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I just discovered that I have mystery ppa's in my apt sources. Any linux users have any suggests on how to find out if it's safe to delete it?
1 hour later…
Woohoo! First SO answer in over a month and 2 +1's in the first 15 mins! And I learned something!
8 hours later…
@thesecretmaster What is a "ppa?"
@thesecretmaster Did something go wrong with the indentation in your answer? But good answer.
2 hours later…
@WayneConrad I thought that was the conventional indentation for hashes. How can I fix that?
Oh, I guess it's two spaces for everything.
2 hours later…
@thesecretmaster I'm not sure I follow. What makes you think the keys are symbols?
Ah, never mind, I see it.
3 hours later…
> Matz: ... I don't want to use the LLVM JIT for Ruby 3, just because the LLVM itself is a huge project, and it's much younger than Ruby. Ruby is more than twenty years old. It's possibly going to live for twenty more years, or even longer, so relying on other huge projects is kind of dangerous.
god i hate time zones
especially DST
Yo guys... naming question.
I'm making a site that lists all technologies used at the company (Ruby on Rails, Java, etc). What do we name Users who are evaluating/using/experts-in those technologies?
thinking explorers
"resume decorators?" :D Just kidding. I like "explorers". Or "investigators."
Sometimes "instigators" or "agitators."
Cool. I'll stick with explorer and then when everyone complains I'll just have to tell them Wayne said I had to :P
Tell them, "It was either that or 'agitator.' Which will look better on your resume?"
2 hours later…
I'm a Lurker. I feel so welcome.
Welcome to our lurking club. We dabble in Ruby sometimes... but mostly lurking
@sagarpandya82 Welcome :)
@sagarpandya82 Welcome! We're happy to have you!
Eventually somebody will say something that makes somebody else rave at length about Ruby and then we'll return to lurking
I'm hoping to end the day having created fewer issues than I've solved.
@sagarpandya82 I like your tips to new users in your profile. I wish I'd known those when I first got to SO.
@sagarpandya82 Marked your own question as a duplicate? Excellent discipline.
@thesecretmaster yes so do I!
@WayneConrad ha yes! To be fair nobody answered or took much interest, I think I got the tumbleweed badge for that q
Oh dear, I've engaged in chat so I think I've just disqualified myself from being called a Lurker.
Quick erase all of your history!
"Lurker" is a role rather than an identity, so it should be an easy label to regain.
I have a block. I want to get a binding which contains all the variables in that blocks scope at the end of running the block and then take that binding and pass it to ERB.new("").result. block.binding doesn't seem to work, and nothing else I try seems to. Tips?
Maybe, but I'm knee deep in a production problem. Can you please describe the reason you're doing that? Are you making a sandbox for your template?
It's not at all urgent, so if you want to deal with your production issue (which is probably urgent) than I can ask again later.
class Test
  def initialize(a = "a")
    @a ||= a

Test.new do |c|
  c.a = "b"
This is roughly what a gem is doing to set some config variables, and it doesn't work. I didn't think it would work, but does anyone know what they were trying to do?
They were insane. @a ||= a in an initializer makes no sense. Should just be @a = a. Then they are missing the mutator for :a that would allow c.a = "b" to work. Also, they are not yielding the instance.
Whoops, attr_accessor exists
class Test
  attr_accessor :a
  def initialize (a = "a")
    @a = a
    yield self if block_given?
I thought passing a block to an initializer was some sort of shortcut I didn't know about
No, you have to add code to make it work. Shown above.
okie dokie. I should probably put this fix in a seperate branch huh
Yes, that's the cleanest way to submit a PR.
The more I look at this library the more I think I could do it better
Maybe I'll just write a new one
Sounds like fun.
This project started the day with 28 open issues. Even though I've closed several, I've now got 32. Well, at least it's a power of 2.
Oh dear. You're working late, no?
No, I didn't get started until 0800 today. I'm not officlally done for another 40 minutes.
The project was written with no tests, so it's not surprising that it's a bit of a bug farm. It's still pretty good. Just logging bugs when I find them.
What do you think is a better API abstraction. The battle.net apis are all region.api.battle.net/<base>/data/sub_data?queries

I was thinking you'd do something like Battlenet::<Base>.data()

But then I also think it might be comfy to make a new instance every time you want a call.

Like bnet = Battlenet.new(region: 'us', base: 'data', locale: 'en_US'); bnet.call('some_method', params)
I'm struggling between the part of me that doesn't like writing a lot of code, and the part of me that likes knowing what everything does
If you want magic, separate it from the non-magic. Make most things very pedestrian, and put the magic in, e.g., factory methods.
That's very generic and not exactly helpful advice.
I prefer the latter, simpler code.
Going to try writing a gem for the first time too, so not sure how this is going to go
It'll go confusingly for a few hours, then you'll do most things right and a few things wrong, and later you'll figure that out and correct the few things wrong.
That's my prediction. That'll be 50 cents please.
I've found gem making to be surprisingly simple, based on my 1 gem of experience.
Also writing tests for the first time, so equally not sure how this is going to go
However, tests seem to be the logical way to test a library
This room taught me how to test. Thanks everyone!
Yay for tests!
The other team that shares this room uses gitlab merge requests for all their changes. Only they don't have any gatekeepers that review and approve merge requests, so each programmer merges their own merge requests. Crazy!
I merge all my own merge requests. I only use them because then I can feel more professional that way. Maybe it's a best practice?
I don't see the point of making a one-person bureaucracy when you could do without it, but I guess could make it easier to work with the process when you need to.
Also, that way I can leave notes to future me as to the purpose of each of the branches I use.
I delete branches when they're merged back into master. Do you keep them around?
I almost never delete branches. Why would/should I?
So that tab-completing a branch name works better. So that every outstanding branch represents unmerged work, making branches a sort of to-do list.

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