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Goood Morning
@user1508671 hi
goodmornig @CapDroid
@victor vry gud mrng
@victor: I'm using tableView widget. What param i can put in `insertRow{

onRender = onRowRender,
sorry found it.
cool @Yul
I found out my yesterday problem. There are 2 components
tableView.newList and widget.newTableView zzz
what does they do @Yul
I can get what i want with widget.newTableView
but i haven't know how to custom it. It' harder than tableView.newList IMO
@all Hi
good morning from water festival
@hardikjoshi @CapDroid @Yul @all Hi GM, has anyone implemented action bar till now?
@hardikjoshi Have you any idea?
@Appu can you give example wt you need ?
I need to set some icons along with text on the action bar. Like home image with text, and some login item with text. But as the default action bar supports >3.0, I need to make some actionbar by using like actionbarsherlock or greendroid or google I/O or Android actionbar. I am unable to decide from these. @hardikjoshi
I want that external libs to occupy as less memory as possible , at the same time with good performance.
@Goofy Hi ya. GM
Good Morning all
i have a doubt regarding library project@all
@sravani, yes tell me
i have created one project as library and take out the jar file of that library and added to other project build path
then i have added the layouts string files
still i am getting no class def found
@sravani, see this
your using wrong way to implement library project @sravani
how do i correct.. i have just tick marked that project as library project and take out the jar file from the bin folder
go to ur main project right click then select properties after that select Android in android click add button and select ur library project @sravani
i have added that is working fine. but i have to do library project by using jar file only@shyam
that is the requirement
Please suggest me @shyam or @manjunath
@sravani, did you see the link I shared?
they have given about libs folder
i have given all the jars in the build
@sravani, hmm.... when you add lib project can you see its src added to the main project ?
i have added
file of that library project
@All Good Morning...!!! :)
@RobinHood @Pallavi @all Do you guys have idea on ActionBarSherlock?
what kind of idea? you want source code? or link? or wanna solve any bug, issue or problem?
@RobinHood, do you know about m3u8 streaming ?
@Appu it's a library, replacement for the default tabs... right?
I am thinking to implement action bar based on that. I just wanna know whether it is good to use actionbarsherlock or any other like greendroid or johannilsson / android-actionbar or Google I/O. Which one is better? BTW I have just gone through the ABS, but it seems I need to implement it in each activity in order to have the actionbar. Can we get it on all activities without repeating the code in each activity.
@Pallavi Yeah. Exactly. But as default action bar is supported only by > 3.0 versions , we can use other libraries like this to have it work in even pre-honeycomb versions..
yes, it's a good library...
So, any suggestions?
light weight
@Appu that minimum api requirement is 4.0 or newer. do you know that ?
Okay. @Pallavi have you implemented it any time? Because to ask some questions, if I get stuck anywhere?
@Appu its depend on your requirement.
@Appu yup i have implemented it
I don't much about others but action bar is good one
I just dig the existed code of actionbar.
@chintankhetiya Hey, Yeah. I know. Minimum api required is 14, but it supports >2 when comes to task.
@RobinHood Okay. Then I will start working with ABS.. Thank you.
ok @Appu i have never work on that but i read that document. can you tell my what is the main feature of this compare to simple actionbar ?
@Pallavi okay. Thank you ya. Gonna start with it. But can you pls look at my question above regarding implementation on each activity?
@Appu this one?
Hello GM @ALL
@chintankhetiya sorry, just look at my above conversation, you would get to know. It's because of versions.
Yeah. That one
@Appu Grate . i know that minimum requirement to use actionbar is 3.0 or more. so its good. now i will try to implement this.
@Appu implementation on each activity? you can create a "BaseActivity" class and extend that class in each of your activity
@Pallavi if you don't mind, can you pls explain me in detail?
@Pallavi sample code would be great, if you have any.
@AdilSoomro @CapDroid @RobinHood @Harish @hardikjoshi @dhrumil @victor at least says good morning . i know you all are very busy. Good Morning Friends.
