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@WayneConrad I didn't realize it was sed, I can see it now though .
@JonathanMusso I suggest Feedly. I've tried so many free windows RSS programs and they are dated, not appreciated by developers, and break easily. Then again, last time I looked was 2013/4. I suggest Feedly because it pretty much became what Google Reader tried to be. It has browser extensions and apps, too.
Is RSS used much anymore? Before I got on Twitter, I used RSS 2009-2013 like crazy. Google Reader closing made me stop as the app I used at the time stopped working. Do not use flip book (or whatever) though. That sucks
@DominikSpisak I would suggest saving render when you receive errors, as that means you did not make a new request. But because the save was successfully done, you should then redirect_to
@onebree thanks I am using Feedly. IT's great so far
Good morning, y'all
Guys one of my buddies is looking for work, mostly non tech related. He has experience with Unity 3d, 3d modelling and C# but has no portfolio and no education with this stuff other than being self taught. What kind of options can I recommend him to try and find some sort of entry technology job? I think it will be better for him than retail.
Free lance
Every one and their aunt is looking for someone to make some ground breaking ios app
You can charge a large amount of money for that kind of work
@Cereal Freelance is the last option I'd go for
It's nowhere near as easy as you make it sound
It's super easy to fall into random one off jobs, but very difficult to actually make above minimum wage year-round.
He's going to have an especially heard time since he has only C# 3d modeling experience...
i tried freelancing.. you make money but unless you have business connections its hard to make a living wage
I can't personally recommend freelancing for him at the moment
Aside from having tech skills, there is more to running a business than just that
It was the only thing I could think of with only unity experience
Thanks I appreciate the comments though
I am going to help him build a website to showcase his work
@meagar hello sir!
He might want to consider weird hybrid jobs for the moment. For example, at my previous company, we hired people to do customer support, but they programmed part time (maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of their job).
And he needs to be willing to do things he's never done before. Maybe C# without the 3-d modelling.
Maybe 3-d modelling without C#. Maybe neither.
@JonathanMusso Hello
Yeah he needs to get out of his comfort zone which I will try and help him with
1 hour later…
String#gsub: "When neither a block nor a second argument is supplied, an Enumerator is returned."
But why not just call String#scan instead?
@WayneConrad gsub replaces values, scan doesn't?
irb(main):001:0> "abcde".gsub(/[ace]/) { '!' }
=> "!b!d!"
irb(main):002:0> "abcde".scan(/[ace]/) { '!' }
=> "abcde"
Oh, wait, sorry, "when neither a block..."
I misread
Yeah. It's kind of a mystery to me.
Oh, oh, I get it.
Question, I need to find an object, a ParkingLot, by the attribute "arguments". The arguments are saved to the database as a comman-separated list. I want to do ParkingLot.where(arguments: xyz), in which XYZ = a search (possibly regex) of the item I want within that list
Stand by for code example.
like, ParkingLot.where(arguments: arguments.split(',')[0])
s = "a1a2"
s = s.gsub(/a/).each { |match| 'foo' }
p s    # => "foo1foo2"
@onebree Is this a Rails question?
@WayneConrad That's still pretty redundant
@onebree Do you have any power to change how the attributes are stored? Because that denormalized schema is hurting you...
@meagar Yeah, I'm having trouble coming up with the use case for it.
This is not my Rails app. I cannot change the schema.
Anyhow, remember this pain, so that when you get to make your own schema, you won't store lists as strings :)
How to search on that string is going to be DB specific. In Postgresql, you can search using a regular expression. It would look something like this: ParkingLot.where("arguments ~ ?", some_clever_regex)
Unless the regular expression is anchored at the start, it's going to cause a row scan. This can be very slow.
I recommend getting into your time machine, going back to where the designer made this choice, and beating them with a cold fish until they change their mind.
I am using Mysql
@WayneConrad #fired
MySql may have functions for doing searches on lists stored as strings.
@onebree See if you can get him hired back just so that he can be fired again. :D
Q: MySQL query finding values in a comma separated string

bikey77I have a field COLORS (varchar(50)) in a my table SHIRTS that contains a comma delimited string such as 1,2,5,12,15,. Each number representing the available colors. When running the query select * from shirts where colors like '%1%' to get all the red shirts (color=1), I also get the shirts who'...

