Hi guys, I think I'm making a fundamental mistake with the expandable list adapter declaration, while adding children dynamically. so i get a nullpointer exception.
went through a lot of tutorials . but all in vain.
I need to dynamically add children to expandable list view.
AFter i add my record in addshare activity, i go to another activity(dynamic1) passing a String object.
Over here i add the new record with the String object as parameter, and pass intent back to MainActivity.
ohh! I understand now. yes, it does show null. But How do i create this new child now. Because that's what i basically need to do. adding a new child.
i've searched for a lot of tutorials. they explain expandable list views properly. but i can't find any dynamic implementation of the expandable list view.
is there a setting in android which prevents ftp connection?
i'm trying to connect to ftp using ftp_connect('ft.domainname.com') but that is throwing Warning: ftp_connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed