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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

Hi Good Morning all :)
Good morning ALL
gud mg @all
Good Morning @Android People
Good Morning to all
gm all
Hello Everyone
good moring
good morning All :).
Goodmorning all
mornings people
welcome @N-JOY, @Shruti, @pankajarora
Good Morning Friends.... :)
anyone have idea about making custom themes in android??
Good Morning all
@Goofy gm :)
@jeet hey hi buddy. :).
@Aamirkhan gm buddy :).
@N-JOY hey hi buddy. :).
how are u
@Goofy hii :).
@Aamirkhan @N-JOY hey good morning guys how are you?
@Aamirkhan @goofy i am fine thanks. howz you?
@N-JOY i am good
@Goofy :).
@N-JOY @Goofy me too fine
morning ...
can i ask a java question here ?
@N-JOY hi
@NullPoiиteя sure
thankyou ..i just want to know how to write placeholder in pdf using java ... like in this post stackoverflow.com/questions/17048430/…
and then i can use that pdf as a template and replace that placeholder ....
hi maga, how u doin?@Goofy
@jack i am good , how abt you?
me too same, u were on leave?@Goofy
just curious to know how one will face problem without writing the code ... pointing to room description
haha @Adil you need to see ^^ :P
@Goku it may be about personal problem :P
Good morning guys
morning abhi
Hey Nullpointer how are you? After many days
@Abhi busy in study now a days ...changed my field ...
Changed to?
@Abhi law ....
Good Morning All Of You :)
@NullPoiиteя Lawyer???
@ManishAndroid morning
@Abhi trying for CSAT
@ManishAndroid morning
@ManishAndroid gm bhai
anyone idea about augmented reality??
@NullPoiиteя Great.
@NullPoiиteя Good Morning Dude :)
@RobinHood Good Morning Kya haal
@GirishBhutiya morning bhaiya g
pankaj bhi aaya hai aaj :)
@PankajSharma Yes, It combines 2 words to deal with, “augmented” means enhanced or increased and “reality”, which together simply means enhanced reality. By using hardwares or tools such as your smartphones you can discover such beneficial details in the form of visual data imagery that are not visible to you normally.
@Goku @pankajarora tabiyat sahi ho gyi ?:
@ManishAndroid bhai tabiyat thik he thi,,kuch aur kaam tha,,i told u earlier also
@pankajarora oh on fb, i forgot, goku told k tabiyat khrab thi
chlo acha hai tum goku ki bat maanne to lge
@NullPoiиteя @Goku haha! you both know well. :)
@pankajarora haan bade bhaiya jo thahare
Google has acquired Israel based Waze Navigation for over USD 1.2 billion.
Waze deny Facebook, finally their dreams came true
dream se yaad aaya.. tujhe aaj download nhi krne apne dreams ? :D
@Goku kal to sare ho gye
@ManishAndroid didi nhi aayi aj tumhari?
@pankajarora tumhari didi ke sath ghoomne gyi hongi ....
meri didi nhi hai bhai koi yha
tumhari h na @sneha didi
aj pitush bhai bhi nhi hai
guys can anyone help me with this ?
Q: Viewpager value doesnt change while getting the postion from the listview

supLets say this is the start page where the user selects the page he wants to see lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener( ) { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int pos...

@pankajarora yaha nhi hai ghr pe to hogi na koi
@pankajarora piyush dikh to rha hai
@ManishAndroid bhai chu he ho tum..
@pankajarora mujhe bhi pastie ki t-shirt dila yaar
25$ pay kr lele,
how can i dynamically add multiple speech boxes with data and image in it
@pankajarora isiliye to kaha k tu mujhe dila de
bhai personal talks k liye fb pr aja,,
chal personal talk chor meri problme solve kr
kya problm hai ,,
@pankajarora How to enable/disable 3rd party app on rooted android device ?
nhi pta
Q: How to enable/disable 3rd party apps in Android?

