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@Marc-Andre Sure mate.
@Ndeto I know the feeling mate! I leave my wallet & keys at the office a lot :)
@Mango Cooler Master CM Storm Quickfire Ultimate Full LED Backlit Cherry Blue Gaming Keyboard (Part#: SGK-4011-GKCL2-US)
Thanks @Marc-Andre! I'll look into it.
I ended up buying more RAM for my desktop even though I can get by on what I have. I've gotten used to 32GB at work, which is nice when you want to spin up a couple of VMs at the same time.
Ahaha yeah wish I could have that much too! But it's not a priority at the moment
32GB costs now about what 16GB did when I built this computer.
Why would you buy ram when you can download it from the internet? <-- Joke
Haha, nice.
All this is because I want to spin up a VM for doing Android development.
Reading some news archives. Found a weird story:
5 Female NYPD police officers failed to hold one man down.
@WayneConrad Android development in ruby, or Java?
@Mango Formatting doesn't work in multiline messages AFAIK
I wonder, if it's actually true...
@thesecretmaster Ruby if I can get away with it.
@WayneConrad Lol, thanks for letting me know.
@WayneConrad If you find a way, let me know. I've been writing Java for android, and I hate Java now.
I have to look at that ruboto project that someone mentioned though.
I've done a bit of the Java thing for Android, and I don't like it either. Java is a soul-sucking language not my favorite thing. If I ran MacOS, I'd try RubyMotion, but I don't so I'll probably try Ruboto.
Gah. The VirtualBox documentation section on networking is the type that is only good if you already know it.
There are something like six different network options for a VirtualBox VM, and all of them are described in terms of another. "Option A is like B, but different. Option B is halfway between option A and option C. Option C is kind of like option D...."
Another story: "Man attempted to eat police officer whilst high on bath salts".
We used to have a rag newspaper called the "Enquirer" for sensationalist "news." Now we just have the news.
Another story: "Cuban diplomat ..."
Actually, never mind :D I can't finish the last one :)
It looks like Oracle put the good docs on their blog rather than in the... documentation.
2 hours later…
8 hours later…
hey guys
anyone done unit testing using rspec?
1 hour later…
Good morning!
Good morning!
Good morning!
@GaneshKumar Yes, I've used rspec a little.
Time for banjo practice. I'll be back later.
Have fun
2 hours later…
Good morning (v. 2.0)
5 hours later…
I have a test with the identifier snake_case. Now I need there to be two of them. Do I call them snake_case_1 and snake_case_2, or snake_case1 and snake_case2 ?
Are they different in anyway?
if so i'd name them after their attributes person / person_no_eyebrows
The difference is in whether or not there's an underscore before the digit. The test shows that if there is one thing, the method succeeds, but if there are two things, the method raises an error. So I guess "thing" and "extra_thing"
Do you need to have both of them being asserted? I'd just do a before(:each){FactoryGirl.create_list(:foo, 2)}
But if you need to assert against both and they are both the same thing, then you're in a naming conundrum
You've got a good point. I can avoid names altogether if I structure this differently.
Instead of this:
   let(:transaction_listing1) do
    let(:transaction_listing2) do
    it "raises an error" do
      transaction_file_number.transaction_listings << transaction_listing1
      transaction_file_number.transaction_listings << transaction_listing2
      expect do
      end.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Multiple transaction listings")
    it "raises an error" do
      transaction_file_number.transaction_listings <<
      transaction_file_number.transaction_listings <<
      expect do
      end.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Multiple transaction listings")
FactoryGirl.create_list? That's a thing?
      transaction_file_number.transaction_listings =
        FactoryGirl.create_list(:dest_transaction_listing, 2)
      expect do
      end.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Multiple transaction listings")
Very nice, thanks.
No problemo
There is also build_list if you don't want it to go all the way through to the DB as well

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