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good morning
bro do you have any idea when we debug an hosted iis site, visual studio says symbols are not loaded
gd mng 1 all
@Sabilv and all
@Cool good morning
how are you doing?
@SpringLearner gm
hi @cool
good morning
I am on leave
@Sajeetharan gm
@Sajeetharan first build your project in iis and attach your vs debugger with iis with correct Application pool .
hw r u ?@SpringLearner
@AnantDabhi i did that, i opened the project from iis folder as website
i tried to build
then ran the website
attach debugger
it says symbols are not loaded
app. pool is same ?
@Cool I am fine
how abt you?
@AnantDabhi it should be the same because they are in the same folder
first change your application pool . Create new pool and give diffrent name
Run visual studio as "administrator"
open website from iis
Click "Debug" from the menu bar
Click "Attach to Process"
Check the "Show processes from all users" checkbox in the bottom left corner

Select aspnet_wp.exe from the process list
select your created application pool from list
Click "Attach"
@Cool @Justcode my friend is having problem in sql server installation.I had suggested to ask you guys ,yesterday he did it here chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/21461443#21461443
Hi good Morning all
good mornng@Dinesh_Dini
@SpringLearner can not connect?
check your credentials properly
also check that you don't have sql service stopped
@AnantDabhi Good morning bro
good morning @sp
@AnantDabhi thanks
i wil try
did u try windows authentication
i forgot , can anyone remind me how to run stored procedure in SSMS ? :P
@Justcode I dont know what credentials he has entered
and how to check also check that you don't have sql service stopped
execute sp_name (parameters)
@Dinesh_Dini ?? not getting
@SpringLearner start > run > sql configuration manager >> sql server service >> rightclick check
there is state columns
@SpringLearner credentials are asked when you install it
also you can login using windows authentication create your user
EXEC dbo.uspGetEmployeeManagers @BusinessEntityID = 50;
@varsha right click >> execute
haha..thats better
@Justcode thanks
well do you know how to take sql servers data from system to another system
@Dinesh_Dini @Justcode ok i got it
@Justcode Vgm
@SpringLearner generate scripts
@AnantDabhi wassap?
I have a server database named as survey and it has 50 tables and all tables has got same values.I want to give this DB,table and every data to my friend so how to do?
in mysql we export and it comes in.sql file and we give this .sql to other users
@SpringLearner generate scripts with data
i dont know in sql server
@SpringLearner correct
how to do generate scripts?
@SpringLearner Use google
Bus jalsa hoo bhai
@SpringLearner right click database and go to task menu generate scripts.
@AnantDabhi I created a new pool , still it says the same
but i dont see aspnet_wp.exe
is asp application or asp.net or MVC ?
asp and asp.net combined
i have two projects one for asp which contains the asp files
and other one which has the asp.net files
i need to debug the asp.net page
i opened as a website
have you created new pool right ?
i created a new pool for the whole application itself
new pool named test1
@Dinesh_Dini thanks
in attach to process Window can you see that app. pool with process w3wp.exe ?
so I made script now,So it will have all the tables,stored procedures and all datas,Am I right?@Dinesh_Dini
@SpringLearner yea
@AnantDabhi yes i can see
@Justcode now how will my friend use this file?
@SpringLearner Yes
yes same screen
@SpringLearner oh man just execute that query...
there is two apps right account and tcc both are running in same pool or diffrent ?
@Justcode see in mysql,we are doing in command prompt and there we need to type source bacup.sql
we dont have console in sql server
@Justcode come on,dont be silly
@SpringLearner seriously yaar just execute that query nothing else
you are not using ssms?
do I need to open the .sql file,copy all the contents and paste the contents in the query window of sql management then execute
or is there any way to directly execute .sql file
In mysql we can directly execute .sql,no need to copy the file contents
@SpringLearner open with ssms then select database just execute
@Justcode thanks but I did not understand you
@SpringLearner lol wait
it could be either you did not understand my problem or I didnt what you said
well I wont take much time of yours
have you generated scripts?
do you have .sql file now?
@SpringLearner ok now there is ssms in your friends pc?
I have ssms in my system
i will just learn how it works
after going home i will tell my friend how to do
@SpringLearner ok
so now,
1) double click on that .sql file or open it with ssms
2) select database you want to execute on top left
3) execute your query
get it now?
on double click ,.sql file opens in notepad
@SpringLearner right click open it with ssms
ok wait
thanks @Justcode
Good afternoon all
gd aftn
can v add 2 itemPlaceholder in layouttemplate in listview?
O/ cool
hy @VikasRana
Hello harsh
please see above question?
does anyknow know how to keep running an application in notification area?
posted on February 11, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by kartsims */

