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6:49 AM
Web frameworks have gone too far. This email seems to suggest that one has booked me err, something? The AI revolution is real. Curse you, root@localhost
7:40 AM
Cannon House? Sounds exciting
...and dangerous
8:14 AM
It'll be a blast, I'm sure
8 hours later…
4:18 PM
Does anyone have recommendations for a database GUI program? I have an SQL database that I need to look at
It depends on the flavour of SQL you're using
That's a problem, because I have no idea
Is it an actual file?
If it's a .db file then my money is on Slqite3
No, an SQL server
Can you give an anonymised connection string? If it's not SQLite3 then it should be in the connection string
Something like:
engine = create_engine(f"postgresql+psycopg2://{user}:{password}@{host}/{db_name}",
                       connect_args={'connect_timeout': 5})
4:24 PM
Unfortunately not. I know the server and database name, but that's it
Someone ever felt the need to check the referent of a weakref.proxy against it's type ?
@Aran-Fey Is there really nothing in that string to tell you what the RDBMS is?
never mind - for interested people Weak references support tests for equality, but not ordering. If the referents are still alive, two references have the same equality relationship as their referents (regardless of the callback). If either referent has been deleted, the references are equal only if the reference objects are the same object.
@roganjosh I don't have a connection string :( The database is created and managed by a 3rd-party program (product management software for my dad's business)
I know it's Microsoft SQL Server 2019, if that helps
That's what I was looking for :) Simultaneously, I don't know of a GUI for that :(
4:29 PM
What flavor is that, MySQL?
No, SQLServer I think
DBeaver might help here but it's pretty generic. I don't know of anything tailored to it
Didn't think it'd be so difficult to look at a database :/
<sings> a whole new woooorld</sings>
Microsoft installed half a dozen other programs in addition to the SQL server and none of them can help me? Sheesh
"sqlserver gui" is giving me plenty of results but I don't want to suggest one to you as I haven't used them
4:37 PM
I'll give SQL Server Management Studio a shot. Since it's from microsoft, I hope it'll work without asking me for a connection string or password or something
No GUI should do that for any database
Doesn't it kinda have to? Unless it's smart enough to detect that an SQL server is running on your own PC, you need to tell it which DB you want to open
Oooh, I'm in! SSMS did the trick
This is problematic from the start
The GUI should be forcing you to log in in some way. User access controls exist, and you shouldn't be able to just to walk in by knowing the URL or something like that
I think SSMS logged me in via my Windows account? Idunno
Either way, I'm glad I didn't have to dig up that username + password
If you were added as an admin in some way, I guess it would be ok
I don't know the auth mechanism at play here but it's a real red flag for me. I can't just log in to my postgres GUI without credentials (even if they're saved)
4:51 PM
It's not a big deal in this case, since everything is on the same PC anyway. The database is essentially just a massively overblown config file
Fair enough, as long as I raised the flag
5:21 PM
Thanks for the help, I got it done
Only took me an hour to write the correct SQL
4 hours later…
9:49 PM
Ummm... can someone explain this?
class Foo:
    func: object = lambda: None

class Bar:
    func: object = lambda: None

print(Foo().func)  # <bound method Foo.<lambda>>
print(Bar().func)  # <function Bar.<lambda>>
Been a while since we've had a riddle, and this time I don't even know the answer myself!
Oh never mind, I figured it out :/

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