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6:11 AM
@Aran-Fey is that asyncio's task set or are you tracking them yourself? In the latter case, how are you tracking them? I’ve found callback based cleanup very reliable for manual task tracking.
That's my own set. I do have some code running when the download ends, but for some reason it doesn't make it all the way to "remove the download from the set"
2 hours later…
7:53 AM
@KarlKnechtel well it seems that news is spreading
2 hours later…
10:04 AM
I finally ingrained the importance of per env installation. It's a real pain because it duplicate files across folders, but I guess it is what it is. Would be nice to have deduplication using symbolic links
@Aran-Fey try callback tracking as for example here: github.com/MatterMiners/tardis/blob/…
@NordineLotfi If duplication becomes a concern, a deduplicating file system like zfs could be of help. Though it might indeed be nice if pip could maintain a separate storage and access location.
yeah, I thought of using zfs but it's a pain to setup...
it's especially frustrating when you have many, many env. If you do ML/etc you will notice there is dozen packages, so you can easily get into the multi GB range after some time
I do have more than 40TB but it's still a pain for my OCD. Why would you take multi GB when with deduplication, those env would take way less?
10:49 AM
"I do have more than 40TB" the more I hear about your setup, the more I worry you're an evil mastermind waiting to burst out of your cave and control the world
I think you wrote "worry" where you meant "hope".
That would depend on whether the coattails are within grasping distance when the bursting occurs. "Hey, I have a work-owned M3 Pro; I have compute too so can I join you?"
Fear not, there's always room for ambitious minds in my world-domination plans! hide back in cave
11:45 AM
@NordineLotfi Also, that reminds me. Here is the way I solved it: gist.github.com/secemp9/a9fc1f38a3324d988850a17d6920573e
I know I could have used pytest, but you know, I only ever use asserts anyway. Pytest is for really big/large projects IMO
5 hours later…
4:57 PM
@roganjosh ah, that definitely explains some of it.
important people in the Python world seem to use quite a wide variety of social media to communicate. Honestly, LinkedIn is not a place I'd think of looking for discussion of topics.
but also, there's actual news coverage, following from there: theregister.com/2024/08/09/core_python_developer_suspended_coc
@NordineLotfi meanwhile, I've been obsessing for most of a year over how needlessly huge Setuptools is.
(do keep in mind that it gets tens of millions of downloads daily from PyPI)
Boo, I'm not quoted in the Register. (I guess they would have contacted me first?)
5:22 PM
Yeah, I don't get my news on most things from LinkedIn but I'm friends with Steve Holden (we used to have virtual drinks during lockdown which feels like an age ago now) so it popped up in my feed
5:40 PM
ah, neat
4 hours later…
9:40 PM
Cabbage. Does anyone know how to fix the error caused by running the code in this answer (stackoverflow.com/a/12748710/2369957)? Some replacements I made due to some deprecations or typos: scipy.mgrid to numpy.grid; tile to np.tile; meshgrid to np.meshgrid; scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates to scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates. Code with these adjustments:
lat = np.mgrid[-14.0:14+0.25:0.25]
lon = np.mgrid[100.0:300+0.25:0.25]
z = np.tile(lon,(len(lat),1))
new_res = 0.70135

new_lat = np.mgrid[-14.0:14+0.25:new_res]
new_lon = np.mgrid[100.0:300+0.25:new_res]
X,Y = np.meshgrid(((new_lat-np.min(lat))/(np.max(lat)-np.min(lat)))*lat.shape[0],((new_lon-np.min(lon))/(np.max(lon)-np.min(lon)))*lon.shape[0])
pts = np.asarray(zip(X.ravel(),Y.ravel())).T
new_z = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(z,pts).reshape(len(new_lon),len(new_lat)).T
Error shown:
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-06c8e1f2cf54> in <cell line: 11>()
      9 X,Y = np.meshgrid(((new_lat-np.min(lat))/(np.max(lat)-np.min(lat)))*lat.shape[0],((new_lon-np.min(lon))/(np.max(lon)-np.min(lon)))*lon.shape[0])
     10 pts = np.asarray(zip(X.ravel(),Y.ravel())).T
---> 11 new_z = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(z,pts).reshape(len(new_lon),len(new_lat)).T
Thank you in advance.
9:52 PM
P.S.: the author of the answer omitted the imports, but here they are in relation to the code with the adjustments I made:
import numpy as np
import scipy
scipy.mgrid to np.grid *
@KarlKnechtel yeah, I noticed that too. Too many inefficiencies for my OCD, argh
10:15 PM
perhaps you'll permit me a bit of self-promotion, then ;) github.com/zahlman/bbbb I'm building this from the ground up to offer the basic hooks needed, while taking up near-minimum space for common cases. (I even plan to have an aggressively optimized wheel for PEP 517 use, which only knows how to build wheels and not sdists, plus more optimizations)
Oops: scipy.mgrid to np.mgrid *
flit has many of the right ideas, but it doesn't handle compiled extensions at all and has no plans to - so it has much less use for PEP 517 purposes, since a pure Python project should be distributing a wheel anyway. It also vendors tomli which isn't necessary on newer versions of Python, and includes its tests in the flit-core wheel where they're completely useless

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