I meant if I slap the guy who made the schema, I will get fired.
Even if you use a very small fish, like a sardine?
If you hit them with enough fish, they won't know who's hitting them!
how should you store lists?
In a separate table.
One row per entry.
It is permitted to store non-atomic structures in a column iff the database can consider it a "blob" that it never needs to look inside.
There are exceptions to this, but most people who store non-atomic data in a text column are not doing so because they have a good reason.
@WayneConrad if you were expecting large amounts of data in lists, do you think it would be better to move it to nosql?
and treat them each as an object?
I can't say.
alright thanks
@cleong hi there
@onebree hey i got your invite on slack
Awesome! I will be on tonight, 6:30 or 7pm ET
perfect thats the time i'm home from work
1 hour later…
@WayneConrad this actually helped me: stackoverflow.com/questions/8059770/…
I did not look at the answers, because the asker included what I needed in his question body. I forgot that you can do straight-up SQL in a User.where() statement. And it works! I did this: ParkingLot.where("arguments like '#{name}%")
Now, do you recommend I capitalize the LIKE in the sql statement?
Oh, yes. I showed some straight-up SQL in a where; it got lost in the noise I guess.
Couldn't you do like
ParkingLot.all.select { |j| j == /regex/ } or something?
or ParklingLot.select
For most databases, whether or not you capitalize keywords is a matter of taste. I don't, because I'm not a mainframe programmer.
<- don't know activerecord
@Cereal That's going to load every record into memory...
If you're stuck with a row scan, at least make it so you don't have to have every row sent sent back.
@WayneConrad Correct, because it loads all records, THEN selects which meet the criteria
@WayneConrad cough just pretend it's a hardware problem ¬_¬
"How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?" "None: It's a hardware problem."
make a recommendation to have the entire db on RAM
That should speed up search times
@cleong I thought you were 16. You work?
lol im 22
and yeah
oops. I told andrea you were 16.
Maybe I am thinking of someone else...
its cool lol
Where do you work and what do you do
i work in toronto and i'm backend (+ lots of front end) magento dev
basically implement designs and features for e-commerce sites
...If you don't mind me asking, why did I recommend the better specs project to you? I think I meant to talk to some 16 year old in the room...
lol i was interested because i used it to test websites
@Cereal how old are you?
fun stuff trying to use rspec on php websites
Okay.... I am all confused now, but whatever
@onebree 21
I think
I'm 35
(sadly, that's in hex)
I'd rather that were in base 10, octal, or in months, or weeks.
I wouldn't really want to be 53 weeks old...
I presume it wouldn't be permanent
If by not permanent you mean you'll be the same age in (53 years - 53 weeks), then I agree. Haha.
What I meant is, I wouldn't mind hitting the reset button and starting all over again. I'm not anxious for this ride to end.
mr.bones wild ride
Like that, but without the motion sickness :)
@WayneConrad To be fair, you're optimistically only half way
Homeopathic Ruby (video from Keep Ruby Weird 2014). And the spoiler
This is hilarious
I g ee, t's pr tty un y.
I left my Rails server running and closed the terminal window before stopping the server. Does anyone know how to sort processes in terminal to cancel the PID?
Do you know what port it's running on? sudo netstat -alpn and look for whatever's got a socket listening on that port.
sudo netstat -alpn | grep 3000
3000 yea
when I type ps it shows me 3 processes I assume that is it but I will check the netstat to verify
And then kill <pid>
netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol
I usually run killall ruby when I restart my terminal to avoid that.
@JonathanMusso You're not running Linux?
it's OSX :\
I am going to start fresh with Linux soon though
I know, I know Wayne . A moment of silence for your fallen comrade. lol
Q: Who is listening on a given TCP port on Mac OS X?

ptsOn Linux, I can use netstat -pntl | grep $PORT or fuser -n tcp $PORT to find out which process (PID) is listening on the specified TCP port. How do I get the same information on Mac OS X?

All OSs are equal (but some are more equal than others).
Thanks very much Wayne that worked
Wayne which distro do you favor?
I usually do ps aux | grep ruby, or whatever
Dunno if that's a good way of doing it or not
ATM I am deciding between the ASUS 305 and Microsoft Surface -- I have used Ubuntu in the past but I had a friend trying to get me onto Fedora XD
It's as good as any.
I prefer Debian, but only because I've used it forever.
I prefer arch because it makes me feel hipster
currently I have been playing around with Kali for some educational purposes
I've got the post-lunch sleepies. Yawn.
Gorram. It's post supper here
I ate lunch 2 1/2 hours ago. I'm still tired from it.
Ok I am gonna leave Devise alone and try to get the todo CRUD done
1 hour later…
Hi. So I am told I need a single mysql query into a rails scope.
The query I need I took from the backtrace. How do you convert the following into Rails 4 scopes?
SELECT 1 AS one FROM `script_calls` INNER JOIN `script_call_arguments` ON `script_calls`.`id` = `script_call_arguments`.`script_call_id` WHERE `script_call_arguments`.`argumentable_id` = 67 AND `script_call_arguments`.`argumentable_type` = 'IvrMenu' LIMIT 1

SELECT `script_calls`.* FROM `script_calls` INNER JOIN `script_call_arguments` ON `script_calls`.`id` = `script_call_arguments`.`script_call_id` WHERE `script_call_arguments`.`argumentable_id` = 67 AND `script_call_arguments`.`argumentable_type` = 'IvrMenu'

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