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Alright. Good luck to everyone!
brb work
@OctavianDamiean You pulled out?
Brr... trying to decide if I should stay and answer questions, but I'm afraid I'll fall behind or mess up again, because it'll be 3 am when it starts and I'm pretty burned up now. (I was here for the first session.)
@BoltClock I think you can go, the community has chosen you
@BoltClock I'm in Manila :) I share your pain
AND, I'm still at work.
@BoltClock It was 3 AM for me when yesterday's townhall chat started. I have a sleep deficit today.
@TimPost How much overtime?
I'm salary.
I don't care much about money (beyond having enough to not worry about it) if I really like what I'm doing.
Good point.
My company wants me to get work done, but also encourages me to participate on SO and other things I'm involved with. I'm about to do another major push, I think it's right.. but strange confidence is found when you're sleepy :)
@MichaelMyers Yes. There was no real chance to proceed to the election phase and even then there was no real chance to make it. There are some very good candidates which I'm certain will do a great job if elected.
@OctavianDamiean You had a lot of votes..
I'm going to grab a coffee before this starts
@genesis Well, I had quite a lot of votes. More than I have expected but that doesn't change the fact that I did not have enough votes to proceed to the election phase. :)
@OctavianDamiean Look at me, I have -36 and I'm still here, to show that my candidacy is serious
@genesis Are you saying everyone who has withdrawn wasn't serious to begin with? :/
That has nothing to do with taking it serious or not.
@BoltClock I didn't.
@OctavianDamiean Good luck in real life ! :)
@BoltClock Some people said that my candidacy is just a kind of an achievement for me, it wasn't meant to be joined with Octavian
@genesis: Some might say that submitting to the will of the community would show that you take the process seriously, but that's your call
@AdamRobinson I do take it seriously
I'm not necessarily saying that you don't, but the amount of pushback you've received from the community would have been a major red flag to me.
Have you considered the suggestion you received to just abandon this account and start a new one?
@AdamRobinson it is, that's why I'm here, to try to show that I really take it seriously
I think @genesis is well within his right to not withdraw. Let him ride it out if that's what he wants to do. There've been many arguments up until this point and I think everything that had to be said already was.
We'll get started in about 20 minutes
@AdamRobinson yeah, I've got multiaccount currently
@AnnaLear Of course! I'm not saying that he has any sort of obligation, just that I definitely wouldn't have pushed through that amount of friction; that's all.
@RebeccaChernoff I'll be here to read along, but I can't participate a second time. Got work to do. :)
@RebeccaChernoff: I'm going to attempt to answer what I can, but I'm at work right now so my attention will be divided.
I'm supposed to be in bed...
@BoltClock Sleep when you're a mod ;)
@AdamRobinson - what makes you think we let the mods sleep?
@NickCraver Thanks. I forgot to propose "Add SMS for every new flag" on MSO.
Who'd pay the service bill? :D
Hello everyone
I'll go do that right now. My rep on Meta is getting too high as it is
@NullUserExceptionఠ_ఠ Hey!
let's have some fun, how many posts do you think received flags on SO in the past 24 hours?
Grüezi, folks...
I'll be in here for less time than I wanted to... I had originally planned to take lunch and stay for the whole chat. But then got hungry =/
@NickCraver How many posts or how many flags?
@NickCraver 1248?
Hello all. Responses might be a little slow, as I'm at work.
Posts, so say 12 flags on 1 post only counts once
@NickCraver That's harder to estimate. :)
@AnnaLear You must be one of those people who can estimate the number of jelly beans that can fill a bus with great accuracy. :P
@NickCraver 1016.
@BoltClock Hey Bolt, you are back :)
@casperOne ditto
@NickCraver did you bring door prizes?
I bring only useless knowledge to the table, as always
@RMartinhoFernandes This is freaky
@NullUserExceptionఠ_ఠ I only hope to stay alert during this.
@BoltClock What time is it over there? 1 AM?
@NullUserExceptionఠ_ఠ 2:45 am. I'm usually wide awake at this time, but tonight... must have been my body wilfully beating my alarm by a whole hour for the first town hall.
@casperOne Oops, bad link.
Posts with flags in the past 24 hours: 1,455 handled + 109 in the queue + comments we don't log/count
All time: 378,619 - go go moderators!
@NickCraver I should have known. q:
@NickCraver Do mod actions in the 10K queue count?
@NickCraver Huh, I was gonna underestimate by about half.
@NickCraver How many in the past 24 hours were raised by Brad Larson?
@NickCraver Bill the Lizard: 300,402.
You can quit now if you want to, Mayo.
@NickCraver Yay! I was only off by 14%...
@RobertHarvey - Good question, I'm not sure...the SQL for this when printed could clear a small forest, it's a massive query to gather the dashboard data
@RebeccaChernoff: If a question is posed today that was asked and we answered last night, can we count on that being in the digest later, or should we answer again? I.E. Should we defer to the chat last night?
We want to see if your answer is different this time.
It's like interrogation.
@RobertHarvey: Yes, you mentioned that last night, I believe, no?
Hopes the interrogation is not about mathematics.
how hard was it to keep up with the pace yesterday?
And on that note, are we ready to start?
@RobertHarvey: What's the point? Of course they're going to be different than last night, they have a different timestamp, so ALL of the messages will be different.
@TimPost Thanks, now I know I can stay and answer questions because I won't be getting any sleep for a while anymore...
@casperOne Spoken like a true programmer.
@BoltClock do you want to borrow my eyedrops?
@TimPost lol
If it's a Pascal programmer, then it's a True programmer.
Opens a bug report for vanishing images on chat.
How many flags got (not) handled during the last town hall chat?
Some people get flag happy.
Is Flag Day, today?
And, well, it isn't useful in a transcript.
@kiamlaluno isnt that in July?
@PaŭloEbermann 83.2
@Neal Is there really a Flag Day?
@NickCraver you know 83% of all percentages are made up, right?
In the United States Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. Flag Day is not an official federal holiday, though on June 14, 1937, Pennsylvania became the first (and only) U.S. state to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday, beginning in the town of Rennerdale. Title 36 o...
sorry, its in June
More to the point, are we ready to start?
3 more minutes
@TimPost I'm
Oh… that flag. I should have said Flagging Day.
Flogging day? Is this a new thing we're going to do on SO?
they'll call me Freedom, jus' like a wavin' flag...
If so, I'll start making a list of deserving recipients
Make your flag happy: Flag all the posts you see on chat.
Okay, for everyone wanting to start wording answers, there are some questions by Will above. He can't come now, but posted them already. I starred them.
(Start at the earlier ones, the latter ones get silly.)
@Will It's 40 - 41 for me
Shoe size and punching through the internet.. Yes. Critical.
@PaŭloEbermann I don't see any serious ones.
@PaŭloEbermann: Most of them look silly?
@BoltClock I've been slacking lately. Had to go to Green Bay for a bit.
@PaŭloEbermann: Maybe not the moderation in the chat one.
@genesis What sizing are you using?
Hi everyone! (:
Shoe size? American or European?
Translates his shoes size in American size.
Q: What is the moderator's role in site promotion, and how do you see yourself fulfilling that role?
@NullUserExceptionఠ_ఠ European
Howdy, folks.

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