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and they're still mining on ghash.
5 hours later…
We need Brock. Or someone to engage me in my blather.
2 hours later…
I am here!
And yes they're still on GHash. Hopefully they'll be making an announcement about their plans on Friday.
I feel like another jump in value is coming soon.
whatever it is, I may or may not did or did not do it
You trouble maker brock
Have you guys looked at the data tank mining stuff?
I feel like that's gonna be huge
They're saying they can double the hashrate of a miner
All those out of date boards suddenly become viable again
Yeah that
Nothing gets announced tomorrow in the US, Spencer... they're a US outfit, aren't they?
DataTank or whatever is crazy ambitious.
@Billdr - No PETA-mine is Belgian.
It's my last day at this job
So we won't be seeing you for a bit?
No idea what the new place is like in terms of being able to idle in a chat room all day , most likely a no go for that, trade secrets and what not document I just signed today, I'm guessing its pretty tight there
But, I'd like to get a home pc working again so I can idle in any chat room I want all day!
and then just remote desktop to your home pc!
I'll be making 20 bathroom trips a day just to chat about BTC price...
also, SO chat on your phone isn't terrible ;)
I love seeing things like this in other ppls code: // TODO something with this function cause its blowing my mind
awesome. bitcoinwisdom showing ads for "chinese-lady.com"... "10,000 women profiles! Check out or miss out!"
Sweet, just setup my iPhone wallet. Can't wait to buy something
Next time I see some hipster running a food truck...
I'm hoping to go to buenos aires in November.
Soooo many bitcoin merchants there.
And I've just happened to want to visit there for a few years now. So it's perfect.
With any luck there will be a huge price jump before I go haha.
Whats that? You have no money? Heres ma bitcoin! Now give me my damn foot massage! <-- how I envision your vacation
lol pretty much.
Have you looked at the area on coinmap?
naw just know they are hugely into it as their currency went to shit
99 on coinmap.
Be careful with that
@Billdr - How so?
In vegas one in three didn't know what I was talking about.
ah for sure
still, it's a pretty good sign
Got my MtGox postcard
Japanese writing is very pretty.
Vegas is only 32
ive seen many posts about those cards, what are they?
MtGox owes me money (technically, I had dust there)
So the Japanese bankruptcy courts are contacting everyone with the contact info for the person running the show.
sending this postcard is already more than my lost bitcoins were worth, so I figure I'ma profit on this.
or at least get more than my share of resources devoted to me.
My NFC ring also arrived. Way more excited about this.
NFC ring?
cost me like .1btc or so back in November.
I need to surf kickstarter more often
and it's not the one I ordered. Great.
I was post kickstarter... they did bitcoin black friday
2 hours later…
(ˇ_ˇ”) ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ(ˇ_ˇ”) ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ(ˇ_ˇ”) ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
thats my its 450 at my last job dance, dance
Removing all traces of myself... /delete
Catch ya'll laters
later man
see you soon!
/moonwalks out
Good job Brock

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