Manish AndroidAs It is well known, from Android Ice cream Sandwich (v 4.0) we can disable or enable system's built-in apps. Now, I want to develop an Android application in which I want to add this feature in system's setting for 3rd party applications also. Is this possible to do it programmatically ? Any he...

chal yr ab kam krne de,,dont ping plz
Hi Guys.
@Harpreet hello
Can you please help me with ActionBar, I am trying to run its example but its showing ClassNotFound Exception.
I just want to show Tabs.
pls someone any ideas or suggestions
@ManishAndroid hello
@asifa You can use custom list, if want to show dynamic/random data.
@Harpreet Nice
@Abhi Hi bro. Wats up...
Any one having experience with 9 patch images i am facing one issue i created on 9 patch images but in some device it show white patch in images see below pasted image
@Harpreet Not only whatsapp nimbuzz also :P
@Abhi Hahahaha. How about IMO.im. :P
talkto :P
@ManishAndroid badhiya he tum sunao?
@Hardik kal id mila k nahi? :P
@Khan share your 9 patch image. are you talking about white strip behind the text??
@AdilSoomro okay :P
@Kirti Hello
@RobinHood Hay Major! how are you?
@Abhi whats the rock cooking today?
Hi friends, Does anyone know about aviary sdk for image editing,
i know in iOS .. lol
in android?
@priya yup
fine, thankyou
what about you?
@RobinHood nai sarkar. bahut ID ase hi bekar pade he mere pass
@VandanaSrivastava nice..is it better to create image editor using that sdk or simply using seperate code
guys can anyone answer my question ?
@Hardik humm.. I seen yesterday you were doing fielding so asked you.
@priya If you want better UI in your app then you have to use that aviary SDK
but it will take more time
to complete your app
free hit pe bold ho gye tum to Hardik :D
@AdilSoomro yes right i have made 9 patch for whole the images inside which textview is there
because you have to do more editing in that sdk or can say used as library project because they put Aviary word as text and images all over sdk and when you use this your app will also show that word
@VandanaSrivastava thanks but is there any other opensource lib or code is there for creating image editor
@priya Obviously google for it, give me some time i 'll send you
@VandanaSrivastava thanks yaar
@priya Your Welcome
@priya I have a image editing project with that aviary sdk. You want ?
@Vandana Have u any idea about augumented raelity?
@PankajSharma did you google?
@VandanaSrivastava thanks but you told that when i will open it will display avairy text....
@priya Yes, I created some graphics image to overlap all Aviary image and text in my app
how to use boost library for android NDK@all
@priya Use AndroidImageEditor Project
@Robin ya i google but i have no idea how to impliment it in android
guys how to make a function get auto executed whenever a class loads ?
spend maximum time on documents
tried using the keyword "static"
doesnt work
@Khan can you share 9 patch image?
@VandanaSrivastava but its not having rich lib,is there any other way to do it.
@priya let me search a link which have large collection of source code for image editing
HELLO ALL This is my first time in Chat Room need help here: stackoverflow.com/questions/17059771/…
@VandanaSrivastava thanks...
Q: Google TV Android Samples Dependency Issue

Abrahim NeilI have just started development in Android, and i wanna build an Android app for Google TV, therefore i have started with some ready made samples, from here: https://github.com/google/googletv-android-samples PROBLEM: Whenever i am importing these samples into Eclipse, getting Error that say...

1 message moved to DUST
@VandanaSrivastava did you get anything
@AdilSoomro Cooking not yet started :P
@Abhi @priya @RobinHood @AdilSoomro help
@AbrahimNeil tell
@All any one know how to write lao language in android i install 2 to 3 lao keyboard but its not writing loa lang words it show only white spaces when i writing,, plz help me
@AbrahimNeil let me check
@All i am testing it on HTC WFS
@AbrahimNeil Remove that Android Dependcies next clean and check
@priya @Abhi sure
@PiyushMishra @Abhi
i am doing an twitter integration i am gettin an error

{"errors": [{"message": "The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/overview.", "code": 68}]}
The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1. Error is clear i think
@Abhi how to migrate it?
@VandanaSrivastava ...ok..
@Abhi sorry to ask, but how to remove android dependencies
@Anshul No idea you need to search i think
i got it working Neil
i mean i didn't not run..
but no errors
@Abhi i searched alot but didnt got any solution,,,, can u plz search for me
so why i am getting error @Goku
well i closed all other project except LeftBarLibrary
then go into the error classes and added the unimplemented methods ( which was the error)
then after it was solved
i opened the Panarimin one.and did the target change to 4.2
that was it
Closed means
right click project - > click close project
not getting me
let me start ok
1. you have downloaded googletv-android-samples
2. Eclipse > File > Import > Existing Code into Workspace > Browse > googletv-android-samples
3. now it contains all the project(s) from AnymoteLibrary to Panoramio > Finish
4. once i do click on Finish getting Build Path contains entry 'src' for project 'Panoramio'
for me many projects contain error
BUT here i am getting Depency issue: The method getLeftNavBar(Context) from the type PanoramioLeftNavService refers to the missing type LeftNavBar
play.google.com/store/apps/… i install this keyboard but it not typing lao lang
plz help me
can some one check it his /her own mobile what's it result
that is why i said close all projects except LeftNavBar
and then fix it first
Library or Demo
fix Library and close others
for me many projects contain error
like you said
14 mins ago, by Goku
right click project - > click close project
done then
expand the project.. go inside the red cross file and fix the errors yourself
now i am not getting any red cross file
what's going can't understand
open the other project then and check
done thanks buddy, but what i have seen first i should had to clean and build just leftnavlibrary alone am i right?
after that need to import other projects to test
with LeftNavBarLibrary, such a silly mistake
if that works.. then good to go
i myself don't have the proper/best practices
have you tried Panoramio?
not tried yet
Goku i am trying to build it, but does not appear in Emulator why?
Hi all, How can we delete content of the file which stored in sdcard?
@AdilSoomro sorry i was not on desk let me post now in 320*480 emulator it shows perfact as i changed it but preview of xml nexus 4 and s it shows that white border see image pasted below
Q: How to launch root activity(Restart Application) using home key in Android?

