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cbg guys
been a while, hows it going cool cloud?
1 hour later…
@python_user not so cool in here :P
but busy with university and stuff, the teacher that teaches python is pretty bad :( But its just mere basics, but they started with java last week and is missing the fundamental explanations. Have to rely on the internet..
The other day they said None is -1, its pythons way of understanding that -1 is None :)
How's it been there?
take over the class. time for mutiny!
hey guys morning, yeah it seems to be working fine as it is in a dict, thank you
@ParitoshSingh Ha I wish.. :P
1 hour later…
@PM2Ring Informative, thanks
Nothing like sinister documentation in the morning: "Assuming your script has no syntax errors, yet it does not work, you have no choice but to read the next section."
The ol' Lovecraftian urge to continue engaging with a piece of literature even as the Shoggoth slithers towards you
@CoolCloud didnt know you graduated school, pretty much same here haven't coded anything even remotely useful :D
@CoolCloud wow
More encouragement from Python's http-related code: SECURITY WARNING: DON'T USE THIS CODE UNLESS YOU ARE INSIDE A FIREWALL
Huh. When are you ever not inside a firewall?
in 1985
All-caps warnings are probably a good sign that I'm on the right track, since my current goal is to construct a footgun of unusual size
i.e. An http server that writes arbitrary files to my local system. Maybe throw in some ACE for fun.
@Aran-Fey I think it considers you not inside a firewall, if you've poked a small hole in your firewall so your server can see requests from the Internet.
hello guys, can anyone look into my question stackoverflow.com/questions/69824126/…
I had no idea you can talk in Stackoverflow
Basically they would prefer if you only used http.server to handle localhost requests or perhaps intranet-related stuff
@Jake Seems like you jumped the gun a bit there. While you were asking us, you got an answer :-)
thanks guys, it has been answered
yeah Kevin, I still don't understand it but thanks for looking into it
I had a similar problem a couple months back, and I too don't understand it, beyond "dicts and unions interact strangely sometimes"
Very much a "doctor, it hurts when I do this" / "so stop doing that" scenario
lol, that is a lot better to understand
morning guys, is it possible to run uvicorn as a dns server so my local ip address gets replaced with the domain name?
for local purposes only, but dont want to hardcode my ip in the app
listsOfDicts: List[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]] 😢 Why have you forsaken us god!? 😢
you can use yaml for storing configs
or json or any file format @McMidas
@McMidas I wonder if en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_(file) would be useful there
@Hakaishin is that bad?
Is it good?
typing is to increase readability IMO, so I am going to say it is good
I don't have a strong opinion on the badness of dicts with heterogeneous value types, but just from a pragmatic standpoint it may be better to use a class
the closer a programming language to a natural language the better and last time I checked english doesn't have types for each word
I understand why mypy is complaining, but where on earth did it get expected type "Union[int, slice]" from
So rather than {"a": 1, "b": [2,3]} you have a Widget class with attributes a:int and b:List[int]
IKR, I even changed that to "float" to make sure it didn't pick an int out of thin air, but still the sasme
You can't index a Union[str, Dict[str, str]] with int or slice. There literally is no "expected type" that would be correct (except Any)
thanks guys will dive into that
@Kevin actually, I do not control this dict / json, it is from an API the professor made for the course
@Jake I know, it's obviously some teaching example, which makes it worse. Types should be abandoned
viva la revolution :D
Hmm. JSON-y data that you don't control the structure of, seeems like a pretty common scenario in real-world development. So we again encounter Kevin's Dilemma, which asks "why isn't this easy to fix?"
def index(i: str):
    return listsOfDicts[0]['b'][i]
# untitled.py:13: error: Invalid index type "str" for "Union[str, Dict[str, str]]"; expected type "Union[int, slice]"
Okay, let's try that then:
def index(i: Union[int, slice]):
    return listsOfDicts[0]['b'][i]
# untitled.py:13: error: Invalid index type "Union[int, slice]" for "Union[str, Dict[str, str]]"; expected type "str"
Genius, thanks mypy
a guy commented with an if condition and I have no idea how that makes the error go away, seems like a hack
Typical answers:
- there's no easy fix because the problem is not as common as you think
- there's no easy fix because the problem is really hard
- there's no easy fix because the open source community is still waiting for someone to step up and fix it
2 reminds me of phlogiston
Answer #3 is not necessarily dependent on #2, because of the Bystander Effect. Even if there are 100 devs with the means/opportunity/motive to submit a fix, they might all be waiting for one of the other 99 guys to step up
If the devs were strong in the ways of game theory, they would resolve the deadlock by rolling a 100 sided die, and volunteer themselves if theirs comes up 1.
