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Q: Understanding Try/Catch and Domains in Node

Aaron StorckI've been researching the proper way to handle errors in Node and have found some good answers here on StackOverflow and on NodeJS' site, such as How do I prevent node.js from crashing? try-catch doesn't work and the NodeJS docs which the answers lead me to: http://nodejs.org/api/domain.html. Ho...

Q: Passport throwing "undefined is not a function"

anwyattThis is my first time using passport. I keep getting this error when I try to launch my app: passport.use(new LocalStrategy(Account.authenticate())); ^ TypeError: undefined is not a function at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/drewwyatt/Sites/JS/Node/MWInternal/app.js:38:14) Here's...

Q: Update session data when saving mongoose model

teatimerI'm trying to update express session data in the mongoose save callback. How can I go about accessing (and updating) the session data from within line 4? app.get('/', function(request, response){ var model = new Model(somedata); request.session.ok = "ok"; model.save(function (err, data) { ...

Q: Difference between app.use('*') and app.all('*') in Express

hyubsIs there a difference between app.use('*', function (req, res, next) { }); and... app.all('*', function (req, res, next) { });

Q: karma problems while trying to set up an angular project

abboodI'm trying to set up an environment that supports angular/coffeescript/sass/jade.. and was told angular-curve does an excellent job. I get stuck at this part: after cloning the repo and running npm install I get this error: npm ERR! peerinvalid The package karma does not satisfy its siblings' ...

Q: Socket.io not sending cookies in the handshake causing the request to stall

jrthibLet me explain my setup. I have multiple domain names that are all CNAME records for a main domain name, such as example.com. example.com -> serverIP company1.example.com -> example.com company2.example.com -> example.com I'm basically developing white labeled versions of our software, where ...

Q: What is the best way to retrieve JSON from URL in Node.js

JemiloIISo I've been using sailsjs to request json data from an external website and then posting that data to the create route. When I first run it, it will work for around 10-12 times and then the application will crash with event.js throw er; connect ETIMEDOUT Looking for a better way to request json...

Q: Detect login with Passport (Facebook-strategy) + Express.io + + route

DoriI have node app with Passport (Facebook-strategy) + route + Express.io. I can successfully login with Passport Facebook strategy and the functionality is fine in every one of the app.get('/path', function(req, res) {}); but when I came to app.io.route('test', function(req) {}); (with express.io) ...

1 hour later…
Q: Hapi.js views not seeing local scripts

jadengoreI'm currently working on an app with a server that uses Hapi, and I am running into a problem whenever I try to load a .jade file. Here is the current code for my index.js file: var Hapi = require('hapi'); var internals = {}; internals.main = function() { var options = { views: { e...

Q: Which is faster between storing images in Mongo GridFS or Amazon S3?

c0mradeI am working on a project, where each user can post many images. We use Node.js with Express and MongoDB as the database. I was wondering which way would be better in terms of speed and scalability: Storing images in Mongo GridFS Or Storing images on Amazon S3, and paths of images on MongoD...

Q: node js error not solving

Masum NishatI am running node js with log4js to see logs. But unfortunately i am getting, these errors in my cheese.log, [2014-05-25 10:54:17.566] [ERROR] console - AAArgh! Something went wrong { some: 'otherObject', useful_for: 'debug purposes' } [2014-05-25 10:54:17.570] [ERROR] cheese - Cheese gouda is t...

Q: Nginx and multiple domains

StefanoI bought some domains at godaddy.com (i.e mydomain.com) for my droplet at digitalocean.com (i.e I run a nodejs application on port 80 on the droplet. From godaddy.com, I forward with masking mydomain.com to and I could see may app. Now I want to run on 199.216.1...

Q: Need a funciton to stop a cluster of running http-servers with different ports in node.js

RakmoI am beginner in node.js development. I have written following code to start multiple instances of http server running on different ports. You can observe that the Cluster has 2 function start and stop. The start function works fine, however, I ain't sure what to write for callback? The second an...

