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Made that promise to myself a long time ago, dad beat up mom once
I lost it
Nearly killed him
again, #no-sob-story
And it was that day I vowed that I wouldn't be like him
yup #no-sob
my dad was an abusive drunk. watched him beat my mom from the time I can remember until she left him when I was 8 - 9
(turned 9 like a week after we left)
Eventually you realize everyone is dealing with their own shit, just need to pick up the pieces and move on
spoke to him once since then and he blamed everything on her. I was too young to do anything at the time. but if I ever saw him now..
I still would love to just break his nose. not anything serious like. just a nice straight shot to the face.
but yea. aside from that little impulse, i'm good :P
I like to think of it as he doesn't know any better ( my dad that is )
I mean, 20 years have passed. I don't think of him often but when I do I kinda want to punch him in the face :P
legit feels
the way I coped was the belief that he taught me exactly how not to be a husband and father.
so at least there was that.
I haven't spoken to him in 15 years. haven't seen him in 20. I can't imagine having that type of relationship with my own children when I have them
I m gonna crash got work in the morning, laters bro
cool. join my contest! srs bro. good przes
Ofc not, I d fucking put them on a pedestal
I ll hack something up tomorrow ^^
coo coo
I really want more than just fucking Zach to enter
haahahha yeah alien will def go in
I mean nothing against him. just that it wouldn't be as fun
I wanna make something trippy :P
> 10 people would be better for "voting" purposes
Check out the lines
Wanna make em in css
anyhoe !!goodnight

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