@Kevin aka common sense
I always found gametheory very boring, most things that were thought in that class were simply logical thinking about a situation. Ofc this can be said for other areas too, but meh. Is game theory actually still an active research area?
Perhaps the sense is not so common :-) I've been to a gathering or two where the final slice of pizza grows cold even though everyone wants it and nobody would blame anybody for taking it
and no knife in sight? :D
thanks for the help guys, will see you around now that I can access chat :D
@Hakaishin Whoa, killing all the other people seems a bit excessive?!
@Aran-Fey Depends how good the pizza is ;)
what's the chat threshold again? I know it was 100, did they lower it to 25?
The number "20" has appeared in my mind's eye, unbidden
20 or 21, not entirely sure
it has to be 25, I clearly do not have 100
Perhaps it is related to this conversation, or perhaps it's because I looked at the clock 2 minutes ago at 8:20 EST
@Kevin this just reminds me: patients with brain problems confabulating things is such an amazing discovery
it can be 20, I was at 15 then I two notifications saying I got one upvote and I can access chat
@python_user Oh, I see :)
@Hakaishin Indeed :P
Even healthy brains confabulate a bit -- after stepping on a LEGO, your memory will tell you that you felt a sharp poke and then said "ow", when in fact the reaction comes before the conscious sensation.
It was a foolish function which had the return statement inside a if block that will never get executed hence the function always returned None and the explanation got me jumping up!
After typing my last message, the phrase "that turned out to be debunked and/or an oversimplification" has appeared in my mind's eye. Or perhaps it appeared before my message.
@CoolCloud Rule of thumb: if a function has a return statement anywhere, then every code path should end with a return statement.
@Kevin fascinating, althought I'm quite sure the delay between cognition and outcry is related to the sharpness of the object, because I can catch myself sometimes if the object is not so sharp saying "ow" after consciously registering the pain. And omg I just realized that fits perfectly into you description of confabulation. Woah
@Kevin You mean if there is return inside a if, then there must be a return outside the if or inside an else?
Essentially yes
Great :)
Hmm, I can't find a citation for my ouch-before-recognition factoid... Please consider its truth value as "facebook post from your conspiracy theorist uncle" unless I can find more information
@Kevin No worries. FWIW, there are a bunch of Github pages with demos & stuff, eg github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-api-demos but I can't vouch for their quality. Wikimedia likes your app to have an honest UserAgent string, containing valid contact info, eg an email address. But I didn't see a UserAgent param in the examples I just looked at on that Github site.
I have much fondness for Wikipedia so I will try hard to make my bot play nicely
Other sites get my bronze-tier promise of "I won't intentionally DOS you"
@Kevin It sounds correct to me. A sufficiently intense shock will make you react before you're consciously aware of the stimulus, but it's not necessarily easy to notice, due to the brain's editing functions, unless it's a short sharp shock. :)
btw I remembered another good web comic: existentialcomics.com/comic/416
Last week, we had a late afternoon thunderstorm. It started with a powerful house-shaking thunderclap. I literally jumped before I consciously heard the thunder.
Having involuntary reactions to stimuli fits neatly into my oversimplified mental model of the mind as a person riding an elephant. Under good conditions, the person can steer towards what they want, but sometimes the elephant sees a mouse and enters full panic mode before the person even knows something is amiss
@Kevin and who controls the person? :)
Turtles all the way
I don't think the rider gets his own mental elephant and rider. Perhaps I should describe him as a robot rather than a person. Virtually all logic and virtually no instinct.
