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@WayneConrad well i got the contact form working ;) ...too bad my sloppy CSS skills is making the text nonreadable for the moment :P
@chris Congrats! I can't say I like CSS much. I've never been able to make its model fit in my brain.
hehe, yeah i just hack away at things ...i suppose
8 hours later…
gooood mornign
1 hour later…
And that's why redbull was invented
Speaking of which, it's 5 bucks for a 473ml can of redbull
You could just chew on money.
I feel the same way about university
At least I'd be getting something out of chewing on the money
At university, you're going to get a piece of paper that says, "I can put up with pointless uni BS, and therefore I can put up with pointless corporate BS. Hire me."
I know. The problem is I have a hard time putting up with pointless uni BS. I'm scraping by, but I have a bad habit of not showing up to class.

Which isn't entirely detrimental because 90% of the professors are foreign, and I can't understand them anyway
Oh, yeah. I understand.
And the only mandatory programming class they teach is introduction to java
Which was terribly taught, I might add.
7k a year =_=
just for tuition!
That's useless. What a new programmer needs is something like MIT's "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs."
The textbook for that course is a free download, by the way. Awesome book.
Actually, I think the lectures are free online, also.
What would be funny would be sitting in the Java course with an earbud and watching the MIT lecture on your phone.
My highschool CS teacher was amazing. What she did was go way back to quick basic, to teach you the fundamentals, and do fun things like drawing on a screen. She would teach a concept a day, so she'd do a 15 minute thing on whatever concept it was (loops, conditionals, w/e), and then you had a little duotang with excercises pertaining to the concept that you could work through at your own pace.

Then next year of that class was java, while the year after that was whatever language you wanted.
Wow. That's awesome.
So by the end of it, you knew a lot of concepts, without really attaching them to a language
Needless to say, my old highschool has won the provincial highschool CS competition like 7 years in a row
I want to go back in time and have that teacher.
Hi, does anyone know if there is a method in ruby to remove multiple characters from positions stored in an array?
@Benny33 Hi, good #{time_of_day}. Can you please give us an example?
Well if I had the string 'day' and I want to remove the characters at [0,2] (d and y), if I remove 0 then 2. 2 will be out of bounds because y is now at index 1. So my question is does a method exist to handle the removal of multiple characters.
In general, start from the highest index and work down.
May I ask in broader terms what it is you are doing? For example, are you trying to remove all "d" and all "y" characters? Or are you removing always the first and third character?
Sure, I am trying to remove all colons (:) in a string except for the ones that have numbers beside them for example 1:9.
Ahhhh. Ok, that's a job for gsub.
So, if a colon is between two numbers, then it should be preserved?
Yes, didn't think it would be possible to use gsub
You might be right, but I think maybe it can. Give me a few minutes to try it.
Sure, that is a much cleaner solution if possible
no luck?
Getting closer.
I think it gets done in two regex rather than one.
Still simpler than my current solution
Well... maybe. It's kinda nasty.
s.gsub(/(?<!\d):(?=\d)|(?<=\d):(?!\d)/, '')
testing now...
Wait, I've got a failing test.
I must not have been running the whole spec.
Doesn't work correctly for '1:9 :dvd'
Nope. It's busted for some other cases, too. Forget I said "regex".
Ok fair enough, thanks for the help though
I've got another idea. Lemme try it. This is a fun one.
@Benny33 Is there ever a case where "dvd:dvd", or similar?
I mean, is there a pattern to the strings
Maybe, anything is possible with my data sources. Not very reliable. Should expect anything
Not really many patterns, just noticed that a colon between numbers is important as it often represents a scale of some sort
Oh, this is so horrible a solution that it's making me laugh:
def remove_some_colons(s)
  s = s.gsub(/(\d):(\d)/, '\1<COLON>\2')
  s = s.gsub(/:/, '')
  s = s.gsub(/<COLON>/, ':')
On the other hand, I actually understand it.
That works, I had a similar solution in mind before.
My regex using negative lookbehind and lookahead broke when the colon was at the beginning or end of the string. I'm just annoyed I couldn't get that to work.
@Cereal doesn't seem to work for me
Looks good, thanks a lot
@Benny33 Aha! There it is:
s.gsub(/(^:)|(:$)|(?<!\d):|:(?!\d)/, '')
Wait, wait, that's too complicated. This works, too! s.gsub(/(?<!\d):|:(?!\d)/, '')
Finally. I don't know why I couldn't see it before.
The best part is, it looks kinda like ASCII art.
hmm Doesn't seem to work for me. Testing in Rubular
For which case does it fail?
Wait sorry false alarm
Wow that was bad, getting late
What time is it where you are?
It's 0830 here.
0130, wow. That's about to stop being "late" and start being "early"
Did you go to bed?
Yeah, got up at about 0500 and went to work.
@Benny33 That was a fun question to answer. Thanks for asking it.
Fair enough.
Thanks for your help
4 hours later…
Hey @WayneConrad
Do you know anything about creating gems, perchance?
I've got a few gems. I cheat and use a helper gem, but I don't think that's necessary.
I just wanted to make a gem to create my sinatra boilerplate, was curious how much work was involved to make it a gem
rather than just a script
It's really not much work at all. You add a Gemfile to your project. Pretty much done. Cool thing is: You don't even have to publish it to rubygems.org, if you don't want to: bundler, with the appropriate line in the Gemfile, will load gems off of github (I love that!).
Oh that's neat
Second question, for small personal sites I make, can I just host with thin, or whatever other small server instead of configuring nginx and proxying stuff?
It seems I've answered my own question. Guess I'll look up how to get nginx running
thin, nginx, whatever.
I've learned there's a difference between the two. Thin being an application server, nginx being a web server
I didn't know.
neither did I!
Hm, you would think a fresh arch install would come with gcc
Or clojure, at least.
or anything really. What does it come preinstalled with
lolol. Pacman's arch's package manager
ssh over a wireless network while on the bus is something else
nooo. I'm losing connection
Oh, right, it's Friday. Well, happy Friday (which you'll get to see when you get your connection back)
I have indeed.
Today I've learned that ssh will just reconnect like nothing happened if you lose an internet connection completely
> unicorn command not found
I'm 10000% sure I added ruby gems to my path
Alright, going home. ttyl, @Cereal. Have a great weekend.
@WayneConrad Whenever you see this, I have a question... I'm just running a linode server for this, which just has a root user, and my user. I setup nginx to use my user, to get around some permission issues. Is that.. safe?
@Cereal It just means nginx will have access to anything on that server that you have access to. I can't tell you if it's safe or not. It's not patently unsafe.
well I suppose there's not much on the server.. just for playing anyway
Sounds safe enough. Don't write your deepest secrets as comments in the source code.

# bank pin: 1232
hi guys

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