Q: Triggering Celery Task from Redis Message

Brad ReardonI'm currently working on an application that will rely on Socket.io on a Node.js server communicating with a Django backend. The component of this application I'm having trouble with relies on an external service to trigger a message within Django. I thought of using a simple GET/POST request to ...

Q: Using nodejs as a webservice aside to website webserver

Guy SegalIn my local computer, I have a programm that scrappes data from some website, periodically, once a day. The scrapping process transform the data from the html pages to a list of objects (This was developed in C#) I want to upload the data to a database on a cloud hosting service (such as OpenShi...

Q: Stringify with multiple objects in array

Ahmedi am trying to save an array with 2 object into a file. ( I am using Node ) Right now I have this: fs.writeFile( "array.json", JSON.stringify(array), "utf8"); But it only shows me the first object and not the second. When I don't stringify it, it shows in the file that there are 2 objects and...

Q: parse a resume (.pdf, .doc, .txt) with node.js?

chovyIs there any modules or other services that do a decent job at parsing a resume in PDF, Doc, or TXT format into something standard like YML. I could not find anything on npmjs.org

Q: JavaScript / For loop contains other objects

Or SmithI have the next code: var allFilesName = fs.readdirSync("./0/0"); console.log(allFilesName); for (var i in allFilesName) { console.log("the num is: " + i + " in: " + allFilesName); The output is: [ '6', 'd' ] the num is: 0 in: 6,d Why it get 0, when the allFilesName contains only 6 and d?

Q: How To Sort This Data in MongoDB?

user3664775/* 0 */ { "_id" : ObjectId("5380c9e097632cee5b000007"), "month" : "5", "userid" : "53806aac12c75f4b51000001", "__v" : 7, "posts" : [{ "postid" : ObjectId("538185cae0c6b8666e000008"), "ts" : ISODate("2014-05-25T05:55:22.976Z"), "userid" : "53806aac12c75f4b51000001", ...

Q: Using Nodejs (fs) to access files selected with input type=file

Andrew WhalleyI am having trouble reading files in different locations (other than the Node project directory). I need to read a private key file (could be located anywhere on the file system) and transfer some yaml/yml files (also could be located anywhere) via sftp. These files are selected in a file input f...

Q: Wait for async process to finish before redirect in koajs

ghstcdI'm currently trying to spawn a child process to handle some POST data with NodeJS (using Koa framework). Ideally, I would like to wait for the child process to finish before redirecting, but since the child process is asynchronous, the code always redirects first. I've been trying to fix this f...

Q: running node js in webmatrix

user2519788I'm beginner in NODE . I've opened a new project in Webmatrix 3. There is a default js file server.js. Working on port 8080. When I'm runnig the project it's work fine . But when I'm trying to run another js file in the project as helloworld.js i see the result of default file! It's happen even i...

Q: Installation of NodeJS in Ubuntu

algo1I have installed node.js and the version is 0.6.12 . I am trying to update it but the efforts are invain.Even though i have installed the latest version the Terminal still shows the version as 0.6.12 which means that the installation is not successfull. Please help . The screen shot is http://tin...

Q: Does Express.io has a property authorization to reload a session data??

user2749751I have been implementing the socket concept as in the https://github.com/techpines/express.io/tree/master/examples/sessions, I am able to display the session data that is stored once the page is initialised. But nevertheless , when a session data keeps on changing over an interval , i get that ...

1 hour later…
Q: All multiple elements into all arrays that are equal

Ionicã Bizãu$ node > A = [0, 1, 23] [ 0, 1, 23 ] > B = A [ 0, 1, 23 ] > A.splice(0, 3) [ 0, 1, 23 ] > B [] > A [] > A = A.concat([1, 2]) [ 1, 2 ] > B [] This is correct. But, is it possible that after calling concat, B array be equal with A? I know that there is the loop solution, but what other alternati...

