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Could someone report this user (stackoverflow.com/users/813759/lasseschou) recent 6 answers to smokey
7 hours later…
Flag spam ^^^
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
I love how spam in Discussions now is about open source software like what is even the purpose of this :') LOL
@MarcoBonelli 0/10 - lacks any leaked videos of Linus Torvalds.
@VLAZ for real
2 hours later…
@ThierryLathuille wow, that is wild. Glad I don't have to use Python
that else should definitely be called then or something sensical
How to get rid of AI generated answer on my question after mod mishandled the flag?
@Joshua What answer are you talking about and what do you mean by mishandled? Declined? Marked as helpful but didn't delete?
@Starship: I flagged this answer stackoverflow.com/a/77903423/14768 as AI generated; flag got declined (at a time where the backlog was horrific); but I now have seen enough ChatGPT to recognize patterns that ChatGPT generates that people just don't. The answer is 1) AI generated and 2) hopelessly wrong; and the only other answer by OP is suspect but too short for me to know for sure.
(Read the first version of the answer for the AI-ness to stand out; Λlμ tried to erase the signs in an edit)
@Joshua I've also flagged tons of AI and I'd say I would be extremely surprised if that was AI generated. I honestly don't know if its right or wrong, I don't know enough to say that...
@Joshua Some examples of "giveaways" is the use of personal pronouns (AI almost never does that). Also the original version has a minor grammar mistake.
@Starship I've cast 5 delvotes. I cannot cast any more because either the answers already has one of my delvotes on it, or the answer doesn't have negative score. 20k delvotes can't be cast on answers with non-negative score.
I also can't downvote the answers more because I've already tried to downvote all the ones that are either duplicate or just terrible.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that an answer can be elusively one or the other.
@VLAZ Thanks. Hopefully if 2 other users do the same some of that can get cleaned up. I notice you cast the final vote on 4 answers so at least its a bit better now
Yes, third vote on 4, second on the 5th.
I've also gone ahead and mod-flagged the question because some of the dupes are quite high scoring and there's too many to flag each one
The issue with that post is that it's such a slog to go though. I've been following it for months (maybe a year, dunno) and people keep posting the same answers that already exist a dozen times. And often, their answer is not even great to begin with. I was shocked when recently a user posted a new unique answer that was also good. Well, niche but good.
@VLAZ Is that question protected (if not please protect it)?
:57749939 Please post properly-formatted *-pls requests for specific content (one message per post) if you want users to review and act on them here
@Starship It's protected. But answers come from users who have enough rep to bypass the protection.
^ exhibit #9,001 of why we need a second level of protection available for Qs with 10+ answers already
or some review queue for users to review whether an additional answer should get posted if the poster has less than 100 score in the language tag on the question or something, but who wants another review queue
@TylerH Yeah seriously.
Ooh. Bot Idea. What if we had a bot that would report any answer to a question with more than 10 answers (which is about 0.33% of questions) or any answer to a question with more than 5 deleted answers each from different users (idk how many that it is but probably not much). Maybe there could also be a way to add a question to the list manually too?
we kinda have that
it's called late answers
@KevinB Yeah. But evidently plenty of late answers slip through the cracks
@KevinB Also this would be decrease the likelihood of a question ever getting to the point where it has 100 duplicates answers and its a really annoying and lengthy job to clean up
Also, making sure that its deleted with 60 days means no users will keep the rep for their duplicate answers
@Starship I think that's essentially the same as a review queue, just less discoverable/usable
because you have to be wherever the bot is reporting the finds when it reports them, rather than being able to go to some page on the site itself
(not sure why this exists, given we have a review queue for it)
1 hour later…
@TylerH Isn't natty basically the same as a review queue just less discoverable/usable
(Yes I know theres autoflagging but it is very rare that natty autoflags something)
yes and it's a lot of extra work compared to a review queue. Imagine if Natty's functionality were baked into the site for all users over a certain threshold to use
@TylerH That exists
It's called the late answer review queue and the 10k tools page
@TylerH Considering just how many posts there it would be really really annoying to make a message for each one
How do I improve the title of this question? (it's too vague) stackoverflow.com/q/31953485/2943403
@mickmackusa I read the title and thought it didn't tell me anything about the question. But then I read the body. And I really can't think of any title that fits it. The only improvement to the title might be adding a question mark. Because it really is asking if such a thing exists...by showing an associative array of arrays.
