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yea that's exactly what i was thinking.. thanks @Mirv
though technically the question is broader than album/images it can be any other system logic that requires a hard cap but can be vulnerable to concurrency

example: spinning up a number of user accounts etc (which might be a lengthy process)
for example user opens 2 tabs.. now they can upload as many as as they want so client side validation doesn't really work in this case
4 hours later…
@JörgWMittag Given your comment here, would you write balanced_loop? here using loop do; break unless ... ; end, use something else I can't think of, or would you say it is a good use of while as an exception outside those 99.999%? (Not trolling, really curious what you think.)
2 hours later…
5 hours later…
... i'm not really to that level of mass use, but having a user try to upload, assign a caption etc & then telling them it fails, delete something & start over from scratch is a sure fire way to ensure your business fails.

Either before the client side UI allows an update - call a check to the server for their limit or go with drafting type solutions rather than risk the user never returns to your site.
@Amadan ... you might have a long wait ... last message: 474d ago, last seen: 65d ago
good tidings one & all ...
        Weirdness of the day ...

        @holders = ["timeGreeting", "firstName"]
        @holders.map{ |k| puts k.to_sym }  # fails string still
        @holders.map{ |k| puts "#{k} - to_sym: #{k.to_sym}" }  # strings for both
        @holders.map{ |k| puts "#{k} - to_sym: #{k.to_s.to_sym}" } # strings for both
        @holders.map(&:to_sym) # works => [:timeGreeting, :firstName]

    Per S/O answer all of them should work - stackoverflow.com/a/14442463/4289112 -  I was looking into it & at first I thought it had something to do with Array versus String #to_sym methods - but there
Design question - I've thus far been passing around some massive hashes - should I start using delete to pull values from `args` & remove them as I go or just copy out what I need & let `args` die after initialization? ... there are times when I need to pass a majority of the hash that's left over after removing a few things ... like this ...

  def initialize(holders, args)
    @holders = holders
    @deliminator = args.delete(:deliminator)
    @raw = args.delete(:raw_template)
    @parameters = args
2 hours later…
Three options ...

data.each{|x,y| @raw.gsub!( start+x.to_s+stop, y.to_s ) }


data.each{|x,y| @raw.gsub!( "#{start}#{x}#{stop}", y.to_s )}


data.each{|x,y| @raw.gsub!( "#{start}#{x}#{stop}", "#{y}" )}

or maybe multiliner ...
@Mirv I vote to start creating objects rather than throwing around massive hashes.
But snark aside, I'd set discrete instance variables as you have done. I'd probably start with args = args.dup, to avoid modifying the passed-in argument.
@Mirv The middle one.
Oh it's totally valid - just I'm pushing 50 classes for a template greeting system already & the need to test each of them as requirement is pretty heavy lifting versus just happily slinging hashes
I kind of went with another option ... think this is too verbose?

      def fill_out_template_placeholders
        start = @deliminator.start
        stop = @deliminator.stop
        temp_data = match_placeholder_to_data
        # byebug
        data.each do |x,y|
          replacement = y.to_s
          placeholder = start+x.to_s+stop
          @raw.gsub!(placeholder, replacement)}
I almost want to write a block to format the deliminators with the x value
Add more spaces and you can inline the first three variables
Ouch. data as a variable name...
editing froze me out
Also, I really like the discrete instance variables - as they made factoring out 3 or 4 classes take less than 2 or 3 minutes each (not counting test writing, but just actually changing the calling class code)
hello to everyone
hi Eduardo
    temp_data = match_placeholder_to_data
    temp_data.each do |x,y|


    match_placeholder_to_data.each do |x,y|
The latter.
The temporary is adding no value in this case. The name has no explanatory value.
temp_data is about as bad a name as I can imagine. Is that just a name you made up for the question, and not part of the real code?
its in the code
the only advantage in the assignment is it lets the ruby engine optimize variables better - i found that out when I was doing that multi-thread test thing earlier this year with robert or whoever
my version ran many times faster than his when I had a single line assignment & doing more than 2k entries
I don't see how that's possible. Are you certain you measured what you think you measured?
yea, i just wrapped the calls with a block & i even tested with the baked in time & also used timestamp diff'ing then ran the same calls - the compiler or the server naturally is optimized for the 2nd run to be at least twice as fast ... I'm not saying that I had every assignment saved per say...i'll see if i can find that example
I'm not sure this is up to date - but this was the original and spun off two others one for a self naming file logging system & another so i wouldn't pollute his project ... github.com/Mirv/asynchronize/branches
The other one that I did way more with take some digging
Project link - github.com/Mirv/AutoSeed

