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4:26 AM
Good morning everyone 🌞
4 hours later…
8:23 AM
Good afternoon everyone :)
@ॐRakeshKumar are you there I need help in flutter?
I am using below wasy to navigate the page but when I run the app and login page is opened then its display's error instead of screen ui
//Navigator.pop(context, true);
//Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context)=>AnimatedBottomBar()));
//navigate(context, AnimatedBottomBar());

new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => new AnimatedBottomBar(),

.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(PageRoutes.signUpScreen, (Route<dynamic> route) => false,);
below is the error
could not find a generator for route routesettings("/second", null) in the _widgetsappstate.
8:45 AM
@Shailesh, did you define the routes on MaterialApp?
this is main.dart file
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Login(),
routes: {
PageRoutes.signUpScreen: (context) => SignUpScreen(),
/*Here's where you receive your routes, and it is also the main widget*/
PageRoutes is one Constant string file
@ॐRakeshKumar The problem is when I use this Navigator on Custom created widget then getting this issue but If I used on ElevatedButton onPress method then its working fine
I personally use Navigator push instead of pushNamed
You can remove it and then use Navigator push and then can use Navigator push removed until too
Up to now I have also used Navigator push but today I got this error so I tried different ways but above all no luck
What is the issue you are getting with Navigator.push?
wait let me share you
I have used below for navigation
new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => new AnimatedBottomBar(),
9:01 AM
Asked for error
@ॐRakeshKumar now when I use above code then there is not error but current screen is not display directly specified navigation is opened
I mean I have put above code in Login screen and on that screen on Login button click this code is executed and after open the AnimatedBottomBar screen but when I run the app then directly open AnimatedBottomBar instead of Login screen :|
What does it contain AnimatedBottomBar?
this is the error
Can you share the paste.of.code or pastebin then I can do something, without won't be possible
just a min
@ॐRakeshKumar this is the code
9:41 AM
You sent only button code
6 hours later…
3:33 PM
@ॐRakeshKumar yes
8 hours later…
11:11 PM
posted on July 23, 2021 by Nicolas Roard

 We are happy to announce the release of ConstraintLayout 2.1.0 rc01, the release candidate for 2.1, as well as the 1.0.0 beta01 release for ConstraintLayout in Jetpack Compose dependencies {     implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.0-rc01' } dependencies {     implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-compose:1.0.0-beta01'


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