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Please help me friends im vbery big problem from one week onwards im trying
Q: Not able to read a characteristic value from BLE device

SANTHOSHI need to write and read a characteristic value to Android BLE device. I'm able to write but not read. Here is how I'm writing : public void writeCustomCharacteristic(int value) { if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) { Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized...

vgm all
'android-24' requires JDK 1.8 or later to compile ?? will it effect my other projects too if i update jdk ?
@JaiprakashSoni @HitCat @Kaushik
I am using jdk 1.7
@PiyushGupta @King @Rahul @AnshulTyagi @ColdFire
Good morning
@PriyankaMinhas no
GM all
@PriyankaMinhas I don't think it will effect any thing in ur project
thank you
is it getting any effect ?
well donot knw.. before doing was just asking
@PriyankaMinhas Gm. No it's not
@JaiprakashSoni Good morning bro
@Kaushik gm dada
@PiyushGupta vgm
today i will look into jetbro
and will make it run
was very busy in previous projects so got time today and this is the requirement too in these projects
Nice :) If u stuck anywhere ask me
i will eat ur brain today
U can :P
@PiyushGupta vgm bro
@JaiprakashSoni generally what is the exact height of Edittext and button in material design ? Is it 48dp ?
@PiyushGupta not sure..
@JaiprakashSoni Then ?
@PiyushGupta vgm
it may be 48dp
To ensure usability for people with disabilities, give buttons a height of 36dp and give touchable targets a minimum height of 48dp.
very good morning all :)
@King VGM
gm all
@PriyankaMinhas leave someone dont eat everybody's brain
no i can't do dat
vgm @King
@Priyanka so your new name, brain eater :p
btw, hows you? @ColdFire @Priyanka
@King yeah i was thinking same
@King that sounds like gupta ji's dialog
@King good wbu?
@ColdFire lol
m good :)
hahaha nvm
m good asusual.. and cold is cold :P
hw r yu @king
awesome, as usual :)
@Rahul donot remind me of food
if you can eat other brain
they can torture you too :p
@Shubhank hahha no dey dont
they all r my frnds :)
gud afternoon friends :)
Hey all
I would like to know a way to implement multiple grid view in a same activity to add images on each , also should be able to remove the added / change the added image...
Something just like in the bin
No one in here.. :(
@jafarbtech @PriyankaMinhas @Shubhank ...!
what have you tried ?
what is the best font name for text....
@amit Roboto easy integrate :P
@iDroid what is the big deal about either multiple or single gridview? both of em same isn't it.... or do u get some scrolling issue when u place 2 grids?
Initially I tried to go with Grid Layout
The adapters as I have to add or delete content in it....
That worked ok for displaying the image.. but later on when I have to add / change / delete them the work gets complex and the code gets noisy..
are u using separate adapters for both the grids?
I never used grid view , so thinking about use that nw.. Before wasting my time, I thought I can reach out to community ...
New instance of adapter wlll be used rit !
no u have to make it seperate
for ( int i = 0 ; i< 5; i++){
@PriyankaMinhas ROFL
@iDroid paste the whole code
GridView gv;
for ( int i = 0 ; i< 5; i++){
gv = new GridView (this);
GridViewAdapter gridAdapter = new GridViewAdapter(this, R.layout.img_grid_item_layout, getData(id));
Just a prototype to experiment this..
if u have to cal edit or delete you have to make the code on bind in the GridViewAdapter
The data will be bound to the adapter ... So do you think, this is the one feasible approach !
One confusing part, assume I have three grid view, and three instance of adapters, one for each...... How would I get the adpater of second grid view to add one item !.... Should I need to maintain a map !
@iDroid you are confusing gridview with a gridview's row i think
not exactly, When I have 3 grid views like in the image ibin.co/2qt8gyEx8B5H.png
he doesn't want to post a new question so asking here
@jafarbtech, I will create three GridView each having new adapter instance bind to it. as written below...
GridView gv;
for ( int i = 0 ; i< 5; i++){
gv = new GridView (this);
GridViewAdapter gridAdapter = new GridViewAdapter(this, R.layout.img_grid_item_layout, getData(id));
@iDroid <nested scroll><recyclerview> gridlayout</recylerview> <recyclerview> gridlayout</recylerview> <recyclerview> gridlayout</recylerview> </nestedscroll
recyerview supports wrap content
@iDroid in the GridViewAdapter itself you handle both clicks
@jafarbtech I think that answers my question.. So I will gave the visibility of my Image LIst and the adapter instance..
@Dev but does the recycler view will give scrolling issue... if there is more than one in an activity, isn't it?
@Dev thnx for responding buddy, as @jaf
@jafarbtech said , there will be scrolling issue
@iDroid :)
@jafarbtech nope no issue
@jafarbtech thx for your response buddy.. Will try this one now and will post the update soon. Thanks @Dev
@iDroid sure
@ColdFire is it? in my prev proj i gotta struck in the middle of 2 recylclerview's scrolling prob... :(
@jafarbtech you have to enable it to work properly
@ColdFire enable it means? enablescrolling?
@jafarbtech there are options for that
@ColdFire ok let me try in the next... once i get struck I ll call u @ColdFire :P
@jafarbtech no issues
i did this and its working fine
@Dev can we use as like a regular recycler view or do we need to add any more option to make it in scroll correctly?
regualar recyelrview
<nested scroll><Anylayout><recyclerview> gridlayout</recylerview> <recyclerview> gridlayout</recylerview> <recyclerview> gridlayout</recylerview> </Antlayout></nestedscroll
@Dev ok yr ll try that... :)
1 hour later…
Unable to run a new project in android
Warning:C:\Users\udhayasurya.p\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar(android/view/ViewDebug$IntToString.class): major version 52 is newer than 51, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.
getting this error how to fix this
upgrade everything
@Rahul java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient
at rest.RestClient.getClient(RestClient.java:31)
did you added the okhttp dependencies?
// compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.4.0' earlier it was this now i upgrated to compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.2.0'
use previous one
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.4.0'
but still gtting same error
show me Gradle file
this same is done in other prjct and is wrking fyn bt not here :(
show me full error log
08-09 15:00:52.632 10964-10964/android.capitahome E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient', referenced from method rest.RestClient.getClient
08-09 15:00:52.637 10964-10964/android.capitahome E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: android.capitahome, PID: 10964
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient
at rest.RestClient.getClient(RestClient.java:32)
at android.capitahome.LoginActivity.emaillogIn(LoginActivity.java:191)
at android.capitahome.LoginActivity.checkmail(LoginActivity.java:144)
can you try without okhttp
hello every one
i want to buy mac book suggest me better one in between 70 - 80 k @JaiprakashSoni @King
50-55k MacBookPro
Give me that much money i assemble one desktop
for me
Time is changed. once upon a time we were crazy about to get a WD hard disk of a couple of TBs
i don't like the laptop at all
same here
desktop is good one
specially with big monitor
i like laptop
with graphics card and lots of RAM
@PriyankaMinhas you have to carry everyday :p
something like this one
monitor should be big
today, someone asked me what I'm doing :P
thats weird
@King Hello
@Roshnijain Hi Roshni ji
ji.. :)
This one too
but with one big monitor

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