    This one is twice to 4 times faster ...
        models.each do | model_name |
          model = model_name.classify.constantize             # setup model to call
          attribs = model.column_names - reject_attribs       # drop extra db columns
          attribs = attribs.map {|x| [x, insert_string]}.to_h # setup hash of columns
          result = model.find_or_create_by!(attribs)          # save error msgs
          puts result                                         # output results
This was the original - it runs about 20-30% faster 2nd time - but half to four times less than optimized version above
          # Print the model creation method
            puts "[{" + model_name.classify.constantize.all.map { |model|
              model.attributes.reject{ |key| key == "id" }.map { |key, attribute|
                key == "id" ? nil : "#{key}: '#{attribute}'"
              }.join(", ")
            + "}].each { |attributes| \n"
            + model_name + ".find_or_create_by(attributes) }"
Which Ruby engine are you using?
shrug - i noticed the one autoseed is rails probably 4 or 5 & my rubies range from 1.9.3 to 2.5.4 - there's 120 log files in one of my working directories & i'd say half of them are from 1.9.3
(my counts when i'm estimating are that I created over 200million models to test)
Here's the latest - nonworking branch when i abandoned the project to focus on something more bloglike - ... the file I'm linking here is the time testing part - link
I know for sure the 1st version is horribly slower when compared to the next 2, I was in the process of making the file logging better so it would change names and allow me to harvest the data in more meaningful ways before i looked into how much it cost to create an instance variable versus to call a bunch of methods
I do not understand your emphasis on optimization. When writing web apps, or most other apps, the CPU is not the bottleneck, even with a slow language like Ruby. Most of my Ruby programs are I/O bound.
Curiosity - those are just tooling projects for motivation to learn new stuff like one was multi-threading. My order of preference is readability - which you can clearly see the first one is easier - it also happens to be 4 times faster ... for IO when interaction with db. Speed is really a 3rd tier concern for me, but it doesn't mean I don't ask myself "what's up yo?"
So my greeting module is complete. 20 files, 4 data files. 20 test files with 4 helper files. I need to write some more tests for edge cases on final results, then scrub todo's and notes along with put all the highlights into the readme.
It's nice that you leave a README behind. I love a good README.
I have a general idea of what my app does ... but I also don't feel like it's super well constructed ... from a finished product end ... I expect my tests to be, "insert a, b, c, x, y" & get "z" ... where as instead with bdd - I have this chain of data in/out checks + error behavior that lets me refactor really well, but i'm not sure my tests have proper coverage etc
Also, because this loads from files - I have very little control beyond mocking of inserting information to the processing portion of the app
...like I have all these unit tests, but not even sure I can integration check the ruby only project...do people do integration checks of non-rails ruby projects?
There are some ways of testing code that uses files. Would you be interested in them?
I rarely do full-on testing of any code. It's very expensive and can be fragile.
I did do integration tests for my Basic interpreter, however. Those were pretty easy, since the interpreter reads a file and writes a bunch of stuff to stdout. That's very easy to test.
Yea - I pulled some file testing off S/O already & wrote custom location captures via rescue - I don't have a logger injected yet, but am doing puts (error_msg) or exit(msg) currently - I'm using that rescue Errno::ENOENT ... S/O seems to agree there is no way to test json#parse you just call it & see if you can pull keys out of it
Alright wayne - you're going to be proud ... one of the hashes I was passing around .. two variables only ... made into an object & my testing is so much easier now .... deliminator: Deliminators.new('{','}')
So I figure anywhere I have two tests checking the presence of the same data - is a new class i need to write & it will allow me to reduce my code - then in the future anytime I write a copycat test - I know to just make it an object...?
Should I be including a map off all my classes and how they chain somewhere?
Documentation, you mean? Code docs have to be maintained, and typically aren't, but sometimes a broad-strokes outline of how the project is organized can be useful.
i need to install rubocop and pay attention to it eventually too ... le sigh
Do you guys think time & timezone belong in an object together?
Also ... what do you think of doing this? ...

class TimeToGreeting
  def initialize(args)
    @parameters = args
    default_greetings = args[:default_greetings]
    @hours = retrieve_hours(args)
    @greetings = default_greetings || greetings_file_load

  def retrieve_hours(args)
    hours_args = Hash.new
    hours_args.merge!(timezone: args.delete(:timezone))
    hours_args.merge!(startTimeStamp: args.delete(:startTimeStamp))
Or part of me thinks somehow - at the top level above this class dependency inject TimeInHours? I have trouble envisioning that - as should the top level command line interface call every single class that will be made into an object? Should it be a midlevel thing where that particular task spits out like what I have above?
1 hour later…
crap - all my classes are processes instead of entities
changing the small stuff like deliminators, date, time, timerage etc made me realize this :(

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