Q: $and combined with 2dsphere in mongo/mongoose

Pavel 'PK' KaminskyI'm trying to get this code to work (node+mongoose) model.find({ $and: [ { 'location': { $near: { $geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [lat, long]} }, $maxDistance: 1000 }}, {'status': { $size: 1 }} ] }, and keep on getting can't find any sp...

Q: Setting up nested resources in geddy

user3614386I have created two models A, B. They have A.HasOne('B') and B.belongsTo('A') reationship defined between them. I have set up the routes as described in http://kieran.github.io/barista/#resources router.resource('A') .member(function(){ this.resource( 'B' ); }); which results in error ...

Q: In MongoDB, this code is not working correctly. Why?

user3261999I want to update project array at once including sub-project userData = { project : [{ name : "asdad" num : 1231 sub-project : [{ name: "subp1" num : 1233333 }] }] } userData.project = req.body.m_project; User.update( {'_id' : r...

Q: nodejs using session/cookie for REST api and admin

EhsanI'm trying to develop a nodejs application for my ios app and admin web pages. I have a REST api for my ios app and some web pages for the admin section. I'm using OAUTH2 for authentication on ios app and default basic authentication for the admin pages. The problem is that the session/cookie is ...

Q: module.js:340 Error: Cannot find module

inwpitrustI'm getting the following error while running the cordova command on Windows: module.js:340 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cordova\bin\cordova' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module._load (mod...

Q: Import bson file into mongoDB in node.js application

user3163545I've got a server running a node.js application and mongoDB, I've got a dump of a mongoDB on this server (several json and bson files). These files are the result of the mongodump command. And I'd like to import these files in the mongoDB, but I don't have access to the command line on this ser...

Q: jquery-file-upload-middleware with express.js: how to move files & add watermarks?

Andrei RoscaI managed to setup https://github.com/aguidrevitch/jquery-file-upload-middleware with express.js 4.0 but am having difficulties configuring it. Here's my upload script: var upload = require('jquery-file-upload-middleware'); upload.configure({ imageVersions: { thumbs: { w...

Q: pack the nodejs and javascript code to one execute file

arachideI hope to pack the nodejs(includes its installed module via npm) and javascript code to one execute file for different plateform(windows, osx, linux). Is it possible or any solution? Your comment welcome

Q: Google geocoding - how to get reference or id from lat,lng using REST api

AjarI've been pulling my head on this one for days... I'm using Node.js to make http calls to Google maps REST API's I need to go over records of locations in my database, and using the lat,lng - find the google location id or reference in a given resolution - say "country" or "administrative_level_1...

Q: How to integrate Facebook SDK into node js?

rahulgOne benefit of node js that we can use the ready made huge base of javascript libraries? So, I was wondering how to integrate the Facebook sdk at http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js into my node project? I am a bit new to Node so the question might be naive..

Q: Windows Azure script How do i push notification to a pool of id stored in a table when the table have been updated

user3673498function update(item, user, request) { request.execute(); push.gcm.send("fweafk-fqwfqf-vdbehtrje-3423wevgwbq-fqegqegq","Updated"); } //I hard-coded the id. How can i loop through a table and get all the id and push it with hard coding the id?

Q: ArangoDB + NodeJS = need working example code for following tasks

user3668918I am coming from MongoDB, and now I would like to use ArangoDb for use of ACID Transactions. I am using NodeJS only for programming. The problem I encounter is a following, I can not bring the NPM code example to life! There are 3 NPM packages with Drivers for NodeJS. None of theses code examp...

Q: How to validate size of file uploads in Express with Multer?

davidI'm using Multer as multipart/form-data middleware in Express. I'm wondering how to validate the size of uploaded files, preferably while they're being uploaded. I'm aware that you can set limits in the options object when instantiating Multer like so: app.use multer limits: fileSize: 102...

Q: why nodeJS doesn't execute the callback function?