@VikasRana @Justcode sqlfiddle.com/#!6/aa0e17/4
for getting the count values I am using 4 different values
is it possible to retrieve in a single query?
Hello guys....
What u want Actually?? @SpringLearner
i dont want to execute 4 quries
I want to happen all in one query
@SpringLearner You tried this??
select count(id) from status where value=1
select count(id )from status where value=2
select count(id) from status where value=3
select count(id) from status where value=4
yeh one answer from the question
yes and its working i think
Good morning @yash sir
good afternoon sirji....
kotha pe gya tha ke
din bhar talli
@Justcode hi
@yash hi
are bhai theka.....and nhi yaar marrige me thz
Hi all
I have a quick question
How do i find my default url in mvc view
I have to check if am at home page of my site
The coding love
When I remove my coworker's admin access
2 hours later…
Morning @Justcode
@Nimesh Very good morning dark night joker
@Nimesh Hello
!!echo @yash was on theka?
@Justcode Command was does not exist. Did you mean: wat (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Justcode hows ur work going?
@Justcode That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Nimesh work is increasing like pyramid u?
!!tell yash echo "was on theka?"
@Nimesh Command "was does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@yash "was on theka?"
@yash was on theka?
not bhai....in marrige....
@Justcode nothing special.. just like a kutub minar
@Nimesh and what about your internet?
mine work is like burj khalifa.....hahaha
@yash aah.. gulab jambu, halwa, rasgulla..!!
@Justcode sometime its working
ha bhai...kesar bati....ghevar...ras malai....
@yash watch mia khalifa :P
@Nimesh ok
hehehe yeah
you should stay there atleast for a night
rent could be so higher
hello @SpringLearner
is there any way to get output number of rows deleted
for example
@Mohit I think u r expert in RDBMS? (in creating relationship)
delete from de output deleted.test where ClaimVersion=5
if I do it gives me the value of test column
@SpringLearner no there is no log for deleted record. you can retrieve the no of affected rows at the time of query execution
you have to create a separate log table which holds the deleted record.
actually my problem is
you can insert the records in delete trigger
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spConfiguration_SubParts_Del]
@ID int

Declare @ERR int
set @ERR = 0
begin tran

    delete from SVC_PMS_KMRange_Map where QuickServicePartId in (select QuickServicePartsID from SVCQuickServiceParts where  SubPartsID=@ID )

    set @ERR = @@Error

    if @ERR = 0 begin
    delete from SVCSubPartsMap where SubPartsId=@ID
    set @ERR = @@Error

    if @ERR = 0 begin
    delete from SVCQuickServiceParts where SubPartsID=@ID
    set @ERR = @@Error
	if @ERR = 0 begin
this is the stored procedure
I am deleting from tables
lets say from 1st ,2nd and 3rd table there are no matching conditions for where clause
so no row is deletd
but there is a mathcing condition in 4th table and so row is deleted
see this screenshot
@Nimesh Just watching you for inspiration
when I call this SP from java it gives me 1 if and only if data are deleted from all the tables
Hi Guys
@SpringLearner have you checked @@ROWCOUNT ?
Hi @Nimesh
I was saying that because of this
Feb 4 at 5:15, by Mohit
there is only one Exception Caprica and Nimesh
and other messages after that
just now looking at this answer v
A: Getting no. of rows affected after running select query in SQL Server 2005

KM.capture @@ROWCOUNT into a variable, because it will change values each time you select it: DECLARE @Rows int ---your query here SELECT @Rows=@@ROWCOUNT you can then use it as necessary as @Rows

