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can someone give me a tutorial where i can learn how to make a python 2 cgi script which stores user credentials in a mysql file
1 hour later…
@xxmbabanexx I don't quite understand that question - are you confused about the python part, or the mysql part, or the user credentials part? What are the credentials to?
3 hours later…
@TehShrike creds for username and password
i am just learning so i guess the best part to start would be how to edit mySQL with a python cgi script
if u can just give me some links to help me start out that would be great
9 hours later…
@xxmbabanexx I would say that the first step would be to connect up ti a MySQL server with some client (either the command-line client, or SQLYog if you're on Windows, or Sequel Pro if you're on OSX) and play with running MySQL queries until you can perform all the operations that you want. Inserts, updates, selects, whatever.
Once you have all the queries and you know what you want to run, you go to Python and find a good MySQL client library to use there, and then write the script that will run those queries.
Then, you drop that script behind Apache (or whatever) as a cgi script, with whatever configuration that entails.

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