Or SmithI have the next code with http module: function PostCode(stream) { // Build the post string from an object console.log("Start upload: " + stream); console.log("A"); var post_data = JSON.stringify({ 'stream' : stream, }); console.log("B"); // An object of opti...

Q: the use of Next() in a node.js controller

NightOwlI am following the wonderful node-express-mongoose-demo app (link in the articles.js controller, the .load function has a next() statement and I am confused about it - I thought that next() was only used in routing, passing the flow to the next middleware. why is next() being used here inside a ...

Q: How to update Nested Array Document in MongoDb

user3664775{ "_id" : ObjectId("5381cd2635b11bff75000003"), "month" : "5", "userid" : "5380629ea3b31f864f000001", "posts" : [{ "postid" : ObjectId("5381cd2635b11bff75000004"), "ts" : ISODate("2014-05-25T10:59:50.274Z"), "userid" : "5380629ea3b31f864f000001", "name" : "AAA", ...

Q: Express middleware with async initialization

giodamelioI am writing some express middleware that needs to access a database. It is going to be released as a package so I want it to be as self contained as possible. I was wondering how I should handle the connection to the database. It is async(of course), but it only needs to happen once. Where shoul...

Q: Nodejs "net" - How to send messages from server in Unicode instead of ASCII?

user3603880I am making a chat application and I can manage to send messages in Unicode from the clients, but if I write an instruction in the server code (nodejs script with net framework), for example attaching the nick of the sender to the message, it makes the message garbled. Example: s...

Q: Using a regex with text search in MongoDB

Rohit MinniI have created a text index on the 'num' field in the collection. Now while passing the string to search from the text index, I need to use a regex which has to be passed as a string to the $search variable. My current query works fine but it doesnt work when I add a regex to it. Current Query:...

Q: how to get soundcloud username with passport.js

pufmaigreI'm working on a nodejs project. I'm using passport.js for my authentication, it works perfectly, but i'm in trouble when I try to get the username of some people using soundcloud. here is my the part of my code I use to store the profile informations in my database : function findOrCreateUser ...

Q: how to query with mongoose timestamp date

KokaI have used mongoose-timestamp plugin https://github.com/drudge/mongoose-timestamp Which maintains createdAt and updatedAt fields on the documents I want to find the documents which have been updated after certain Date, how should i do that?? This is what i am doing : Model.find({updatedAt : ...

Q: Undefined variable in Javascript: difference between typeof and not exists

deemeetreeI don't understand the difference between these two ways of checking if a variable is undefined: if (typeof res.locals.user.hashnodes === 'undefined') { morphemes = 0; } and if (!res.locals.user.hashnodes) { morphemes = 0; } For me, only the second option works, the first on...

Q: Passport and Node.JS Structure

user1502301I'm using a MEAN stack and looking to integrate Passport into it. However, I am not entirely sure how I should structure it. I eventually want to include several Strategies, but lets start with Google. In my routes.js file I have: app.get('/auth/google', passport.authenticate('google')); app...

Q: Saving a file from a post route in expressjs 4

codinI am using multer to capture file posts. As you can see below, The rename function manages the uploaded file and the file gets saved automatically in the uploads directory. Now if I were using two routes and I needed different functionality for each of them,say for one route I would like to rena...

Q: How to build a RESTful API for an SAAS app on node and express

Daniel WhiteI am new to MEAN stack development, but I'm pretty sure i'm going to use it to create my next SAAS single page application over Codeigniter and MySQL (which I've used for 3 years). I have been told by many people that the best way to start using this stack is to create your API first. I am new ...

Q: Mongodb (mongoose), query in two steps

user1572526I have a collection with organizations. Each organization has members. I want to run query to check if a user is a member of that organization. I tried this: mongoose.model('organization').find({orgId: paramOrgId}, function(err, organization){ organization.find({'members.user':req.user._i...