I'm really wondering how to even answer it with anything more than "yes".
Like, any possible answer you can give, just affirms that associative arrays of arrays do exist as demonstrated by the one OP already has.
@VLAZ Is it asking how to access the data? It doesn't seem to be asking how to create such a structure.
> For example, $fooo['dog'] returns an array where $dog[0]='pages' and $dog[1]='home'
Which is already accessing the data. OP just says "This seems wrong". But...it's working code.
@Starship that's how the room works, though. And yes, we generally ask you to keep the number of requests you make in a day to an unspecified reasonable amount, for that reason
To me it reads like somebody goes over at Math and asks "Brackets in brackets?" and the body is "I have the equation (2 + (2 + 2)) and that equals 6. This seems wrong".
@TylerH In my mind at least, it's enough dupes that I'm really making 1 request. For example, I didn't flag every dupe answer. I flagged the question for dupe cleanup.
One request is for one post, that's not really up for debate
@TylerH Don't you think it would be annoying if I put 25 del-pls reqs in a row rather than 1 req for looking over a question?
Yes it would be, which is why you shouldn't be requesting us to delete 25 posts all at once in the first place
@TylerH That's my point. I'm asking for cleaning up of 1 question.
generally speaking, we also frown upon requests of types that the requestor themself doesn't have privileges for in the first place, and want those kept to a minimum
to ensure that we don't get overzealous deletion or closure sprees occurring by well-meaning but misguided users
If there are 25 posts that you think should be deleted, that's 25 messages you should expect to post, which means you should be prepared to spread them out over several days, at least
but "go here and delete 25 unspecified posts please" is not really something this room is going to allow
Because that's very difficult-to-impossible for us to reliably discuss if there are questions or issues w/ individual posts
@TylerH Question for you. What seems easier for the people looking at these reqs (and at least 2 users did look at the req and decided to cast del votes)? Each day posting a few stuff to look at, or 1 day giving them a link to go clean it all up at once.
If you think we should change the rules, you're free to propose a room meeting discussion topic
But just trying to argue that you don't think you should have to follow the rules isn't the way to go about things
@TylerH I don't think I should be exempt from the rules
@TylerH But yeah i do think it would make to have an exception exist for something like this (another possible time when 1 message would be easier if you think all of user's posts should be closed/deleted and there's a lot of them)
@Starship hang on, all of a user's posts? If this is about a single user's posts, then it's not just rules 12 and 27 you're at risk of running afoul of, but also the rule against user targeting
@TylerH This isn't about a single user's posts
That was jus tan example of another use case
OK, you used the possessive "user's" so it sounded like it was, for a second
@Starship In addition to it being against the rules, making one request of "please go and delete 25 answers on [this question]" is quite inconsiderate of the users in here that you are asking to do that. You are the one that wants that question cleaned up. You have, presumably, already done the work to evaluate those 25 answers and know why they should be deleted. You need to individually communicate each answer and the reason it should be deleted, so others can easily evaluate them.
If you just dump a question in here saying "go clean it up", you're asking multiple people to each redo all the work of figuring out which answers should be deleted and why. That is inconsiderate of those people's time, particularly given that A) you've, presumably, already done that work, and B) you are asking them to work on something you care about. If you want it to happen and are asking other people to do work, then you should try to make it as easy as possible for them to do it.
The way to make it easy for them is to provide a request for each answer which you feel should be deleted, clearly stating why that answer should be deleted. Users can then just click on the link to the answer and evaluate that reason. If they agree, then they can vote to delete it. If they don't agree with the reason, then they can just close the tab or, if they choose, investigate further for other reasons the answer should, perhaps, be deleted.

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