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what does this free means @Kamiccolo
Just some kind of saying "see You later/good bye" :}
And idea of this chat owner:
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
The good news are that I've finished my 'post' and I'm satisfied with it
The problem is that I'm not sure if the code sample I provide looks good enough, and whether there's anything to do about it
Anybody is up for the task?
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
helloc all;
@Ajna have you solved the array iteration?
@DrorK. I can take a look at it..
helloc all;
helloc @Kamiccolo;
@hello peter :)
yes peter
helloc all;
helloc @mi5t4n && @Ajna;
how are you today?
(I wanted to ask "at this beautiful our of morning".. and then I realised it is 3PM here as well..)
M fine..waiting for the programming contest to start :)
what about you?
7 pm at our country :)
inside the misteries of computerwritten assembly
feeling a littleturle compring these with mine lol
little turtle*
comparing* --'
@Ajna: where u from?
@mi5t4n uh-uh-uh, what contest?
@Peter: Programming contest on codeforces.com
@ajna: BR stands for Brazil, isn't it?
ho yeah =]
oh, I see..
@Peter: have you heard of it?
@Ajna: you probably enjoying football then :)
@mi5t4n nope, I did not.. I barely have time to manage things on SO, but to have an extra burden.. no sir, thank you ;)
soccer. Actually Im agains the cup. Greatest rob in country's history... You may heard about the protests n stuff :)
@Ajna: Yeah i am hearing it all over the news, pretty unique type of protest by supporting rival Argetina :D
hue hue... among a lot of anothers :P
@Peter: I too manage to solve only 1 out of 5....pretty at solving them :D
@Ajna: I do support on your protest. The worldcup is going to make riche more richer, not going to help the backwards
helloc all
Hello carpet :)
helloc @carpetjar;
have you tried / read about nimrod?
@PeterVaro not yet, got finals and a lot of parties, no time
sounds like you have a busy and exciting time there ;)
yeah, and trying to find a decent job for summer
goto reboot;
Now I am thinking of a good way to say 'I want to learn stuff and get paid for it' in ny job application
I want that too @carpetjar
Free all
free @carpetjar;
precisely. A old tendency here but this is a mega boost on it
FIFA yet calls utself a non profit organization...
WIth 1 billion dollars in the bank. LoL
@Ajna: hmm
3 hours later…
woohoo, Parallella already here!
segfault at the last } of the main
wth ._.
@PeterVaro Hey, thanks- but I've already posted it :)
Q: Do pointers to pointers to structs have implied interchangeability?

Dror K.According to both C99 §6.2.5p27 and C11 §6.2.5p28: All pointers to structure types shall have the same representation and alignment requirements to each other. With a footnote (#39 and #48 respectively): The same representation and alignment requirements are meant to imply interchan...

helloc all;
Wait, what
That's not the correct link
Q: Are all pointers derived from pointers to structure types the same?

Dror K.The Question The question of whether all pointers derived from pointers to structure types the same, is not easy to answer. I find it to be a significant question for the following two primary reasons. A. The lack of a pointer to pointer to 'any' object type, imposes a limitation on convenient ...

This is! :)
I was wondering, if a question receives 3 up-votes, and then 3 down-votes, the author is being aware of it? Or it simply evens out as 0 votes?
@DrorK. I think you can see up and down-votes in your reputation history
So if I haven't- I guess it means I wasn't down-voted even once
Yes, you haven't been downvoted
also, with higher reputation (>= 1000) You can see all upvotes/downvotes of any question :}
Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/established-user
Oh, that's nice
@DrorK. for the first one You have -1 and +11 xP
@Kamiccolo What do you mean, for which one do I have -1 and +11?
@Kamiccolo Oh, the "Do pointers to pointers..."?
@DrorK. aye :} And I mean 1downvote and 11 upvotes :}
1 hour later…
goto away;

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