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8:23 AM
Hi there.
Good idea on the chatroom - I haven't used these on SO before.
Did you see my last comment to your answer?
It was specifically the three lines of code to convert the folder to plain content.
Yes, you last comment. I see that you are on Windows, which puts me at a bit of a disadvantage, but I think we can work through it.
How did you install your Git? MsysGit or Cygwin?
I believe it was MsysGit
i apologize for my newbie-ness
8:32 AM
What shell are you using? cmd.exe or bash (e.g. from MsysGit)
I'm using the start command prompt for ruby
i always do my commits/pushes from there
I'm happy to fire up cmd.exe if you'd be more comfortable with that
huh... I just opened cmd.exe and hit git status, it gives me a slightly different output
this time it says, Untracked files: vendor/plugins/open_flash_chart_2/
Hmm, I am still not sure what kind of shell that gives you. My problem is that 'rm' is a standard Unix command, but it did not work for you. Maybe you can use a variation of DEL if you are in a Windows-y shell. I would have expected 'rm' to work if you were using Msys's (or Cygwin's) bash. I am not at all familiar with any of the Ruby environments on Windows.
I read somewhere that we shouldn't add files with '/' at the end - is that true or can I just add this folder with the /?
well... it seems that with cmd.exe I should have a shot at adding the folder and having git start to track it
Are you talking specifically about 'git add' with arguments that end in a slash?
8:37 AM
Doing 'git add foo/' should be fine. It should add all the files under foo (and any of its subdirectories, etc.).
i'll try it and get back to you
But there is a small difference if 'foo' is a sub-repository!
i don't believe it is...?
When 'foo' is a sub-repository (has its own .git/{HEAD,objects,.config,...})
ohh i see
8:38 AM
'git add foo' will add it as a gitlink (semi-submodule)
it is a sub-repository
'git add foo/' will add the contents as normal files (no gitlink business)
At least that is how it works on Unix systems. :0
that'd be fine
fingers crossed then :)
I know there is some wierdness in how the Msys layer converts pathnames, but I am not familiar with all the details.
Which command are you trying in which shell?
i typed git add vendor/plugins/open_flash_chart_2 in cmd.exe
sorry, with a /
then i typed git status and it showed all the files from that directory as new files
i'm going to push it to the repo and to the site and see what happens
8:41 AM
Hi, I cannot read code font on github. Mainly comments in italics. Have you same problem?
@sscirrus production? staging? other? Do you do local testing before pushing?
oh the site hasn't been launched yet
it's online but there's no users - i've been trying to get these charts to work forever
@VojtechR Can you give a link that demonstrates? Are you talking about syntax high-lighting done when viewing blobs or something?
@sscirrus OK, just trying to get a feel for what all is going on. :)
does it sound reasonable? i'm always worried that i'm killing kittens i don't know about :)
@ChrisJohnsen For example comments in highlighted C code: github.com/vojtarylko/Primes/blob/master/src/…
8:46 AM
@VojtechR I agree - it's not very readable. Unfortunately I don't know how to change it (or if it can be changed).
@sscirrus Sound fine. Just trying to gauge the seriousness of each action you might take.
It seems OK to me, maybe a little light
You might be able to override with a user style sheet.
Oops, wrong @ address on that last message.
oh my god... it worked!
Chris, you have no idea how long I've been poring over my code trying to figure out why my charts worked on my machine but not on the site
i suppose a more experienced me would've thought it obvious to check my repo :)
@sscirrus I have a suggestion: always use git diff --cached before making a commit. You should have noticed something odd in the diff after you ended up with the “semi-submodule”.
hmm... i'll try that Chris
honestly i'm sure this mistake happened a few weeks ago during some other push
@sscirrus Problem is Courier in CSS: font-family: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier", monospace;
8:54 AM
@VojtechR Wait, you can specify the css that github uses?
@sscirrus You can use your history to tack down exactly when it happened. :) I think git diff --cached is just a good habit to get into anyway. It is like proof-reading before posting.
@ChrisJohnsen I agree - I'm definitely going to do that from now on
@sscirrus Let’s make sure things are all “clean” though...
@ChrisJohnsen sounds like a good idea
8:56 AM
Do you still have a .git dir in your vendor/plugins/open_flash_chart_2 dir?
let me check
@sscirrus With Opera Dragonfly I see font-family: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier", monospace; for highlighted code.