Q: Command-line jade "Cannot read property"

GMeisterRunning through this useful walkthrough for Node.js authentication with Passport, but utilising Jade templating rather than ejs. When actually running the app, the correct values are displayed in the HTML, but it annoys me that command-line jade complains. Any ideas why? Here is the calling co...

Q: mongoDB - Update query adding an array document to an existing document

Haseeb JavedThe userlist collection contains documents of the following format. { "_id" : ObjectId("5381d32ce72cc794166eede2"), "name" : "Haseeb", "password" : "dgkhan", "email" : "[email protected]", "address" : "237 D, Faisal Town , Lahore", "phone" : "51628...

Q: Is there a free node.js hosting?

GrawlI want to use Ghost blog engine for free like WordPress and cannot find any free and fast node.js hosting for it. Is there? I have checked cloudno.de, Nitrous.io and Heroku, but first one, cloudno.de, is in private beta (I subscribed for it), and others are so slow for personal blog.

Q: Unable to read binary POST body

Lucas TanI have a client sending the following request: Host: blah User-agent: blah Connection: keep-alive Content-type: application/octet-stream Content-length: <length> <binarydata> On the server side: http.createServer(function(req,res){ console.log("here"); req.on("data", function(){console...

Q: node.js http-proxy custom routing

NZCoderGuyI'm having troubles trying use http-proxy to route to localhost. I'm using IISNODE but from a Console App is not working neither. If "target" is set to google for example, it also works with local:9000 that is created in this snippet but it doesn't work with sites running in my local IIS Any ...

Q: Using Global Variable in my project (Node.js)?

user3673959I know using global variables in javascript is bad practice.Here i am using config,host and port as global variables as i have added a watch function to watch for the changes in the config.json file.Is the use of global variables in this example a bad practice or is it ok to use. config.json fil...

Q: Getting undefined because of asynchronous calling

lascortI'm having a bit of a problem here. I'm working on a backend on NodeJS for a Sencha Touch app and at some point I'm calling a function, but I'm getting to next line of code before getting that functions return statement. Here's my code... .... for loop .... if(resultSet[k].id_bus == bus...

Q: Where is the source code for Express JS' session.generate() function?

JVerstryI am trying to understand some code about session storage and generation in Express JS and Node.js: Store.prototype.regenerate = function(req, fn){ var self = this; this.destroy(req.sessionID, function(err){ self.generate(req); fn(err); }); }; In the above piece of code, there is...

Q: Is `app.use('/:module')` a safe pattern to use in Express?

derekdreeryIn my express application I want to use nested routing. I want to have a directory of modules that a user could add to (to enable extra functionality). I want to route to the correct module using the following pattern: app.use('/:module', function(req, res) { var module_router = require('/path...

Q: How to check if a UDP server/port is up using NodeJS

AriviieSo, I have a NodeJS IRC bot. What I want to be able to do is to check whether a UDP server is up, or not. As I'm not an expert at network protocols, nor do I know NodeJS all that well, I've been unable to get such a thing working. I've been trying some examples I've gotten over the internet, but...

Q: Node-mysql multiple queries in a connection

HammerI am using node-mysql in my project. I have a scenario where the execution of the second query will be based on the result returned from the first. For example, first query, select * from table where user=x; then based on the existence I will run another query. I am using pool.getConnection(). Ma...

Q: Error starting a sails app with pm2

vcarvalhoI'm trying to start a sails app with pm2, but i got the following error: pm2 start app.js --name myapp -i 2 pm2 logs [myapp-1 (out) 2014-05-25T13:38:51] info: Sails <| [myapp-1 (out) 2014-05-25T13:38:51] info: v0.10.0-rc7 |\ [myapp-1 (out) 2014-05-25T13:38:51] info:...

Q: node.js REQUEST auth hash

DanPlI am using npm REQUEST for a simple http call. There is ambiguity (at least for me) as to what the hash requirement means. From the documentation I see I need to make a chained function call: request.get('http://some.server.com/').auth('username', 'password', false); The fine print says "...If...