@Appu did you try searching on the net first? read the docs... i don't have much time to explain everything, but the documents will help you... :)
@chintankhetiya very goodmornig bro :)
@chintankhetiya i said gm for all
@Pallavi Yes .. I alway search(not everything :) ), but my doubt is about the base activity as you said. I have read this, but it seems to implement on each activity.
Anyways, okay. I will dig deep. Even in docs, i will look into details. Thank you @Pallavi
@Appu there are many tutorials readily available for it. If you face any issues, we are here to help you...
instead of extending "Activity" you extend "BaseActivity", which is the name of your class
Okay. so In that BaseActivity I have to define action items. Isn't it?
@chintankhetiya vgm
@chintankhetiya don't expect
@RobinHood Yes it is also true.
@all good morning to all................
@malavika Very Good Morning.
@Pallavi @Appu @RobinHood @Manjunath @AamirKhan @N-JOY hi guys good afternoon
@Goofy hello, good afternoon
@Goofy, hello
@robinhood its working on emulator but not working ini ball slide device
@Goofy gn dude....
Hi guys !!!!
@Venky hello
@chintan Hello , how are you?
@Venky Grate Bro . about you ?
@N-JOY i have some doubts...
2 hours later…
Hii @all
@MAC hey ..!!
@chintankhetiya: hii
gud afternoon
@MAC same to you
@CapDroid are you there ?
@hardikjoshi just help me whenever you free.
@chintankhetiya yes bro
@hardikjoshi i have some extra chat rooms and i want to delete that. so end of the day i moderator comes and help me .thanks
@chintankhetiya means? which room?
are you talking about our room ?
@hardikjoshi no man. that is over special gujrati room . some other
Can you give me link ?
good noon ..
@shihab_returns very good noon
Hi guys
is anybody here?
@Satya yes
@chintankhetiya I am having an issue related to jars
hi all
@Satya share i will try if i can
I have posted question in stackoverflow can u please help me out
@Rushi hi
Then you need to debug connect method and see what is going wrong there. — kenota 30 mins ago
@chintankhetiya I have query regarding storing images to SD Card...
@Satya just give me your question link
@Rushi just share your question i will try
@aLearner hello
@chintan and to you. What's the etiquette to ask questions on here? Thanks.
@aLearner not at all. have you search in Google ?
@chintan What's that? Are you asking if I've searched the internet before coming on here?
@chintan Just trying to get an idea of what the etiquette / rules are here before asking anything.
@chintankhetiya sorry for late reply
@aLearner yes sow at the right corner of the room .we are for guide to programmatic.
@CapDroid its ok
@CapDroid can you help me whenever you free ?
@chintankhetiya oops sorry. Right. Cool. Thanks!
@aLearner ok i am not angry. so don't i am always cool.
@chintankhetiya today lots of work brother..
but I wil try
@CapDroid its ok . i just share a link you can check it as per your free time . stackoverflow.com/questions/13416420/…
@CapDroid everything is good. this is simple grid view . i have just set image size as wrap content. for height and width . nothing else.
@Satya instead of using jar have you try to code for directly ?
@CapDroid hi
having one issue
4 mins ago, by CapDroid
@chintankhetiya today lots of work brother..
@chintankhetiya ok bro.. i will focus when free
ok ok
@CapDroid Thanks take your time.
@AamirKhan only ok ok ? this message for who ?
@chintankhetiya i think for me
@chintankhetiya no need thanks bro.. its ok
@AamirKhan ok
@Pallavi Are you there?
@AamirKhan Hey, how are you doing?
@chintankhetiya You there?
@Appu yes
@Appu m fine
how are u
I am not good.
@Appu y so?
@chintankhetiya @AamirKhan My entire day has gone in vain.
@Appu what's happen ?
@Appu ?