droid devI want to launch the root activity once app is maximized using home key(Previously it is minimized using home key). I've tried to set android:clearTaskOnLaunch="true" on my root activity(Splash) but its not working.. Also tried android:finishOnTaskLaunch="true" on all other activity but it ...

which emulator OS you trying @AbrahimNeil
@PiyushMishra hello
@VandanaSrivastava r u there?
@hope hii
@PiyushMishra i install this play.google.com/store/apps/…. lao keyboard for android but its not writing lao i install some fonts from play store but its not working basically i am interest to develop lao keyboard for android but it have problem that my device dont show lao words from xml and also not write by java code in edit text
I have a very basic issue with Android imagebutton click
I have given click action to it.......But no matter where I touch the screen, the click is gettign fired
how do i restrict the touch event only to the image button
cancelbutton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View arg0) {
@PiyushMishra last time i working on urdu keyboard so now i complete it u share a link with me it was very help full for me thanks for that
@Rashmi.B can u explane ur question
@hope i have an imagebutton
i have to dismiss the dialog on touching cancel imagebutton
now wherever I touch the screen, finish is getting invoked
the touchevent is triggering for the fullscreen and not just the imagebuton
am i clear?
@Rashmi.B sorry i dont understand what do u mean but try this.finish();
@Rashmi can u show ur snapshot of screen?
Q: How to Launch Google TV Panoramio Android Sample in Emulator

Abrahim NeilI am trying to Launch Google TV Panoramio Android Sample in Emulator. I am using Windows XP, and using Project Build Target: Google TV Addon : Platform 3.2 (API Level - 13) Please below Screenshot: Console (Android) [2013-06-12 14:33:41 - Panoramio] Android Launch! [2013-06-12 14:33:41 - Pa...

this is popped on a button click
now I want to close this only on clicking cancel button
but this is not a dialog
its a custom listview
with smaller height and width
try shre to the point code
@Rashmi.B did u find solution
nope trying
@Rashmi.B try listview.setvisible(View.invisible);
and what does this do
hi good afternoon to @All
@Rashmi.B by click cancelbutton u wanna finish ListFileActivity ?????
try ListFileActivity .this.finish();
but only on touching cancel....and nowhere els
@Rashmi.B You already written right code, what you want ?
will it affect the touchevent????
@VandanaSrivastava its triggering the touchevent on the fullscreen
I am able to display all gallery images in a grid and when i click on the grid item then i am displaying that image in another activity, but when i scroll the grid the positions of the grid items are changing then when i click on the grid item then it displays another image.
and not only on cancel button
@Rashmi.B did you check from your side?
wherever I click/touch finish is being called......
@RobinHood sorry I dint get you
try cancelbutton.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {}
@Rashmi.B show xml
pastebin.com/jAFr4Awy pls check this adapter getView() code
@PiyushMishra do u have any idea about my problem .. i think this is my device problem
@hope glad to hear this but have no idea about lao
@NaseerKhan whats new?
yah may be
@NaseerKhan Checked :P
have u read my question? @RobinHood
@hope same issue still with onTouch
only thing is when I touch on cancel....it goes inside the listener and closes the list
when I touch outside also it closes the list
I want to close the list only on touching cancelbutton and not anywhere els
@PiyushMishra ok
@priya are you there ?
@Rashmi.B check this progress.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false); its for progress bar see for your object
Q: How to Launch Google TV Panoramio Android Sample in Emulator

Abrahim NeilI am trying to Launch Google TV Panoramio Android Sample in Emulator. I am using Windows XP, and using Project Build Target: Google TV Addon : Platform 3.2 (API Level - 13) Please below Screenshot: Console (Android) [2013-06-12 14:33:41 - Panoramio] Android Launch! [2013-06-12 14:33:41 - Pa...

