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Hello. I have a query on the below.
Q: hover styles should stay onclick on multilevel menu loading dynamically

Nathan LeeI have used the below script to create multilevel megamenu with a lot of customizations. Below is the JsFiddle link for the same. WORKING FIDDLE LINK Below is the CSS code for the same. /* ######### Drop Down DIVs CSS ######### */ .ddsubmenustyle, .ddsubmenustyle div{ /*topmost and sub DIV...

I would appreciate if you can spend some time to have a look.
Hi Sowmya and Ria
Hello. I have a query on the above.
Q: hover styles should stay onclick on multilevel menu loading dynamically

Nathan LeeI have used the below script to create multilevel megamenu with a lot of customizations. Below is the JsFiddle link for the same. WORKING FIDDLE LINK Below is the CSS code for the same. /* ######### Drop Down DIVs CSS ######### */ .ddsubmenustyle, .ddsubmenustyle div{ /*topmost and sub DIV...

I have seen you work on similar such questions @Sowmya
If you can provide some assistance, it would be great.
wil try
is this feasible? - @Sowmya
Where is multilevel
I am unable to see
JavaScript Reference > Item Folder 5b > Item Folder 5.2b
check my jsbin link.. Is ther something missing?
no jsfiddle is blocked in my work place
Yes. I just checked. The multilevel's are not opening up.
create one in jsbin and gv me tat link
ok. let me try
where can we add external js lib file in jsbin?
in direct code
I tried, but its not working
in HTML section
you have any other js bin like which is unblocked?
still the same.
send me tat extrnal file path
i will add by myself in js bin
nope evn ths is not accesble
is that code is lengthy?
yes. It is.
I tired in code pen, but it is not working like it works on jsfiddle.
sorry then
cant you run the fiddle using a proxy website?
here access is strictly blocked for other sites
cant u send the code directly here
Your company seems to be very strict.
zip file?
no direct code
Here you go.
if(typeof dd_domreadycheck=="undefined")
var dd_domreadycheck=false
var ddlevelsmenu={enableshim:true,arrowpointers:{downarrow:["../images/arrow-down.gif",11,7],rightarrow:["../images/arrow-right.gif",12,12],showarrow:{toplevel:true,sublevel:true}},hideinterval:200,effects:{enableswipe:true,enableslide:true,enablefade:true,duration:200},httpsiframesrc:"blank.htm",topmenuids:[],topitems:{},subuls:{},lastactivesubul:{},topitemsindex:-1,ulindex:-1,hidetimers:{},shimadded:false,nonFF:!/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent),ismobile:navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad)|(iPhone)|(iPod)|
I hope, it does not encrypt characters.
not working
dont u have this menu published in your website or in any servwer
Let me try uploading it.
wil b back in 5 min
Here you go
I have uploaded it above - @Sowmya
let me read ur question again
u meant to say
main menu link should be shown as active when the user is in the respective pgae/
when you hover, the css that you get applied with font bold and a darker shade of background color
that should be selected onclick
but all these is coming from a different location
but when u click on the link, is it oading in new page>
so lets say leftMenu.html, its a separate include
its is loading a new page
but everything is coming dynamically
that page loads at the center
Its purely javascript based menu
tat link page loades at the center but the existing page is nor refreshing right?
refreshing? As in?
let me give you an example
see when u click on the link, is ur page ur going to change?
Yes. It will change
yes. The URL will change
then it is like a new page load
its an xml/jsp based dynamic backend
in tat case u cant do anythng with css
This is how the url is structured on my backend
as you can see that localhost:8080/NW/…, the config=Sub Item 3.3b will be a new page
and that page will load at the center
so config=newpage will get loaded
u want to retain the active class in the each level of menu right?
avaScript Reference > Item Folder 5b > Item Folder 5.2b
all these 3 should be highligted?
am sorry
i have never seen such instances
only Item Folder 5.2b
should be selected
when the user is on Item Folder 5.2b page, the full navigation hierarchy of Reference > Item Folder 5b > Item Folder 5.2b should be selected which is happening on hover
do u hav active class name?
no dear
tat is no possible
atleast for me
we can try selecting only last one
that is also fine.
do u have active class name?

markermenu ul li a:hover, .markermenu ul li a.selected
.markermenu ul li a.selected is for the selected
$(".ddsubmenustyle ul li ul li ul li a").click(function(){
$(".ddsubmenustyle ul li ul li ul li a").not(this).removeClass(".selected");
try this
on the main js file?
$(".ddsubmenustyle ul li ul li ul li a").click(function(){
$(".ddsubmenustyle ul li ul li ul li a").not(this).removeClass("selected");
try adding in the page
let me check
dnt forgt to include jquery library
oh no..
I cannot use jquery :(
As there are a lot of dynamic library items coming via javaserver pages
and that was creating conflict
so jquery was not be used
only pure javascript
wait. Let me check that with a jquery.
ok this is all i knw
got to go now
Thnx a lot @Sowmya for your time and efforts.
no problm
pass me ur id
wil let u knw if i cm across any solution
u r frm?
I am from Tarrytown NY
I have have seen your blog posts
and I have liked reading them
thank you
After coming to SO, I saw your answers on incidentally those posts where I too had answers.
its ben quite lobng time since i wrote somethng there
have added ur id in gtalk
But its a good habit and believe me, you are doing a good job
ok thanks.
thnk u
You are welcome :)
Nice talking to you.. bye
same here
Btw, I just tried with jquery
and I used the 1.10.2.js
no luck?
Sorry, but it is not selecting the menus in their direction.
If I click on the item that needs to be selected, but 2 items, one above it and one below it gets selected
it is working in some case right?
then u need to play around with tat code
Yes, I shall, but unfortunately, I cannot use jquery
as I am unable to try with ur code, I jus gave a blind rule
but y
it s jus 2 lines of code
I have to go with a pure javascript solution, as there are n number of conflicts with java server pages.
The full frame work also included, jquery.js
That makes a lot of conflict
ur wish
I have argued them with the core developers
but no one bothers what UI developers say
So it was not in my hands.
jquery is a main source for UI
\how can they say no for that
They got some widget libraries created for another application coming on the same web page
so when they integrated the same with jquery, they had lot of conflicts
so they rejected the use of jquery and suggested to go with only pure javascripting.
that happen when they use multiple vrsions of jquery libraries
so u always should use latest library link so u dnt hav to update it
pure js'ing is outdated now
u shouldhv explained them about the proper usage of jquery
I have said them, but even say that thier widgets are old, just that the client loves them and they dont want to change their minds
Even they agree, but reluctant to use
I have convinced them
u are into website dev?
They have started working on it, but this being an important project, they are not willing to risk
UI/UX/Wordpress/Web development
oh thn it is always client call, cant ignore their words
Yes. Every company runs because of them only.
So have to obey them.
so how you get your bread and butter?
I mean, eventually every one has a client to report
Me too.
But their end usage is on a technology that the client demands
oh ok
I am a freelance consultant, working on projects ranging from 4months-8months
I cannot reveal, contract binding
like removing messages :)
ha ha
open forum so removing is must
I understand.
But firewall as well.
They do track everything
not for the comapny
i meant for the public user
Its strange that your company has blocked jsFiddle.
what you can do with that by blocking it.
I dnt undrstnd y
What company you work for?
I hope its not confedential like me.
k cya some other time
okies.. cya
Nice talking to you..

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