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Hello! anybody here ?
I can't update or uninstall my bundler
it' stuck on 1.17.3
could you help ?
Sure, what's the error you're getting?
none actually.
what command are you running?
i'm doing gem uninstall bundler
no messages shown on terminal
then i'm trying bundle commands , and they still works fine
does gem -v have any output?
it's showing version 1.17.3
^ gem version
What's your GEM_HOME environment variable set to?
I'm thinking it's related to this: github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues/2701
i actually need to update my bundler
but gem install bundler isn't working. so i am trying to uninstall then reinstall a specific version
Anyone feel like helping me sanity check some ruby inheritance
I have a very dumb question about oAuth
you go first
I would recommend that everyone that has a question, leads with the question. That way if someone wanders by with an answer, they can answer.
anybody seen this error
Your bundle is locked to local_dynamodb (0.1.0), but that version could not be found in any of the sources listed in
your Gemfile. If you haven't changed sources, that means the author of local_dynamodb (0.1.0) has removed it. You'll
need to update your bundle to a version other than local_dynamodb (0.1.0) that hasn't been removed in order to
your Gemfile specifies version 0.1.0 for the gem local_dynamodb
I am getting a no method error when the grandparent class has that method. aside from class gramp < mom and class mom < kid is there anything else that needs to happen to make sure that kid should have all of the methods defined in grandpa
That version doesn't exist in the sources listed in that gem file. (source "https://rubygems.org" for example). You'll need to change it to one that exists
@Btuman I can't reproduce this. Can you post a minimal MCVE
me neither, just because I would expect it to work as it. The fun part is that actual code is running within a resque worker, so its hard for me to use normal ruby debugging
but that version exists
Amitava can you paste that line of your gemfile
group :development do
gem "local_dynamodb"
and your gemfile.lock?
local_dynamodb (0.1.0)
Can you just post your entire gemfile
it's really huge.
and it's not my property, so i can't paste it.

but i can assure there's nothing wrong with the file
there's somethingw rong with my bundler
bundle -v -> shows 1.17.1

i need to update, but i tried everything, it's still 1.17.1
please help! anybody!
your issue is that the version of bundler is wrong?
do you want 2.0?
yes, i want an updated version
ok, if you are sure. There are breaking changes in 2.0
i just want an updated version
according to the error i need to update my bundler
It says you need to update your bundle, not bundler
so i need to update gemfile ?
I would rename your gemfile.lock and then do a bundle install (and a fresh gemset if you are using RVM), on a development instance
You could also just try bundle update which I believe ignores the lockfile.
Still having problems with Passenger and Nginx. Trying to figure out how to downgrade from Fedora 30 to Fedora 29. I have a sneaking suspicion that 30 is the problem.
Anyone else in here run into problems with Fedora in general?
Mine got wet in rain once and now it won't hold shape
@JohnDvorak I'm not understanding. Is this supposed to be a pun/joke?
Ohhh because you're thinking of the hat.
I get it haha nice one.
If it's a true story, then I take back my "haha" and I apologize :(
@JohnDvorak Did you take that Ruby job offer?
@earlyriser01 I run Debian. But you can try installing Fedora 29 in a VM in order to test your hypothesis that downgrading will help, before going through all the work of downgrading (if it's even possible).
@WayneConrad ah is there any free VMs? I don't know if it is possible -- I posted a question on Ask Fedora and am awaiting a response. After a quick search a little bit ago, I stumbled across Fedora 30 having a problem with connecting to the internet when it was first released a couple months ago. It makes me think that there are more bugs that are "to be discovered" and that I may have stumbled upon it.
upon a bug **
We will see.
@earlyriser01 Yes. Fedora, I am certain, has one of the open source ones (like KVM, QEMU, etc.). Also, there is VMWare's "virtualbox," a nice VM that is free (as in free beer, but not as in open source).
Ah okay. Just got back from a meeting. Unfortunately, I still have to figure out the correct commands to configure nginx and passenger because I have to write a script to install it so that it can be used by all of our customers. Agh, figuring out the Ruby on Rails installation script wasn't all that bad but this is worse. Oh well, if it were easy, everyone would do it.
That sounds like a difficult script.
Yes most definitely.
Will installing ruby-devel twice break things? Because now I can't even generate a new RoR app.
Well now I'm uninstalling all RoR and starting fresh again.
Fedora 30 is a pain.
I don't recognize ruby-devel.
I think it's an apt package that has ruby dependencies
as it's for rhel
No, shouldn't break anything
Unfortunately I think it did. Ended up wiping everything and downgrading to Fedora 29.
What an adventure.
Yeah, now the downgraded version contains terminal but when I type the commands in the command line, they don't appear and when I press enter, it just puts the [usr@localhost ~]$ like so:

[usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$ [usr@localhost ~]$
sounds like a problem with how the prompt is being set maybe? i'd probably check in ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc
Okay. I'll check that.
.bashrc as well
Try the reset command. This resets the terminal.
Okay, do I just literally type "reset" ?
That did it.
Thank you!
You're welcome.
The terminal has modes which it can be put in by escape sequences in program output. Some of those modes cause it to be messed up for command use. This can happen by, for example, running "cat" on a binary file and some of the file's contents happen to be escape sequences.
The reset command undoes whatever weird mode the terminal got put in.
I see that makes sense.
Must've been something with Fedora 29 itself as that happened right when I booted up the fresh install.

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