@VandanaSrivastava yes
@priya try to help me
@Rashmi.B Hi.., Is it Dialog?
@VandanaSrivastava thanks
@AbrahimNeil wat happened again..
@priya Your welcome, you from ?
@VandanaSrivastava i m from chennai..you from delhi right..i have seen your blog its nice
@priya Thanks, it was not mine alone, My friend Manish has also worked on it.
@VandanaSrivastava anyway its fine..
@priya Thanks
@priya Star chat message, if link was helpful for you
@priya Hey chennai aa?? Nallama? :)
@VandanaSrivastava sure
@Abhi aama ,,nalla irrike..nee epadi..
@priya Yeah Nallam. @RobinHood :P
@Abhi not nallam...its nalla
Hahaha So you find out i am not tamlian, That guy taught me wrong :P @priya
@Vandana Have u worked on augumented reality??
@Abhi ..k...
bye all
any ubuntu user?
having strange issue
yes :P
@priya You didn't starred yet that link
to start emulator we select avd from list and click on start, when I do nothing happen, why so?
no error message nothing.
m able to start from terminal
@VandanaSrivastava yes i did
@priya ok
kaha bhaag gaya?
@RobinHood kon bhaag gya?
Hi,any one have modified the Android lock screen?
ubuntu user :)
any sol?
@PiyushMishra i have to make an project in android but hte project library written in xamarin. how may we use it?pls help
@Abhi i have to make an project in android but hte project library written in xamarin. how may we use it?pls help
@PratikButani i have to make an project in android but hte project library written in xamarin. how may we use it?pls help
@user1957930 Testing? @Anshul Sorry yaar no idea
@Anshul it will not work if its in xamarin
hey @PiyushMishra how doing?
fine :) see you after a long time :P
same pinch :P
synergy :P
@RobinHood android room is not much happening now, haha yah have to synergy now ;)
@Anshul so you have the lib and want to use or you want to convert your code into lib
@PiyushMishra do you have some idea about IPhone ?
@chintankhetiya yes it have IOS inside :D
in Java and Android era, 1 min ago, by chintan khetiya
in NSChat, 13 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
i am android developer and i don't know about IPhone, here is my query > in android i am using this to send image to remote server , but don't know right way in iphone. Does the web service (php) portion will be same in IPhone also , can you guys tell me that is this right code for sending image to server via iphone
@PiyushMishra we have a lib written in xmarian and i have to make an android project using this lib. is it possible?
@PiyushMishra can you help me about my above link ?
@chintankhetiya better to ask inside IOS room :)
@PiyushMishra i had asked in NSChat but no reply form that room so
@chintankhetiya ask from @Goku he'z a IOs developer
@Goku are you there buddy ?
Hi, your code for image looks fine. have a try with it and see what happens...
@PiyushMishra we have a lib written in xmarian and i have to make an android project using this lib. is it possible?
@Anshul as far i know its for cross platform then you have to use their sdk
as for the php, the server code should be same for both android and iphone.
piyush. main bhi shuru Ho jaata hn idhar hi..jaise tu iOs me Ho jaata hai android me :P
chintan..there are many ios rooms.. ask in them. I am on mobile . can't help currently
@Goku okay dear , thank you
@Goku toh desktop par aa na :D
@PiyushMishra can we make app in java using this xamrin library or we have to code in xamrin studio or use c# as the have given in document. pls help
yes you need visual studio or their studio i dont think so java will work their lib based on c# @Anshul
guys.......I want to read all the contents of my sdcard and display only .pdf files .....any idea how to do it.
I am getting sources usign intents but its for one pdf....I want all pdfs
A: How to choose only .mp3 extension files from whole sdcard

RobinHoodCheck file pattern and then compare, if it is mp3 then add into arraylist, check below function, which will return list of mp3.  Vector<String> mStrings =new Vector<String>(); int mTotalimage=0; public void fileExtension(File dir) { String mp3Pattern = ".mp3"; File listFile[] =...

in your case .pdf
@PiyushMishra through this tool the java library can be use in C#?According to my understanding. what u say?
@Rashmi Check it
@Anshul if their sdk is on java then i am sure you can :)
hey i tried this @PiyushMishra
its giving me null pointerexception
someone else had also pasted the same code on SO i executed it first.....got exception.....den executed this....still got the same exception
what you tried and where you got the null @Rashmi.B
@PiyushMishra how may i know their sdk in java? pls help i am in great confusion
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

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