I am testing a website using `Watin` in the page there is dropdown menu button like `[Download|V]` if I find that button and click it clicks the entire button and selects the first Option in the menu but I want to click the `V` of the button to show the `dropdown` menu(`div`) and select the option from it the code I had tried to click the button
ff.Button(Find.By("aria-describedby", "x-auto-456")).FireEvent("onmouseover");
ff.Button(Find.By("aria-describedby", "x-auto-456")).FireEvent(" Onmousedown");
ff.Button(Find.By("aria-describedby", "x-auto-456")).FireEvent("onmouseover");
ff.Button(Find.By("aria-describedby", "x-auto-456")).FireEvent(" Onmousedown");