Feb 4 at 5:15, by Mohit
and .... and Nimesh
@SpringLearner yup exactly. you can create a variable and add the @ROWCOUNT value in that variable then at the end of the sp. you can return that value
@Mohit how are u?
i did like this
DECLARE @Rows   int
delete from de output deleted.test  where ClaimVersion=5

I am Good (in Theory)
but it does not give me value if no data is deleted
what about you?
DECLARE @Rows   int
SET @Rows  =0;

delete from de output deleted.test  where ClaimVersion=5

SELECT @Rows= @Rows + @@ROWCOUNT;
@Mohit Im fine
Im weak in theory
3 Managers hunting for me
so in theoretically I am all right till now
you are on hot seat
everybody needs you
something like that
!!afk coffee
our machine is not working
so no coffee or tea
only Tomato Soup
@Nimesh still id does not give me value
show me ur stored procedure
11 mins ago, by SpringLearner
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spConfiguration_SubParts_Del]
@ID int

Declare @ERR int
set @ERR = 0
begin tran

    delete from SVC_PMS_KMRange_Map where QuickServicePartId in (select QuickServicePartsID from SVCQuickServiceParts where  SubPartsID=@ID )

    set @ERR = @@Error

    if @ERR = 0 begin
    delete from SVCSubPartsMap where SubPartsId=@ID
    set @ERR = @@Error

    if @ERR = 0 begin
    delete from SVCQuickServiceParts where SubPartsID=@ID
    set @ERR = @@Error
	if @ERR = 0 begin
where you have added that variable?
@Nimesh sorry
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spConfiguration_test]
@ID int

Declare @ERR int
set @ERR = 0
DECLARE @Rows   int
SET @Rows  =0
begin tran

delete from de output deleted.test  where ClaimVersion=5
    set @ERR = @@Error

if @ERR = 0 commit tran
else rollback tran
SELECT @Rows= @Rows + @@ROWCOUNT;
@SpringLearner I need full stored procedure..
this is the part of the code
use pastie.org for that
this is the full SP
are u sure? then try to copy and paste in your notepad
this Sp [dbo].[spConfiguration_SubParts_Del] and the above one are different
I need a full stored procedure where you are deleting the records.
Alter Procedure sp_mySP

this is the structure
i need code from Begin to End
dear nimesh see this screenshot
I am only having this much code
you are not returning a DELETED ROW COUNT
check this out
still the same
(0 row(s) affected)

(0 row(s) affected)

(0 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)
how do u execute the stored procedure?
exec spConfiguration_SubParts_Del 66
DECLARE @result int;
EXECUTE @result = my_proc;
print @result
DECLARE @result int;
EXECUTE @result = spConfiguration_SubParts_Del 66;
select @result
I get an error
The variable name '@result' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
dont copy paste the code. have you copied all of six lines in your query editor?
Bye Guys
good.you should at-least read the above example first. the first 3 line is the example "how you can return a value from stored procedure?" and the other 3 lines are the actual code "how your code should be written?"
@Mohit bye buddy
bye mohit
I'm backkkkkkkkkk
@SpringLearner better if you hold on take a two hours rest and read one article of sql
who is at the front?
@Nimesh my head
I hope u're addressing it like "head person" not ur head of your body.
in C#, 22 secs ago, by Just code
Hi, Is there anyways that I can host my webapplication into IIS and can work all together in LAN? using visual studio
I really have no idea but I'm searching for something like more then one people can work together in LAN with same source
I know about TFS but finding something offline
Hi just code
@Justcode you just need to install the IIS on any machine and use the machine IP address instead of localhost
and the same port
@Nimesh but, working together?
there is also another tool like TFS @dotNetAddict is using it
To enable the IIS go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative tools > Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager
@Justcode u should also check SVN tool. its similar as TFS.
BYE have to go. time's up
@Nimesh git is best
2 hours later…
posted on February 11, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by EnjeruNyu */

2 hours later…
@Nimesh lots of work to do and time is less,so what ever you pasted,just copied
I even didnt read that fully
posted on February 11, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by GuskiS */

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