Q: Heroku Node.js Amazon S3 direct upload tutorial - SignatureDoesNotMatch

AmpTWhy does the Heroku Nodejs AWS S3 tutorial (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/s3-upload-node) fail when a plus '+' character is present in the signature?

Q: npm | node_modules on Users folder

cleliodpaulaI'm little bit confused after try to solve how to install a module globally using npm. I installed Node using a .dmg package from official site. This is the final log. Node was installed at /usr/local/bin/node npm was installed at /usr/local/bin/npm Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in you...

Q: Parse large strings to invoke JS functions in Node

Jody HeavenerThis is my first attempt at building a Node module; the purpose is to parse a file (typically an HTML file), look for specific matches, and do something with those matches. I'm using the fs module to readdir, find each file in that directory, and then pass off each file to readFile, which return...

Q: Does anyone know of a good set of installation instructions for Node.js?

end-userI'm trying to get started with Node.js on a Windows machine. Yes, I found the installer on their site. That worked just fine and I can run it. However, after that there's no instructions or requirements. Some issues I ran into: I learned that most of these cool modules need to be built loca...

Q: Nodejs net : how to make chat rooms

user3603880I have followed the examples on many sites that indicate how to make a single room chat using a nojejs server (using the nodejs "net" module). my clients are written in c#. How can I make chat rooms with the "net" module? It should be like I can see all my friends and then decide to chat with one...

Q: Converting ASCII data to text

user2134003I am wanting to convert the USDA nutrient data (provided in ASCII) to a text file (link). Below is an example of the first ASCII line from their file: ~01001~^~203~^0.85^16^0.074^~1~^~~^~~^~~^^^^^^^~~^11/1976^ Could anyone provide an example method of transcribing this ascii data using javascr...

Q: How to get room's clients list in socket.io 1.0

user3674239I can get room's clients list with this code in socket.io 0.9. io.sockets.clients(roomName) How can do this in socket.io 1.0?

Q: Connection.query to execute

Daniel Sh.Pretty sure this is a quite noobish node.js/callback question but I can't seem to find the proper code to make it run. This is how I invoke my node-mysql code: var utils = require('../../config/database/utils'); exports.getResults = function(callback) { var query = "SELECT * FROM my_table...

Q: angular-file-upload progress/success callbacks not working

leaksterrrI've created an image uploader using angular-file-upload and the file passed through the form gets parsed server-side in my Express app and then writes the image to a directory on the server, so the good news is that the whole image uploading part works as it should do. The problem I'm having is ...

Q: Difference between AFNetworking and Postman response with JSON request

crewshinDoes anyone have any idea why I'm getting this when I POST with AFNetworking (wrong): [ '0', '1', '7', '0', '2', '94', '0', '3', '41', '0', '4', '5', '0', '5', '51', '0', '6', '3', '0', '7', '40', '0', '8', '18', '0', '9', '12', '0', '10', ...

2 hours later…
Q: Node.js modules not accessible after ssh connection closed

MichaelI have written my first webapp in Node.js with Express and MongoDB. As a foundation, I have used this example. Everything runs smoothly when testing locally, and also at first when it is running on the server (which is a Ubuntu server that I connect to via SSH and use PM2 to keep the process run...

Q: CLI app which authenticates with a user's github account

wheresrhysI'm creating a cli tool which communicates a great deal with the github API. As github rate-limits after 60 requests I need to offer the user the opportunity to sign in. I'm new to oAuth and all the examples I can find on the github site seem to relate to authenticating a web based tool, where th...

Q: parsing through json objects using javascript when using formidable?

user2681696Im using formidable to deal with file uplaods in node.js, lets assume these objects are stored in a variable called file { google: { domain: { domain: null, _events: [Object], _maxListeners: 10, members: [Object] }, _events: {}, _maxListeners: 10, ...