From morning I have been trying to include that actionbarsherlock library into eclipse. After lot of hurdles I included it. But now it shows errors in project which included that library in. Have gone through many errors which I never knew. Searched, searched and solved continuously but still new errors are coming up. >:/
@AamirKhan @chintankhetiya
@Appu :(
that's big headech yar
Have you ever happened to work on it? @AamirKhan
@Appu oho my God. Now you need to rest . go to home and sleep.
@Appu no sorry
What is the use of taking rest, when the work was unfruitful.
@Appu good sign of good developer . :(
@Appu only @Pallavi can help you. because she knows everything about it.
@Appu need help
@Appu send a log.. sorry was in a meeting
@Pallavi @Appu hi i have one issue in soap request can u help me
@Pallavi Here is my problem, I am facing same issue at present.
But that answer didn't work
@Appu ok.. let me check
@Harish Tell me your problem. At least I would check whether I could help you.
@Pallavi Okay.
@Pallavi have u worked on tab host?
@akk Have used rest, but not much on SOAP. But just show the code first. If anyone knows, they will
@AamirKhan hi
@akk hi
i have one issue in soap. can u solve my problem?
soap request @AamirKhan
@akk i have not worked with soap
ok @AamirKhan where is dhruvisha
@akk i don't know
@Appu ADT 21 is latest what version are you using?
As in that link, I updated my ADT. But when I open eclipse, it says revision 21 is needed but current is 20.3. So, that I am trying it to install revision 21 from SDK manager, but then again I am facing this issue now. link
I have never faced these many hindrances till now. Entire day got ruined. :( @Pallavi
yea i know.. updating to 21 even i faced many problems
wait a minute
how are you trying to install it? you just needed to update the "Android SDK Tools" under the "Tools" section of the Android SDK manager
Sorry, was away for a while. Yeah. @Pallavi I am doing the same. In the SDK manager Under tools section I selected it revision 21 but then this error occurs
@Appu restart pc
in meeting... see you in some time
does re-starting pc work?
Nope. Restarted, but same issue again. even ran android.bat as it was suggested in that. Then again the same problem
What about this ANDROID_SDK\temp folder in the other answer . I am unable to find this temp folder.
what error are you getting in "console"?
Not console. Whenever I click on android.bat, a console is opened an then immidiately it shows the sdk manager window, from there I am doing it again and it shows the same error again. I disabled antivirus. Have done everthing. But didn't work
@Appu where are you seeing this error?
what version of eclipse are you using?
Eclipse jee helios
exactly the same error window pops up as in this link stackoverflow.com/questions/8555131/…
@Appu tried every thing in the answers? no spaces in the android-sdk path?
Except that and temp folder.
I am unable to find temp folder.
while opening eclipse right click on eclipse run as administrator then update from there..I think this might work @Appu
When comes to space, how can I move that installed android-sdk to another folder
copy-paste it... and change the sdk path
window-> preferences-> android
give the new path
Gonna check both answers.
@Appu have u remembered yesterdays my query
regarding edittext popup with checkboxes
@Harish pls wait.
Seems working when I have run it as admin. But not sure until it finishes and even not sure later I wouldn't face any issues with that actionbarsherlock. It seems it is gonna take >20 mins. @victor @Pallavi
ok.. no problem...
@Appu it will run good !! I am sure because i resolved that using admin mode
@Harish I think you face problem when you don't select the last item, don't you?
@Appu s
@Pallavi @victor Thank you very much friends for your time.
The reason is you are setting the setText only in the condition that array's last item is checked.@Harish Show me your code once again. Will validate it.
@Appu i solved the problem yesterday only .
but because of some modifications i lost that so again i took some time to recapture it..sorry for disturbing you ....@Appu
No probs. show me quickly, I can check it until my updates are finished. @Harish
Okay. So you got it?
@Harish from the history?
just doing some modifications in my code...@Appu
Now you got it. Right? Okay cool.
@Appu how do you resolved issue
Not yet. It is still in the process @victor
@victor which issue you are talking about?
@Harish, Bye dude :)
cya later.. @Harish
@Pallavi Are you there?
@Appu sorry was busy. leaving for the day. bye

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