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3:49 AM
@OlafDietsche good morning
@Pilot good morning
@KanakSony good morning
1 hour later…
4:54 AM
HI @JqueryLearner
@Pilot How are you today?
@JqueryLearner I am doing great ..howz you..is that issue resolved?
@Pilot yes
and they asked to make some changes
@JqueryLearner wht changes?
@Pilot 1 sec
click to button
select some check boxes
and after clicking ok button the selected names appear in the textfield
5:03 AM
go ahead
select users
then select 1st 2 rows
and after clicking the ok button
test,test2, appears in the textfield
now suppose if i delete the test in the textfield and after deleting it if I again click the To button
then in the users 1st row check boxes will be unselected
So the issue is even on clearing text box checkbox remains selected..I am following
this is the issue
5:07 AM
Ok..give a minute or two..
5:20 AM
@JqueryLearner you need to handle keydown event for text box field
$("#number").on('change keydown', function () {
$("input[type='checkbox']").each(function () {
//here check if input field value matches with checkbox if it doenst matches then set its checked prop to unchecked
@sudheerkumar welcome
@Pilot thanks I will try your way
do you know how to use use pagination?
yes i have some knowledge
i did through it hibernate
can you tell me how to use?
5:27 AM
$("#number").on('change keydown', function () {
var input_val = $(this).val().split(','); // will give you array. so that you can easily check indexOf
$("input[type='checkbox']").each(function () {
@Pilot Is is running in the fiddle?
@neoprez welcome
@Pilot @sudheerkumar I have a doubt
to remove a attribute we use
also we can use
$('#btn2').attr('disabled', false);
so please tell me whats the difference
@JqueryLearner i don't have any idea
5:51 AM
@sudheerkumar do you know how to add tooltip to buttons?
I know for anchor tag
Q: JqueryUI tooltip on button click instead of hover to appear elsewhere

SwarnajithI am using JQueryUI tooltip to display some dynamic messages to the user. Basically I want to display the tooltip on top of an input field when a user clicks a button. The way I have coded it works only when hovering on top of the button, and in JQueryUI examples there's no help on achieving th...

for input type="button" its not working
but for <button></button>
its working
Q: <button> vs. <input type="button" />. Which to use?

Aron RotteveelWhen looking at most sites (including SO), most of them use: <input type="button" /> instead of: <button></button> What are the main differences between the two, if any? Are there valid reasons to use one instead of the other? Are there valid reasons to use combine them? Does using <button>...

I mean if the input button is disabled
sorry can u clearly explain?
5:58 AM
@JqueryLearner thanks.
@sudheerkumar see this bootply.com/104942
there are two buttons
1st one is <button></button>
and second one is <input type="button">
what is the problem?
If i make <input type="button" id="btn2" class="btn btn-large btn-primary " disabled value="Group" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="This tooltip is on the right!">
Meaning If i make the button disabled then tooltip is not wokiing
ok i understood. now what is ur requirement?
see I have some checkboxes
If more than 2 checkboxes are selected then only I want the button to enable
else if users moves the cursor to the button then it tooltip select more than 2 users
So if the button is disabled then only I want the tooltip to ccur
6:50 AM
@sudheerkumar problem solved
great congrats ..
@sudheerkumar tell me how to do pagination
do u have any idea about hibernate?
I know jsp and servlet
6:54 AM
internally hibernate using jdbc. it is an abstraction layer on jdbc
for hibernate do I need to include any jars>
page nation concept is displaying no of records per page. example for pagination is gmail in single page we have only 20 mails will display
I know the theory
hibernate is an open source orm frame work, so to work with hibernate we need to add jars
6:56 AM
But have not implemented
Can i do without using hibernate>/
no need of hibernate if we have data, how much data we want to display in single page
Initially 10 rows
But It should have provision for 10 15 25
per page
see the above link u will get some idea
I dont know jstl
learn man...
so many online tutorials there
just in 2 to 3 hours enough
if i found time i will share my knowledge with u ok.
7:13 AM
well For now I want to finish the work
so if read jstl hibernate everything and do then i can not complete within the time
If possible just tell me the steps
I will do on my own
I will not ask you to write any java codes
@sudheerkumar going for lunch
will be back
7:49 AM
@sudheerkumar i am back
8:47 AM
@sudheerkumar busy?
9:07 AM
no just came from lunch
I am thinking to use datatables for pagination
But it was told me to that I should not retrieve all the datas
Just 10 reords one time
after that when I click next then it will fetch from database and display
we can set how many records we want to display in a single page
9:29 AM
That can be done
@sudheerkumar for example
I want 15 per pages
when i click next then it should go DB ,fetch and show
How to do that?
@sudheerkumar busy?
using jsp?
or servlet?
I will give you demo one
can you tell me what will be the next step
your email
or shall I upload here
send to mail
9:42 AM
@sudheerkumar sent
9:53 AM
u want 15 records? per page
not only 15
I will make 10 15 and 20
in the drop down and accordingly it will show
ok any more?
10 15 20 25
If my senior asks me later then i will change
open ur jquery.datatables.js
1 min
@sudheerkumar opened
9:58 AM
7970 line number
go to above line
mention in "aLengthMenu": [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ], how many records to display
"aLengthMenu": [ 10, 15, 20, 30 ],
this I do not want
then what u want
clearly tell me
you have seen my paginations.html
10:03 AM
in the html file I am getting all the datas from the database but I am not showing all to user
if user selects 10 then only 10 records will be visible to users
But my senior said that you should not load everything
from the databse
should not load everything
from the databse means?
the link you gave
check non greedy approach
you want to connect to database?
to get data
10:16 AM
do u know jdbc?
I said you in the morning,right?
you have forgotten?
i forgotted yar
no probs
it happens
yes i kow
but no jstl
10:17 AM
which db ur using?
use scriptlets write java code to connect to db
in jsp
yes I know
jdbc means this
write plan what to do next then move forward
java database connectivity
10:19 AM
this is wthat i want
i dont know how to show next datas
take input from the user first
like 10,20,30 etc
can you give me the codes?
ok sure
I have already see those
1. write a list box in html page

2. get the value from the list box by selecting values example 10,20,30.

3 call a prepared statement by passing the value from list box
(select 10 from employee,
select 10 from employee,
select 10 from employee)

4. get the values from the db
5 display the values in the page.
These are the steps with reference to rose india sites you gave,right?
Can you create a table in DAtabase say test
in that table test
1 row
and some 100 records in that
and do the paginations
showing 10 each time
10:53 AM
Q: JDBC Pagination

ZeeshanI want to implement pagination using JDBC. The actual thing I want to know is "How can i get first 50 and then next 50 records from database for page 1 and 2 respectively" My Query is Select * from data [data table contains 20,000 rows] For page #1 I get 50 records and for page #2 I want to get...

you have already solution use these references.
11:25 AM
hey got from datatables.net
i did not get
pagination using ajax I got from datatables.net
1 hour later…
12:47 PM

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