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just walking by...
@ComManDoGirl might wanna consider boosting your rep a bit before you put "Noobs" on your profile. :)
@Thomas yeah, noobs suits me well. as long as it didnt pronounce as boobs
I love element:before { content:"whatever" }
I couldn't resist...
A: Disclaimer | Privacy | Terms & Conditions

Thomas ShieldsTraditionally, Web Developers have paid thousands for lawyers and specially certified insertees to add these links to the bottom of their pages. The extreme difficulty involved in editing the page and adding three links made the task very tedious and quite costly. Additionally, "Legal Insert" com...

Hello, is there anyone in here who could help a novice with a problem?
depends on what the problem is.
I'm trying to get help with sidenotes in CSS and I'm at the verge of tears.
I asked the question here yesterday: stackoverflow.com/questions/6567095/…
And I just went to EFNet's #css and was berated for twenty minutes.
sidenotes - that's a new HTML5 element, right? lemme take a look...
Oh no, I'm not sure. I've never heard of it.
I just mean the sort of sidenotes you'll find it old texts: e.g., books.google.com/…
*in old texts
oh right okay
oh, i'm thinking of <aside>
what browser support do you need?
Just Firefox/Chrome for right now. I'm trying to learn the basic idea before worrying about IE compatibility.
okay. what the heck are all those custom tags in there for?
I've been able to do sidenotes that are way off in the right margin, but I'm having trouble making them cut into the main text as boxes.
I'm not sure, but the #css people were brutal about it.
I thought that was a normal way to do css.
yeah well all those custom tags are horrible markup. Be semantic. Don't use custom tags.
I tried to fix it here: jsfiddle.net/ffYEK/8
I'm gonna start from scratch and see what I can do.
Thank you so much.
If it works, lemme know and I'll put it in an answer to your question
Just make sure you use a span as the sidenote and not a div because p can't contain a div
There's two problems, I guess. The more immediate problem is getting a good amount of top and bottom padding for the note. The other is that I can't do the note numbers manually, I have to do them automatically (otherwise I end up having to type in thousands of numbers manually).
oh, okay. half a sec then...
(From now on, I'm going to use this as my go-to illustration)
wait, you just can't do the note numbers manually? or you can't do the entire note manually?
Just the numbers themselves.
The note text will be different from note to note.
(The reason is that I'm introducing a numbering system for notes that does not already exist in the original text, which works on a system of asterisks/daggers/etc.)
this might be a bit of a hack but it should work... almost done
It looks like you're running into the same problem: the top padding isn't doing anything, it seems.
No, it does. It pads the actual sidenote down 5px. The number stays in place, however, to keep the sidenote level with the actual note.
Oh, I see. How can you give the entire note a larger box, so that it shortens the previous line as well as the current and following lies?
add more padding.
or use display:inline-block and set a width and height
I have another idea though one second
OK, I just added more padding here, but it didn't seem to work, for what it's worth: jsfiddle.net/FTdwR/16
Of course, I'll gladly wait to see the new idea.
Yeah, my new idea should take care of padding down that number as well
OK, great, although my main concern is about the previous line being shortened by the top padding.
ooh i see
okay I modified it a little bit, but can you point out exactly what's wrong with this:jsfiddle.net/FTdwR/22
I read the comments on your question and the answer
I see what you want.
OK, I'll hold off the criticism, then! :)
James Khoury is right. The sidenote renders from the place you put it down, not up.
I'll try something though
see this - you can't make the element extend upward past where it was inserted.
I gotta get some sleep. I'll be back tomorrow. Later all.
OK, thanks.
I have some queries about servlets and jfreecharts is this the right place to discuss this issue?
I honestly don't know, so I'll get out of here. Good luck, Bhavya PH.
5 hours later…
Hey, quick ASP.NET question:

I need to add an ID to this <th> for some specific CSS (don't want to have to rely on :first-child)

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left">
<span><asp:Literal id="header" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:index, IndexSearch_Header_Product %>" /></span>
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="productLink" />
7 hours later…
Good morning

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