Zero points to anyone that says "but surely a robot's BIOS is a sort of instinct?", you know what I mean
@Kevin sounds about right "human" is just a very advanced form of gradient descent
which in a way is nice, because it makes something which is dear to many, humanness immortal by making it abstract. And even if no human exists anymore the concept of what a human is still exists and could be instantiated at another place and another time
Yes, that jives with my pseudo-materialist philosophy
Also see Marvin Minsky's Society of Mind en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_Mind
can I ask a long question here or? how does chat work
Long questions aren't frowned upon per se, but the longer a question is, the harder it is to make it a good question
@PM2Ring did you read it, did you like it, is it good?
In particular, the best-written questions have an MCVE, which the reader can execute on their own machine, and see the problem, without having to do any additional work, such as import modules or define & populate database tables. This can be challenging enough to make for a simple question, let alone a complex one
Also what he writes about a society of agents seems to be correct, there are very interesting experiments where peoples corpus callosums are cut(to help with epilepsy) and then the agents can't harmonize very well and the verbal part and the motor part might disagree about what should be done. Which leads to frustrating but to the outside very funny situations that a patient might take an object while saying put that done :D
But all that said @troy I think you should go ahead and ask. My only request is, try to fit the explanation into a few long messages rather than a lot of medium-sized ones.
It's no good when a question asker says "ok, so I've got this database" and then they take three minutes to write their next message, during which time the first message gets pushed off the page by other conversations
okay lets give this a shot, it's probably something very simple, but I am a little lost with how to accomplish it. It uses python, and mailgun API.

Well actually I have already asked the question on my profile, it could be easier for you to read that first? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69680230/sending-multiple-emails-to-a-list-of-dictionaries-via-mailgun
So basically the list of emails I turned to a string, by doing this:

`emails = (', '.join(d['Email'] for d in users))
expired = (', '.join(d['Email'] for d in expired_users))
but now my issue is the message is sending to each email in the list for EVERY email, I just want it to iterate through each email and place that email in the TO: path, unfortunately putting d['Email'] doesnt work as the mailgun api doesnt like that. SO i need to find another way
"it could be easier for you to read that first? " -- yes, I'm always happy to read existing posts/conversations about the question. Valuable context.
hahaha :)
i wasn't planning on posting the so question thread, but instead type a revised version up, but figured that would be easier
The primary problem I see here, applies in general to any Python function, rather than anything specific to mailgun. If you have code like:
def f():
    for a in b:
        return c

Then the output will be the first element of b, and that's it.
A return statement causes a function to terminate instantaneously*. It doesn't matter if it's inside a for loop and there are 99 iterations left, those iterations simply won't happen.
(*except in more advanced circumstances, such as inside a try-finally block)
I don't know anything about mailgun, but I think the first thing you should try is, just delete the return keywords from your function
oh my bad, I updated that. I removed return, and that allowed the values to come through properly, but the issue is I made 2 email STRINGS that I joined with commas, on each d['email'] in my users, and expired users lists.
Because mailgun requires you to pass strings only into the to parameter, so what happens is for the email and expired functions, for EACH message, it is getting sent to the whole string 'list' so I need to figure out how to make it so for each email it only goes to ONE recipient, but loops through each 'string email' in the list
@Kevin Oh, so return inside a try block will not make the function terminate?
@CoolCloud It terminates, but not right away. I can look up more details in a bit
first finally then it will return no?
@troy Ok. I don't think you need those comma-joined strings any more. Just use d['email'] for the to parameter.
see wouldn't that make sense!! Mailgun doesn't like that
I tried and checked my logs, and it never sends the email
because it MUST be a string
Interesting, so d['email'] isn't a string? What is it? You can check with print(type(d['email'])).
Maybe it's some kinda fancy UniformResourceLocatorUnitManagementBean
(only 33% joking)
hahahha well it says string, which is strange to me, but when I put it in the to parameter it never sends the message
not strange, i know its a string, but why does it not cooperate w mailgun?
Check why it is not sending a message and not throwing any error?
