so what is actually happening here is the website is served from a dedicated server in Montreal, the websockets are being served from a BeagleBoneBlack (like a rPi) connected to our control system via serial port. the BBB has a node server running communicating with our system and reporting the data back real time.
the heartbeat is just letting you know there is still communication.
however if communication breaks, and here is where the "fun" came. I pretty much go way the fuck out of my way to bring it back online
to the point where I'm remote restarting devices. checking needlessly for ssh connections. pinging ports every 10 seconds then re-issuing ssh commands via node.
it took a long time to get over them. I had a bad experience when I was ~23
my knuckles look pretty fucked in comparison because my right is messed from punching walls / light posts / doors / anything that wasn't the person I was mad at
when I was 23 my fiance left me and looted me for everything. I mean everything. all she left me with was my cat and my clothes. she took the fucking energy save light bulbs, the food, the tp. everything
I had a nervous breakdown getting home from work and finding my house in that order.
but I always thought it was better to just walk away and hit something else to get the rage out. After she left (and she was a bitch, don't get me wrong. took ALL my shit and moved in with another guy. no warning. and this wasn't a huge issue in our relationship) that I realized I had to change or else I would be miserable the rest of my life.