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Today's fun
When I run my App IRL
it understands when it should be rendering my edit.erb.js
doesn't expect an HTML file
when i run Rpsec
it freaks out and looks for an edit.html.erb file
stackoverflow.com/questions/40308748/… happens when I try to fix it
4 hours later…
@WayneConrad hey mate... i need to test my custom session controller which inherited from devise's session controller.. been stuck on that for the past two days.. any ideas how to do that?
2 hours later…
@GaneshKumar Devise has some helpers to use in tests. With those helpers, you can, for example, tell devise to consider that a user is authenticated.
@WayneConrad yes. i can login ueing factory girl user.. when i login the create method from session controller is not called. why?
I don't know. I'm not really a Rails programmer.
@WayneConrad oh ok..
7 hours later…
@Btuman How are you passing in the format?
@GaneshKumar It generally skips that process and just stores the user_id in the session to avoid the overhead of that controller
1 hour later…
Is it correct that Ruby only deals with 1 request at a time as opposed to something like appache/php which spins up a thread for a request and then stops the script?
@Schoening Kinda, they make web servers like Puma and Unicorn which have many processes running.
So they are long living, but there are many of them
But you copy your whole app into every thread and then have a sort of load balancer?
Like Node.js but without the "non blocking io" ?
Or maybe just like node.js actually.. ?
Coz ruby is not a "start-and-stop" language like php I think? (I never used it, I started using crystal and got a bit curious about ruby)
I believe it runs threads on top of your Rails/Sinatra/etc application
But due to the GIL it isn't truely a threaded app
unless you leverage JRuby and other non-ruby rubies
Ok I think I get it. Thanks for the explainations :)
Thanks for the explanation @Jared
No problem. Having to run JRuby has given me a little knowledge into that space :P
Ahaha I run Jruby but have no knowledge of that before you talked about it ;) :P
JRuby is like like a Good and Plenty. Ruby makes it sweet on the outside and Java makes it dark and bitter on the inside.
Not that I have a distaste for it, nope, not me... don't tell my boss :x
Isn't MRI kinda ugly inside too?
I think its better for my sanity if I don't check
Yo homeslice
All languages that have been optimized are ugly on the inside. For example, if you try to look at MRI's sorting functions, they're optimized to the point that it's very difficult to see what's going on.
Are there any recent "innovations" in performance at the low level?
I presume most of it is just getting things smaller to get faster and therefore more throughput
At Ruby's low level?
Any language or algorithm.
Like quicksort is over 50 years old
and thats the defacto 'best way' to sort
It's only best under some circumstances: Data set fits in memory, is not already nearly sorted, etc.
Do you prefer a nice merge sort?
I prefer insertion sort, which I like to call slowsort.
I should invent a sorting method that randomly shuffles the elements and checks to see if they're ordered. Repeating as necessary.
That's been done, heh.
In computer science, bogosort (also permutation sort, stupid sort, slowsort, shotgun sort or monkey sort) is a highly ineffective sorting algorithm based on the generate and test paradigm. The algorithm successively generates permutations of its input until it finds one that is sorted. It is not useful for sorting, but may be used for educational purposes, to contrast it with more efficient algorithms. Two versions of the algorithm exist: a deterministic version that enumerates all permutations until it hits a sorted one, and a randomized version that randomly permutes its input. An analogy for...
Well then
I wrote a sorting algorithm that is the slowest: def sort_my_thing(thing); loop do; puts "This looks hard, I don't want to do it"; sleep 1; end; sort(thing); end
> Bogobogosort: is an algorithm that was designed not to succeed before the heat death of the universe on any sizable list.
Look up "sleep sort." That's my favorite goofy sort.
a = (1..6).to_a.shuffle
a.map do |i|
  Thread.new do
    sleep i
    puts i
1 hour later…
I was about to mention sleep sort! Pretty funny one :)
Im looking to do a Ruby/Rails app with React, anyone use Ruby-react or react on rails libraries and want to share you experiences?
I have not but this React Native on Rails talk from this years RailsConf has me wanting to try it
nice, Ill check that out
Im working on my first React Native app and was wondering if RR was a good fit
The new Rails API mode is pretty useful
github.com/athityakumar/colorls a ruby project to colorize ls
You beat me to it! :P
I want iterm2 on linux :(
@Jared Reading on HN ?
maybe ;)
Our application crashed when using the mock rating engines for a quote. It appears when we update our versions for the main application that we customize. I have no idea how to find what is the problem. I'm looking at the code but I can't understand it...
This will be a though Friday pm.
That stinks. You want Fridays to be easy.
I started my day with a meeting, including two remote developers, where we figured out that our tough problem might not be a problem at all. Now it turns out that we don't need a major architecture change nor a ton of work to fix it.
Yeah! But I'm still happy to have watched Spider-Man yesterday! I should receive my 2 controllers for my genesis soon so I'll be able to play my game of Spider-Man vs Kingpin on Genesis :D
That sounds like fun.
@WayneConrad That's a real good news
My "more RAM" that I didn't really need also arrives today.
Yeah and I'll buy some new cords to connect my Snes and Genesis with VGA instead of the tv cable thing I had! The video should be better :)! Can't wait to try :)! In fact, already tested the SNES since I've discovered you can use the N64 one!
@WayneConrad Nice :)
It's always fun to install and use new things!
A game should look pretty. The little pixels should make you happy.
I've been digging the visuals in The Witcher 3. At first I didn't like them, because the game starts out in an ugly part of the world. But now I'm in Tousant, which is utterly beautiful. It's like playing a game in a Bob Ross painting.
I'll have to play it at some point! I hear so much good about it!
More than any other open-world game I've played, it feels like a real, lived-in world. Unlike Skyrim where the entire population is a couple of hundred people, in Witcher 3 you are constantly running into people farming, or traveling, or whatever.
Humm should be nice to have an open-world where people can contribute to create npc and things like so that you have a world build over time.
That's probably achieved by mods.
In the flight sim world, mods like that are very popular. You can download, or buy, mods that add airports, or more airport detail, or better mountains, or whatever...
There seems to have some used copies
Ooh, right you are. I think I have to have it.
1 hour later…
I ordered it. That kind of book makes me happy.
2 hours later…

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