For example:
def send_email():
for d in users:
return requests.post(
auth=("api", "MAILGUN_API_KEY"),
data={"from": "IT <[email protected]>",
"to": d['Email'],
"subject": "Password Reminder",
"text": msg % (d['Name'], f"you have {d['days']} days left to reset your password.")})

def send_expired():
for d in expired_users:
return requests.post(
auth=("api", "MAILGUN_API_KEY"),
data={"from": "IT <[email protected]>",
Have you been able to use mailgun on this computer to send just one email before? I think you mentioned it earlier but I want to make sure
doesnt work
Don't forget to delete those return keywords :-)
damn i copied that from my other question, they arent there I assure you XD
like in my head I can't understand why passing d['Email'] doesnt work?
I have sent many test emails, but it only works if I pass it in literally like To; [email protected] or via the string joined via commas
@Hakaishin Yes, it was great. But I read it at least 20 years ago, so don't ask me about details. :)
As far as Python is concerned, d = {"Email":"[email protected]"}; do_thing(data= {"to": d["Email"]}) is 100% guaranteed to have the same behavior as do_thing(data= {"to": "[email protected]"})
gunna try again for good measure... and yes I removed the return ;)
I suggest pruning down the problem. Write a complete functioning program that succesfully sends a test email to [email protected], using as few lines of code as possible. Then make as few changes to that code as possible to incorporate the "to": d['Email'] syntax, and see if the program fails
... Ignore everything I just said.
No need for loops, or customized messages, or anything. Just one email per program
So, basically the whole time I was attempting to send I had that blasted return in there, and just yesterday found out I could remove it, but I never tried to redo the d['Email'] syntax, and it works just fine now. Thanks for making me realize my mistake
Ah, the old "the code I was running wasn't what I thought it was". Happens to me all the time.
mannnnn Like I tried the d['Email'] many times so I gave up thinking that was correct, and the whole time it was because the return was in there, thats what I get for literally copy and pasting the email syntax straight from Mailgun XD not realizing that was for a single email. Because how they do bulk emails was a little different
Well I am a happy camper
This is why I consider Paranoia to be one of the Moderately Important Virtues of programmers. If you periodically review your code to confirm it hasn't been edited by mischievous gremlins while you slept, then you will catch little surprises of this nature easily
For more efficient paranoia, consider source control tools such as git
You are very right Kevin, and usually I am very paranoid and test my code constantly, but it was just out of mind to return to the original syntax I started with lmao
ah yes git
@Kevin so you are saying I should smoke some ak47 ;)
also code is in a constant decay like everything in the world. I guarantee you if you leave a project untouched for a year and come back to it, nothing will work anymore
That is so true LITERALLY haha
Oh, I wanted to mention. While poking through the Mailgun documentation I found this section on Batch Sending. I don't fully understand it but it seems it can be used to send simply-customized emails to lots of people without needing a loop
By having template text like subject='Hey, %recipient.first%' it can substitute in the user-specific information of each recipient
I was looking into it but I didn't know if it would work for my specific case, but then again I am pretty new to programming in general so idk
Well, better to get something working using techniques you're fairly confident with, than to try to do it the "right" way with a bunch of confusing parts
Yeah definitely but I love learning about new things, and more efficient ways to make things work, because I can tell you right now this script I am writing could be much more pythonic XD
@Hakaishin and @CoolCloud Yeah. The finally block finishes, then the return statement executes for real. This is documented at docs.python.org/3/reference/… and docs.python.org/3/reference/…. The latter also talks about what happens if you return inside a try while another return is still waiting to finish
TLDR: the last-executed one wins
@Kevin python should just exit when it encounters such a case and print DONT DO THAT!
I'll vote for it to keep behaving the way it does now, even though it gives me the willies a little. I would go slightly out of my way to avoid writing code that has a potential double-return.
I wonder if the language devs went out of their way to allow this. Or maybe it just sort of naturally occurred thanks to the design of all the other call-stack-manipulating parts of the language, and it was too much work to forbid it
"too much work" can be as little as 15 seconds' worth, if there isn't enough user demand
What would be the point? You could just as well forbid return-inside-for because a lot of people use it wrong.
I can imagine a hypothetical language ruled over by a Dictator For Life that is not so evidently Benevolent. They still want what's best for their subjects, but they have a very clear idea of what's best, and you're not allowed to disagree
try-return-finally-return: forbidden. return-inside-for: gulag. Military parades: lots. Chickens: in every pot
Benevolent Tyrant For Life?
