A few hours ago I noticed I had a typo in the flattening constant for the WGS-84 ellipsoid (which is the reference ellipsoid used by GPS). I've used that wrong constant for several years, but fortunately I've only posted code using it a couple of times, and it's in one of the least significant digits, so its effect is usually completely negligible.
Using the wrong constant, the error in Earth's polar radius is ~71 microns too large. :) So I never noticed it when doing stuff like calculating geodesic distances & comparing the results with other calculators.
But when calculating the area of the ellipsoid the error is ~3000 square metres, which is still fairly small, but too large to just be caused by numerical precision effects.
didn't know this was it's name given how many times I saw it being used on some website. But then again, some people called the button in the top right corner on SO "hamburger" so I guess this isn't surprising...
I am looking for Ethernet frame samples that encapsulate VoIP IP Packets. Is this right room to discuss thsi
(COuldnt't find any network specific room)
I need this data to be able to create a parser to decapsulate Ethernet frame and extract IP Packets from it to be able to consolidate the VoIP data message. Can you please help regarding how can I obtain such sample data frames for study.