Q: Express.io Room function not found in the RequestIO object

tdlopesHere's what I tried to do: server.js app = require('express.io')(); app.http().io(); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.sendfile(__dirname + '/client.html'); }); app.put('/create', function(req, res) { req.io.route('articles'); }); app.io.route('join', function(req) { req.io.j...

Q: Not able to test my async code in node.js using mocha

danny.lesnikI have the following code: function ToDo(){ //something } ToDo.prototype.doAsync = function(cb){ setTimeout(cb,2000,true); }; Now I'm trying to test this code using mocha: //async describe('doAsync', function(){ it('getting callback in two seconds', function(done){ todo.doAsyn...

Q: connect.sid is always undefined

pootzkoI'm quite new to NodeJS/Express/Socket.IO and have made a simple rock-paper-scissors app using Socket.IO communication (on the client-side I'm using AngularJS). That part of the app worked quite fine so far. However, I started working on implementing sessions using Redis and have stumbled upon ...

Q: Managing RabbitMQ

SamI'm new to RabbitMQ and MQ's in general. I'm using the rabbit.js Node.js module to interface with RabbitMQ, so all my application layer is going to mainly be in Node.js. What I'm wondering is, how do I manage RabbitMQ? How can I see everything that's going on with RabbitMQ, from what's messages a...

Q: npm global install does not add packages to PATH on Windows 8.1

ZainWhen I run npm install -g <package> it installs the packages in my user/AppData/Roaming/npm/npm_modules/ folder. This sub-folder is not in my PATH so if I try to run the package without explicitly calling the entire path the call fails with a '<package>' is not recognized as an internal or extern...

Q: Javascript (Angular) not loading when using Express

user2669464I'm trying to get my application deployed to a public domain using node.js, express.js, and Heroku (or Modulus.io). Everything was working fine in the development environment. But when I try to deploy it to Heroku or Modulus, I run into a lot of problems with PORT and Express. Right now I'm tryi...

Q: Express GraphicsMagick

leaksterrrI'm currently building a MEAN app and the section I'm currently working on involves image uploads. I'm trying to use GraphicsMagick for Node but I'm not really having any success. Below is my POST request for image uploads (as is): app.post('/api/users/upload_image', function (req, res) { ...

Q: Node.js realtime web application | data synchronisation MySQL

TombaI want to build a real-time web application that runs on a local server and on an online server at the same time. Let's let me make an example to explain my problem: so let's assume there is a company which uses the program and they fill it with some data. At the same time there is someone far aw...

Q: Can i access sessions in ExpressJS without the request object?

BødlenI have an application that uses swig for templating, and sessions to store some client specific data. I create my sessions inside a route like this: exports.RenderIndex = function(req, res){ if (req.body.filters) { var filters = req.body.filters; if (filters.date && filters.date.length >

Q: Slow operations on multithreading

mihsatheI am implementing a parallel NodeJS application to compute spatial joins. I am running on a MacBook pro i7 processor with 4 cores (8 after hyperthreading). To make a fair comparison, I am running exact same operation on all threads. I am attaching activity monitor screenshots for the reference. ...

Q: Node.js + Express.js. Google shows me the server side translation IDs, WTF?

edwardoyarzunI have a very strange problem with a webpage I made with Node.js + Express.js. My webpage is multilanguage (english/spanish), so in the Jade templates I have translations IDs wich correspond to a text depending on the selected language. Ok, that works well. Now, when I search the webpage in Googl...

Q: Epehmeral collections

Christian StewartI have a couple of collections that I want to be cleared every time I start up my app. The problem is, since i'm using a PaaS (http://modulus.io), instances could start and stop quite often. If I do clients.remove({}) in my startup, the entire collection will be cleared even if one instance dies ...

Q: Internal POST request in a Node.Js app

deemeetreeIn my Node.Js app I have a URL to which a POST request can be made. app.post('/api2/post', entries.submit); How is it possible to do it internally with or without an extra module? I saw a few, but they all require to post to http:// address and I'd rather use something else. Thanks!

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