I might be the Tyrant of KevinScript if I actually bothered to wield executive power more than once a year
King Sleeping Under The Mountain for the time span between now and the day of KS' most dire need
@Kevin this has to make it into python 4.2.0 :D
I'll fire up my Ken Thompson Hack device
1 hour later…
cbg guys, is there an opposite of an else in a try block? something that runs if any exception is raised? I know an "except" is basically that, but I feel like I am repeating myself here
no_exception = True

except ExceptionOne as e:
    no_exception = False
except ExceptionTwo as e:
    no_exception = False
I want no_exception to be False if any exception is raised, without having to assign it to false inside every except
another usecase would be to print "error occurred" inside every except, without having to put a print there
no_exception = False
    no_exception = True
except ExceptionOne as e:
except ExceptionTwo as e:
that is indeed clever
If you need more than a boolean flag, you can use nested exception trys, a common exception block or just process the no_exception flag in finally.
    no_exception = True
except (ExceptionOne, ExceptionTwo) as e:
    no_exception = False
    foo() if isinstance(e, ExceptionOne) else bar()
Personal opinion corner: if a boolean object has a variable name with a negative in it, it gives me a headache. For example I might prefer exception_occurred over no_exception.
Heed the BTFL: let there be no_negative_booleans = True.
ironic ;) it became the very thing it is supposed to stop
ohh wait, no negative = positive, welp my bad
but thanks for the input guys
On the other hand it gives me the willies to write exception_occurred = True when zero exceptions have occurred up to that point, and will probably remain that way for at least two more lines
Just a little bit of friction between my ideals of "a program should be a crystallization of absolute truth" and "a program should be useful"
tbh I never thought about naming a boolean negative, after you mentioned it I wonder how many people I have irked in the past
> Give me six lines written by the most honest man in the world, and I will find enough in them to hang him.
-- Cardinal Richelieu (disputed)
Find enough what?
enough "not honest" stuff probably
The presumed author lived in the 1600s, so it may be literally "evidence of crimes which are punishable by actual hanging"
A not quite contemporary source asserts that it was a commentary on how laws of the day could easily be interpreted in many different ways history.stackexchange.com/questions/23785/…
Anyway, I posted that quote as a metaphor for how innocuous code can irk me if I'm reviewing it on a grumpy day
"This print("Hello, World!") code is rubbish, it doesn't specify the file encoding, there's no if __name__ == "__main__": block, and the i18n team is certainly not going to appreciate your use of language-dependent inline string literals"
hey guys im tryin to convert some datetime string to unix time stamp
help pls
And who decided the W should be capital, anyway? "World" isn't a proper noun.
i am an actual monkey
i just got down to the floor
@discoMonkey I recommend strptime
i used to hang on to trees, then i thought o learning programming
i find javascript very elegent
if i fail with programming i will go back to hanging from trees
Monkeys are capable of writing shakespeare, given enough time. And most programs are not nearly as complicated. You are qualified enough.
thats a relief
ok tell me, why does from datetime import datetime is different that only: import datetime
ok tell me, why does from datetime import datetime works different than only: import datetime
The module, named datetime, defines a class, also named datetime. This has caused much confusion over the years.
so my monkey freinds can relax?
why humans dont fix that man?? its soo not easy for monkeys
Generally, import X will create a variable named X, and X's type will be module. Compare to from Y import Z, which creates a variable named Z, which can have any type. Most often it's function or type, but it can be whatever. Also note that it does not create a Y variable.
The Python dev team is probably unwilling to change the name of the module or the class, because it would break backwards compatibility
Dart is a beutiful language
monkeys worship it
I'm skeptical but I don't know enough about monkeys to dispute it
yeah man. in jungle we have a Dart temple
it was originally Dev Temple
As a perfectly spherical hovering chrome orb, I find Dart to be a little too pointy. once I find the roundest language, I will take it and return to my brethren in orbspace.
