allows you to pass incorrect types to things and still work. Sometimes the documentation is better than the on-hover, for example the doctest docs are more helpful. However, you should probably follow a tutorial on the basics.
Indeed, I certainly would not recommend relying on tooltips in VSCode as a learning method. In Rust you can have rust-analyser running and it will straight-up tell you something is wrong in real time but that's not really how it works in python. Instead, it'll just barf documentation and typing at you (it's become quite annoying with pandas since read_csv has so many arguments, for example). It's a crutch at best, not a learning tool
6:45 PM
Alright, thank you for your suggestions and help.
3 hours later…
9:28 PM
@roganjosh I was able to read that link. So, robots are replacing you too... End of Month 8
9:46 PM
@smci meh, I moved on from that a decade ago. I still have a lead :)
@roganjosh Not in the rollback, but the standard practice is to add a related comment: "Rolled back edit #24; non-Python people, please stop editing the title to remove "Least astonishment", this is explaining a known wart in Python." But if they keep doing it, I suggest you post on Meta specifically referencing non-Python people editing it and telling them why they shouldn't.
I did what I thought was right in the rollback. Given that I have almost zero care about the main feed now, the last thing I'm going to do is go to meta with it. That's the shadowy place and way more hassle than I care for

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