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9:33 AM
@KarlKnechtel I'm very tempted to send you a lmgtfy link :P first google result: asciinema.org "asciinema is a free and open source solution for recording terminal sessions and sharing them on the web"
exactly as it sounded like
I'm more just amazed that there's a proper tool for this.
I honestly thought people were, like, pointing OBS at a terminal window.
yikes, that sounds horrible :D
2 hours later…
11:50 AM
what libraries are available for me to make a command validator? my program takes string inputs from the user and does things as a response. i want to make sure a string command I input as a response to a prompt has the appropriate format and content
just good ol' regex?
That will depend on your needs, but generally a "command" implies structure that is a bit more complex than what you want to handle with regular expressions.
The task you're looking at, is actually considered by many to be the jumping-in point for learning how to make a compiler.
you may be interested in pyparsing, which is fairly widely used and offers a simple interface for parsing things that are a bit more complex. It's by our very own @PaulMcG.
thanks for the recommendation, the need to validate user input format and content has been coming up a lot in my projects so I'm looking for things to speed that up
will look into pyparsing, ty!
12:11 PM
Why would this need pyparsing? There are plenty of libraries for a CLI and they don't do some kind of fuzzy matching on the commands you're trying to run
1:01 PM
CLIs do have very simple syntax though. We don't know anything about this command syntax, but I'd say it's reasonable to assume that it's more complex than a CLI
Plus, command line arguments come pre-parsed as a list of strings
pyparsing turned out to be appropriate, because I've written a simple program that logs commands I want to run on pieces of data without having programmed the actual logic yet
1:56 PM
@shintuku If you have specific problems, there are many pyparsing-tagged questions on SO with decent answers, and you can always post an issue on the pyparsing Github repo github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing.
2:16 PM
@PaulMcG thanks! and thanks for the very cool library!
2:40 PM
@ThiefMaster What about just logmerger with no separating punctuation?
1 hour later…
3:49 PM
self-admitted typo, gathering some junk answers stackoverflow.com/questions/77167294/…
4:41 PM
@MisterMiyagi voted
2 hours later…
7:12 PM
@PaulMcG sounds good as well (just not a fan of the underscores ;))
7:56 PM
@MisterMiyagi closed
2 hours later…
9:43 PM
@wjandrea sorry about the comment notification. I tried several different ways to express myself and don't know which you may have seen, and then gave up. I think you understand the issue well enough anyway
9:59 PM
@KarlKnechtel ah, no worries

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