Python suffices for now because it has few curly brackets, relative to languages with a C-like syntax
>>> import time
>>> import datetime
>>> time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime("9/12/2021", "%m/%d/%Y").timetuple())
my problem with the decimal point
can i get only number? no decimal?
timestamps are floating point numbers though
so i turn to tostring()
What do you want though
to turn a floating point number into an integer, consider using int(the_number)
i need to use the unixtimestamp in a URL for data request
Also consider using the_datetime.timestamp() rather than time.mktime(the_datetime.timetuple())
>>> time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime("9/12/2021", "%m/%d/%Y").timestamp())
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Tuple or struct_time argument required
Delete time.mktime there
And its parentheses
Parentheses wouldnt cause an issue right? Just a bonus :p
>>> datetime.datetime.strptime("9/12/2021", "%m/%d/%Y").timestamp()
it works but, theres still a decimal
Use int()?
@CoolCloud Yeah. In most contexts, putting parentheses around an expression is harmless.
Counterexamples are things like print(2 * 3 + 4) versus print(2 * (3 + 4)) where it's pretty obvious why the outcome changed
@CoolCloud nice
@Kevin I blame maths :P
I blame the hubris of man for trying to represent the perfect crystalline truth of mathematics as a largely one dimensional glyph sequence
In the platonic mathly realm, which is two blocks down from orbspace, there are no parentheses
@Kevin do u really work in orbspace?
so cool
I'm more like an expatriate, insofar as orbspace has a concept of boundaries, either political or topological
Does anyone here know how to optimize parameters of a recursive equation?
@Kevin u have the power of knowledge
a rarity item in our monkey society
guys can i add someones profile??
add to favorite or something like that?
Knowledge is a lame power, I'd rather have laser eyes or lots of money or a nuclear submarine
hahaha, im writing a lame python trading bot.
@Kevin maybe u can write a better one
so money prob is solved
and also i happen to know a guy owns submarine, not nuclear, german cold war era
get a lasik ;)
2 hours later…
*hands out magnifying lenses to everyone present* Here's a super tiny riddle: Will this code work or crash?
import itertools

itertools.print('Hello World')
Fun fact: I got it wrong
I didn't know itertools had a print. What version are you using?
crash no such thing as print for itertools :D
@inspectorG4dget Same as you :D
It's interesting to me because exec('print(5)', vars(itertools)) doesn't crash. Obviously it's because attribute access is different from name lookup, but I never, like, fully realized that before now
@roganjosh Nope, but thanks for thinking of me and glad it's a popular event.
@Kevin Yeah, those braces are really pointy and sharp.
Wouldn't this explain it?

>>> __builtins__.print is print
Well, what threw me for a loop is the fact that you can access the stuff in __builtins__ via exec, but not via attribute access
Why should attribute access look in __builtins__?
You can provide locals and globals to exec, I believe, but not __builtins__, and unqualified name searches always end up there.
A popular way to set up Python oddities used to be to screw with the contents of __builtins__.
df.drop(['colX','colA','colG'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
if I want to just drop columns from the df I am using, do I do just that?
or df = df.drop(['country','genres','language'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
Use either df = or inplace=True, but not both
@holdenweb I thought it might happen automatically anytime a lookup in a global scope fails
But as you discovered, attribute lookups are rooted and don't use any of locals, globals or builtins. The latter are used for unqualified name lookups only.
But the namespace of a module is a global scope, so it might fall through to the builtins
Basically, I expected all global scopes to work as if they were a collections.ChainMap(globals(), vars(builtins))
Also, I hate how I can never remember the name of that stupid ChainMap class
Doesn't work that way. Any execution context has locals provided by the current function call (unless there isn't one), globals provided by the module, and builtins. Unqualified names are sought in those namespaces. Qualified names are rooted in the namespace of the object qualified by the attribute.
1 hour later…
How to fix the huge (larger than screen space) matplotlib plot sizes on retina displays with pycharm?
any idea what that format called ? bpa.st/KAIQ
is that a JSONNET?
@inspectorG4dget As you can see, dipping in and out pretty much at random at present! I've spent much of the last seven days staving off legal action and planning to get the whole Engineering squad working as a single team.
How the devil are you?

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