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1 hour later…
@dylanweber I hope You don't mean the system partition.. xD
@Kamiccolo Letters for system partitions?! I thought Windows was forbidden o.o
@dylanweber ha ha, I thought that either... xD
on the other hand.. we do have at least couple of Windows developers here :} And, I must say, highly respected ones in our small community xP
10 hours later…
helloc @holgac; // :}
how were You been? :}
@Kamiccolo thank you, I'm struggling with my exams :) how are you?
@holgac ugh.. struggling with upcoming release :} and still soaking from the rain in the workplace... barefootxD
@Kamiccolo haha, still dealing with ubuntu related issues?
@holgac it's working already more or less... :} dealing with some issues in simulation environment...
This is how it looks:
simulated cameras:
@Kamiccolo are you working on this gazebosim.org ?
@holgac with it :} and... not directly...
man, I'm checking its source code, it's so.. c++. I mean look at this
@holgac this is a dangerous idiom.
pretty much no one except one Boost library writes code like that.
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, I was just kidding
@holgac yup :} and You can write plugins in Python. But it's still... freakin unstable.
usage of boost this much just kills me... in that damned ROS and it's tools like Gazebo... >.<
@Kamiccolo "ROS"?
@BartekBanachewicz more like... R"OS" :}
Robot Operating System which isn't Operating System at all...
2 hours later…
Centre for Computing History - youtube.com/watch?v=zFb4tilDmBg
@haris and of course, nice channel itself :}
@Kamiccolo yup.. :)
@haris We have an Atari in the office too :} and the Russian C64 clone... and I've got an original NES recently :}
PS1 and PS2, of course, too :}
welcome back, @Mints97 :}
@Kamiccolo NIce.. I should also get one NES console.. :D
@haris sadly, need to refurbish the powerbrick :}
@Kamiccolo you talking about the adapter?
12 volt ouput
and... get a SD-cart. For example EverDrive.
Yup, AC!
sadly the ones I've got --- not powerful enough. Only like... 0.3-0.5 amps. From some old phone-lines related devices...
@Kamiccolo i think if you know the specification, you can get one from any hardware store..
@haris not from any, but yeah... and solder the most similar connector You can get :}
at least it's not that much custom for example Apple does nowadays... xD
@haris Actually... it's freaking easy to make it Yourself. It's only one simple transformer....
@Kamiccolo Mostly those days they use to have those small connectors.. i dont find those in anything nowadays
@haris naaaah... it's from bigger one... like 5.6 mm.
*ones. Amost like ones for older Thinkpads...

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