@VojtechR Yes, that is fairly hideous. Many browsers will let you specify user style sheets that can override the normal styles.
@ChrisJohnsen That .git dir does exist
@ChrisJohnsen Yes, but I like systematic solution - nice font for every user, not just me :)
8:59 AM
@sscirrus Good. Also, now that your files are “flat”, you will not be able to easily pull in updates from the upstream charts repository. Are you OK with that?
hmm... it's not a terrible thing because that repository is rarely updated. However, if I was going to do that, I assume I'd have to manually reinstall and retrack the folder each time I update it?
@VojtechR Yes, but I don't know of a way to fix it for everyone. Actually, it is not too bad in my browser (did you see the shot I posted earlier?)
@sscirrus Yes, that is probably the most straight forward way. Blow away the vendor/plugins/open_flash_chart_2 directory, re-clone, nuke its .git directory, and git add -A the result. If you also needed to carry local changes you should probably do it in a “vendor branch” to help isolate the upstream changes and preserve your local changes.
@ChrisJohnsen Yes.
I think that'll work
@sscirrus It is too bad that (I hear) shell scripts are really slow on Windows. git subtree (a sh script) is really quite nice. Well, nice to look at anyway. I have not used it for anything but playing and testing out my suggestions.
9:07 AM
@ChrisJohnsen Many things are too slow on Windows ;-)
Honestly, I'm too damn new at using .git to be trusted with it. I still have a lot of reading to do I think.
@sscirrus Well, shell stuff in particular since it uses many fork()s, which is just not a strong suit of Windows. Probably it was written in just about any other language it would be faster.
@ChrisJohnsen I see.
@ChrisJohnsen Thanks for all your help buddy. I've accepted your answer to the original question. +1 as well
for going above and beyond the call of duty ;-)
@sscirrus Thanks! I can pull up a few recommend readings if you like.
The only one I know of so far is progit.org
I'd love any recommendations you have
@sscirrus Me too.
9:17 AM
I’m going through my bookmarks… Some of them are old. I’m scanning through a couple to make sure they are not too old to be applicable (none of the really core stuff has changed much since I started, but lots of the “polish” has).
@ChrisJohnsen Take your time.
Recommended Reading: The Git Parable — a story about how Git might have (did) evolve from “lots of copies of the source tree” to its current object model
I suppose you can get by without knowing the “object model”, but I think it is tremendously useful to understand how blobs, trees, commits, tags, branches, and HEAD come together to produce the functionality that is exposed in the high level commands.
I agree - I think it'd help a great deal.
I'm trying to launch a site that will be used by paying customers, so I'm looking for 'real' Rails people to take over and manage it once it's going properly. I want to learn about this, at the same time the site needs proper management.
Recommended Reading: The Thing About Git — goes into some detail on the power of Git’s index (e.g. committing only some files, git add -p, etc.) and how it can help you take messy, “real world” development and shape it into clean commits.
Recommended Reading: Git from the bottom up — another explanation of Git’s object model (blobs, tree, commits), how branches and the index work.
9:37 AM
Recommended Reading: Fun with merges and purposes of branches — Some advice on how to think about branches and how that guides whether, and in which direction merges should be made.
Recommended Reading: Never merging back — sometimes you need special branches that have changes that will never be incorporated into other branches
Recommended Reading: A successful Git branching model — describes a full branching model: development, feature, release, hotfixes; embodied in the gitflow tool
The Pro Git bok seems nice. It definately covers the important (IMO) parts like the object model, the basics of branching and covers lots of other details. I have never really read through the whole thing though. I had stopped looking for supplemental reading material by the time it came out. Nowadays I read the manpage and the source. :)
Recommended Reading: Resolving conflicts/dependencies between topic branches early — a bit more on the relationships between “topic” branches.
OK, I think I am done with posting links.
9:57 AM
@ChrisJohnsen Thanks, great job.
@sscirrus Oh, the thing about git add foo/ adding the files even if foo is a repository: I am not sure that it is a fully supported mode of operation. I saw someone mention it once and it does work for me, but it seems a bit odd to me that it works that way. I do not think I have ever seen it documented anyway. It is better (more reliable, IMO) to just delete the sub-repository’s .git to make sure it does not get in the way later.

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