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I would probably do some sort of neighbor check initially
but that could get costly fast..
hmm idk man thats an interesting problem
but I see it in a lot of games
so i'm sure there is a solution
for the bottom its super easy
I'm thinking I need to google like "2d voxel" or something :P
is there such a thing?
just the falling part is a bit tricky
yea, but the cutting / dropping new shapes.
check from top down
shouldnt be too costly
if there's a connection stop
but hey, if you want to get in on this, it is for a game. mikedidthis agreed to do the graphics
what kind of game is it?
2d side scroller
but no enemies.
you are in a cave with lots of hanging / growing objects you need to shoot through or fly through to get past
so like a shmup in a way?
except you need to shoot the terrain rather than enemies
I thought it was original enough.
yea but 2d side scroller
yeah sounds cool
isn't shump 2d top down?
lol dude look at flappy bird, was not original at all
nah shmups can be any direction
well I got the idea from flappy bird :P
yeah flappy bird rips off tons of old games
people dont care though
as long as its fun
first I thought "well what if the terrain was just top and bottom generated spikes that mirror eachother.." then I thought, "what if I could shoot through them and have them fall...."
yeah that would be cool
if you are doing a scroller there wont be that many tiles on the screen at once
id just do a check
well depending on how small I make them
I figure 2*2 is the sweet spot for display
lol im working on a shitty game right now
flappy bird motivated me too
dude made so much money for such a simple fucking game
yeah but lots of luck was involved
best I can make of it is that it is about the little things - the fun recognizable graphics, the nice easy sounds and the incredibly frustrating and simple game play
there are thousands of shitty games on the markets
^ that makes a great casual game
lol well he ripped the graphics from Mario even
he was just super lucky
so weird he pulled it down though
well look at the other big simple games.
yeah games like angry birds have really good character design though
I'm not saying that you are guaranteed, but they all share those things.
yeah it helps for sure
simple to function (basically you need almost no instructions), increasingly hard, fun graphics, fun music / sounds
yeah makes me want to get grapple hero done
I need to put a job posting up for an artist
and I'm beginning to realize I like games with ever changing things. like as you progress the music / backgrounds change.
you should increase the music temp as you get higher and change the background hues
give the illusion it is going faster. even if it isn't
yeah the plan is to change the environment
from the dungeon, to outside, to space
ohh yea, check this out
from what i've seen so far (check the examples) looks great
super simple marriage of express.js and socket.io
hah yea thats awesome
you use express yea?
but nothing crazy complicated
still. anything to make it easier so I can focus on the actual project and not the overhead I'm all for (when it comes to business)
yeah definitely
don't get me wrong I love being a purist, but deadlines be a motherfucker.
I have 18 more days to get mine done :P
it is going to be tight.
for the modbus thing?
well we got that working now
and I have most of the other communication working now
just need to build the back end and connect it to the front.
in short - I need to read (async) ~45 integers from my device and display them back (after formatting). then I need to also calculate alarms / limits and warn on them. then I need to also keep 1 minute averages in a DB for a readout on another page. but only keep 24 hours continuous. and I need to update a handful of values which requires some validation and such.
also tie it all into a vpn so they can goto a central login, and have the vpn server tunnel them back to their own device on the vpn network.
18 days. :/
3 weeks getting communication working was a major setback to say the least.
yeah man lol
I'm glad you finally got it
haha issues like that suck so bad
posted looking for an artist
lol we will see how much they charge
see what mikedidthis can do
he started in print apparently.
well he's working on your game
I don't want to steal him :P
already a response
I love my cats but they always insist on being on my lap while i'm on the computer
also my game is a pipe dream. I still have to figure out how to deal with the mechanics :P

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