@Pallavi Ok but what about the issue with the notification not showing up on the desktop? I send the notification from my app to a user and he gets notified, but only on the app in the phone. Not on the desktop, why?
Actually my goal is to implement a ListViewItem Swipe in android. I have tried it and stackoverflow has several examples which can make your ListViewSwipe. Examples.
Simple swipe gesture to activity tutorial?
Show button in a list view on swiping one item from that list
One point is there eve...
@PiyushMishra buddy as you can see in this image, i am getting item detail for only 1 item out of 6 items, but here i want to show details of all 6 items: postimg.org/image/tc82gsafb
I wanted to create a folder and store image into the phone's internal storage. I tried using the code below to download an image from the url. It managed to load the image into imageView but unable to store and create folder in the internal storage. Plus I got no warning or error message. Any ide...
@PiyushMishra i have a autocomplete and a edittext.autocomplete is populated from database on server. i want if i select one product then its price get set in edittext from databse
I want to add a custom height to the dropdown of spinner say 30dp and i want to hide the dividers of the dropdown list of spinner .
So far I tried to implement following style to the spinner
<style name="spinner_style">
<item name="android:paddingLeft">0dp</item>
<item name="an...